MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > White men with Asian wives

White men with Asian wives

Always much older. And always look the same.

A guy said to me his girlfriend was dropping by, and this is a bald white man in his 50s, and I pictured her as Asian. Sure enough, she was. Looked like a Thai hooker if I'm being honest.

I feel sorry when they have kids. The age gap is one thing with a wife, but when the dad is 50+ having kids, that's a big generational gap.

Those kids will be burdened looking after an elderly father in their 20s.


I was on holiday with my kids a few years ago (in the UK) and we saw a couple exactly like you're describing! πŸ˜‚ Wherever he walked she walked about three paces behind.


Im a brown guy (36) with an Asian wife (41) . Does that sit alright with you? Mixed raced marriage is a pretty beautiful thing if you ask me

Burdened with taking care of? Wtf ? Hate to be in yer family eh


Hey! I LIKE you. Caring for loved ones is no burden. This is not a website with a very mature and sophisticated poster base. I hope you stick around nonetheless.


Cheers buds . I like talkin bout movies too much to leave!


That's fine bro, my problem is white men basically get mail order brides who really only want to get a visa and jump social classes from the 3rd world to the 1st world.

When they have kids and the children have a dad who is going to be elderly when they're 20, that's sad.


You should enlighten those poor Asian wives and see how they react . Maybe they will change their path and find a young hip ethnic stud, yah know true love


Maybe, life is too short to be stuck with an old white man.


Maybe worry about your own pathetic life. It seems likely you complain about other people's choices because you are either too young to understand life or too unappealing to get a girlfriend of your own, or a boyfriend. Tons of white guys would love to ditch their old, overweight, out of shape, lazy, bossy American wives, but they are stuck with them, the alternative being a huge alimony payment.


Hence the show 48 hours πŸ˜‚


LOL. Better make sure that's OK with the OP. The stereotypes about brown people are just as bad as those about Asians ... meanwhile while white American sit in judgement of everyone else, the country is devolving into chaos and hatred and most of the world is turning against us. I guess we think we can fix that by wasting more money on building newer nuclear weapons?


I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and you see a lot of white men and Asian women of the same age together. Go to any Asian restaurant in the Bay Area, and you'll see big Asian families, with grandma, grandpa, the adult children and their spouses and kids, and there will always be one white son-in-law.

It's a different dynamic than the older white guys with their mail-order brides, the same-age couples are people who've grown up together.


Grew up in the Bay Area ... where are you now?

Always lots of all kinds of interracial couples here. I thought passing judgement over people's coupling choices went out with the movie "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner".


Like everyone who grew up in the Bay Area, I'm someplace cheaper now. I got priced out.

And yeah, interracial couples are more common than mud there, it's just that when I'm there you'll usually find me in Asian restaurants, where you see the big families with the white son-in-law. Who is typically the same age as his wife.


I am quite used to being the only white guy in my favorite Vietnamese restaurants at times.

Some place cheaper sounds interesting. In CA still or out of state? I am looking for a cheaper place to live, plus the Bay Area is becoming more of a pain than a pleasure these days.


Nothing is smugger than a Bay Area foodie who's realized they're the only white person/people in an ethnic restaurant! Been there, believe me.

I live in the Sacramento area, which FYI has had an explosion of real estate prices in the last few years. It was affordable when I moved here, but it seems that when working-from-home came to Silicon Valley, half the Bay Area moved here and bought up everything and rented all the affordable apartments. Not coincidentally, low-income housing is vanishing and the homeless population has exploded.


I'm not smug about my foodieism ... just noting the reality. I happen to really love Vietnamese food.

I went to University in Chico, so I like that area, but with the Paradise fire a few years back I don't think prices are much cheaper. Sacramento is so hot, dry and flat ... but it is an actual city, and close to a lot of nice stuff.

The Bay Area is not getting any cheaper. I figure the longer I can hold out the more I can sell, or rent my house for ... I just cannot afford to have a very good life living here anymore. All the stuff I liked about it here is gone or changed to the point that I don't care for it anymore.

Real Estate is funding most people's retirement now, so it is sad but I am not expecting prices to go down or much low-income housing to be built. I think it is the very rich people dominating the market for lumber, labor and materials. There needs to be huge progressive taxes on real estate, or limits on how much a home can be.

There's lots of homeless around the Bay Area, but that started in the 80's. I am looking for somewhere else to be ... maybe Vietnam is a real answer. Thailand, Mexico, Costa Rica - all the places where global warming is going to be hitting.


β€œAlways much older.”

Not always.


I was waiting for that. πŸ˜†


So was I.


I was waiting for


Yeah, that too!


Don't deflect, cradle robber.


One of my friends has an Asian wife. They're both the same age and she is literally the only person in the entire world who he is intimidated by.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Just saying she’s not a stereotypical timid girl.


I am single in my 40s and I think of trying to find a Japanese woman because I am studying the Japanese language. I am white.


I am married and 50 and I think of trying to find a Japanese woman because I watch Kung fu movies. I am white also.


