Debate tonight

What movies will you be watching instead?

I'm thinking 40 Year Old Virgin



Masterminds (1997) Patrick Stewart takes on a skateboarding Teen Hacker.



[insert master debater joke]


😆 🤣 😂


🤣😂 Nice lol.

Someone just told me about 'In Time' (2011), and the story sounds like it's right up my alley, so I might check it out.


Let me know what you think.


7/10 It was pretty good. Here are the notes I took if I ever write a review for it:

• The opening setup was a little rough around the edges. I think some of it was Timberlake’s acting. Why was he even helping the suicidal guy???

• The social commentary was heavy-handed and very on-the-nose, but the plot and character motivations were ambiguous and hard to understand. Again, I think partly because Justin Timberlake didn’t have the chops to bring it.

• Working-class London thugs in Skid Row? WTF??
• Cillian Murphy’s character motivations become clearer as the story progresses.
• Cillian Murphy knowing Timberlake's dad was a little contrived, but I’m used to that in these types of films.
• The arm-wrestling trick was stupid.
• Amanda Seyfriend was believable in the role of an out-of-touch rich girl, also this is the hottest she has ever looked.
• Not sure the world of the movie makes sense, but who cares?
• Timberlake weakest part of the film. They needed a better actor because a lot of his motivations were not in the dialog.

• This should have been a 1995 Van Damme movie directed by John Woo or Ringo Lam. Mattias Hues should’ve played Cillian Murphy’s character 😆😆

Now its your turn, what did you think of it?


I'll see if my attention span is better today. If so, I'll try to watch it before the club tonight.
I put in OT yesterday because my attention span was trash.


Oh shit I thought you had watched it before! I hope I didn’t spoil anything too bad😬


You're good. Lol. I Don't mind spoilers. It's the journey that makes the destination.


I am also interested in what you think.



What did you think of it?


It's a movie that I love the concept, but didn't really love the execution. I mean I liked it enough that I've seen it a couple of times now, but I think that it's one that could use a remake someday to tighten it up, or to just use the concept of time as currency.


A few people had hyped up that movie way too much to me. When I watched it, I was underwhelmed. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it more than I did. Now go post a guess on my game. ;)


Let's say you could live forever in this life as you are?

What would you want to do but never get around to? Like learning piano, or climbing everest.

Oooh... imagine being Ali e forever but being frozen on everest . . Yeesh.


I would hang out with Sean Connery and find all the other immortals and chop their heads off.


Lol. I think hanging out at the bottom of the lake could be cool... unless it's too deep to see.


Tonight, at the Keeper’s residence, on the bill we got Creed III.
💥 🥊 🧔🏾‍♂️

Pretty sure I’m going to cry again. These movies man…


The Beekeeper (2024) One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after he is revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as "Beekeepers." Jason Statham


This is to get you ready for the movie.


Wow that was soooo weird. I'm about 35 minutes in and I'm loving it. I was in the mood for pure fun, revenge flick, and this is it. So far kinda has the same vibe as Becky 2020.



Shaving Ryan's Privates


"Grumpy old men" might be appropriate