I am single and in my late 30s and I think of trying to find a Japanese woman because I want to model kimonos. I am white also.


I am married and 55 and I think of trying to find a Japanese woman because I like to drink Asahi beer. I am white also.


Sapporo over asahi .


Those who think of trying to find a Japanese woman unite!!


My favourite beer of all time is Tsing Tao.


Not Bintang?


I only drink it when I’m in Indo.


"I am married and 50 and I think of trying to find a Japanese woman because I watch Kung fu movies."

I think you mean Samurai movies. Kung fu would be Chinese.


I think you’ll find he was being ironic.


This thread gets bonus points because no one mentioned finding a Japanese woman to help them play unlocalized Japan only video games.


My first grade school crush that I can recall was on a cute Japanese girl sitting in the row next to mine. In high school, living in Hawaii, I had a girlfriend who was a Japanese/Polynesian mix; damn she was pretty! In my 20s, I had a pretty Asian/American girlfriend. In my late 30s, I had a crush on a co-worker who was Chinese/Puerto Rican. I definitely have a weakness for that exotic beauty.


Be careful, or "sslssg" will accuse you of being racist. πŸ™„


I never accused you of being racist, I said that your post was to incite race baiting.


How is curiosity about, and commenting on, a person's headgear "race baiting?"

It's all in your mind, and you are inordinately bothered by this subject.


Not really. What does bother me is that this site is turning into a place where all anyone does is post about trans people, race, and American politics. I'm bothered that there were some really great posters who have walked away because of the type of posts on this site.

You say that being curious about the headwear of a group of people is just innocent, but when you refer to it as a tablecloth, it's very similar to the ethnic slur commonly used for turbans and keffiyehs. If you were really curious, you could have just asked if the specific pattern had a significance for royalty.

I'm also not the one who has brought this up in another post. If you really didn't mean anything by it, you could have just said so. Instead, you insulted me twice, deleted one insult, and then brought it up elsewhere, while implying that I will accuse anyone of being racist. I don't call Ticketsplease a racist, because they are just a sock troll who consistently inflammatory posts.


Except Ticketsplease is absolutely a racist. He was when he was Intothenight and he still is now with whoever he’s pretending to be this week. I have no problem calling it for what it is πŸ™‚


I just didn't think that racist fully encased all the disgusting things he is.


Very true. I said this to another mate in private messaging but I’m absolutely astounded that anyone who knows what he’s truly like responds to even his benign ramblings with anything other than contempt. He seems to switch gears for a bit and pretends to be a normal functioning human being and everyone just forgets the horrible shit he’s spewed in the past and acknowledges him with replies, which spurs him on to drop another ugly inflammatory post because he knows he can get away with it.

I for one refuse to play his asinine games. He can go to hell for all I care.


I need to be better at not responding. Like to the post mentioned in this comment. I just am so torn. I feel that if I am quiet, it means I agree.


I think you’re being a little hard on yourself. What about the thousands of comments that you don’t have time to read; non-response doesn’t mean acceptance. Just don’t engage - they’ll get bored eventually and leave.


β€œJust don’t engage - they’ll get bored eventually and leave.”

I wish all of the regulars could get on the same page about this. Seriously, we should figure out a way to make this happen.


Unfortunately, not everyone agrees on who should be avoided.

For example, there is a poster who’s threads resemble a random stream of consciousness, that asks the same questions repeatedly and floods the boards constantly, whom I refuse to engage with, however, several posters admittedly enjoy his madness, so who am I to pass judgment?


The poster your referring to seems to not have malicious intent though.


Flooding the boards with crap is malicious in my opinion, although not shared by others, so there you go.

I will refuse to engage with him and other posters will refuse to engage with others; we will never all agree.


You have a point there.


"we will never all agree."

Of course. Wouldn't that be a Pollyannaish expectation to begin with, especially in an internet forum?


I agree.


Thank you for your response. I understand that you dislike the "tablecloth" remark, but I assure you, I was trying for humor. I know nothing about the Saudi people and have no reason to disparage them.

I AM struck at how strongly you feel, but I still think you are overreacting. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


I think that you are attributing more feeling to my comments than was intended. I do not feel that strongly on your specific comment, I am missing my friends who have left because this place is becoming a cesspool.


I am missing my friends who have left because this place is becoming a cesspool.

So then, my remark "triggered" you? πŸ˜•


Nope, but now you are just trying to goad me, so I think we can drop any pretense that you were trying to have an honest conversation.


I give up... You're so suspicious..... Enjoy your life. ❓


I β€œseen” your prior reply about missing people. Where did they go? Seriously though, are you ever curious about the genetic make-up of other humans? I am so I do research. Why do Asians have different shaped eyes and of shorter stature? Why do Blacks have different shaped facial features and bodies.

There are diseases more prevalent in Blacks such as sickle cell anemia. It also affects Hispanics from Central & South America. Middle Eastern people have different features. Whites are genetically weaker and less diverse than Blacks.

Interesting to find out about our fellow man…woman. πŸ€”
