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Clapping and cheering in the theater

Have you ever been to a movie where the audience cheered or clapped during the movie or at the end? If so which movie(s) was it?


Oh, sure!

One of the most memorable times was..

โ€˜Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.โ€™

The theatre went nuts!

eta: If you know the movie then I bet you read that in a Spanish accent๐Ÿ˜„


I indeed know the movie and read it in a Spanish accent. And somewhere in a future reply to you I'm going to work in an "as you wish". ๐Ÿ˜Š


Iโ€™m down !


Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) when the Shelby flew in the air and landed.


Another one to put on my list of movies to watch. I figure if people were clapping and cheering they must be good!


Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

Pan (2015), Warner Brothers' Peter Pan film

The Lorax

Norm of the North

All of the clapping and cheering happened after each of the movies finished; they were part of midweek discount movie summertime showings ($1 per person). There were lots of summer camp kids and many other children too, including one of my younger family members, who was then a little older than a toddler during this period of time. The round of applause caught my twin and I by surprise, not being used to it. It was surreal, I'll tell you that, especially for 'Norm of the North' since a lot of people walked out of the theater during that showing. Looking back, they were funny experiences.



This makes me smile. If only we all could look at life through the joyous eyes of a child. Maybe there would be more clapping in theaters if we did. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Not something Iโ€™ve ever encountered in jolly old England, but it happened regularly when I was living in Florida.


It's interesting, I never really thought of clapping and cheering in theaters as an American thing. I have learned something! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Yeah, just once.

"Superman 2"

When the movie ended these words came on screen....

"Coming soon Superman 3"

When that appeared the entire audience cheered. There was a big YYYAAAAAAYYYYY! and clapping.


Thanks for sharing that. Excitement about a sequel is a new reason for cheers and claps in this thread. They must have liked Superman 2 a lot. I did, especially that ice world he went to.


Yeah, there was a big upswing during the final scene, when Clark gets back at the trucker in the diner.

Shortly thereafter, Superman is flying by. You could sense the audience was all up and into it.

Then - The Superman 3 announcement and boom - everyone went crazy.


I remember people cheering at the end of Rocky 2 and the original Karate Kid.


It's sounding like clapping and cheering at theaters is more common than I thought. Maybe I haven't been watching the right movies. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Long time ago. Been to many movies since and haven't heard any cheering and clapping (lots of talking though)


The Full Monty opening night. I had to watch that movie again soon after as the audience was laughing so much, and then cheering during the performance at the end that I missed a lot of the dialogue.

About a month ago the audience applauded at the end of a screen of Back to the Future. I thought that was weird.


I guess we would call that nostalgia-induced applause.


I'll never forget the night my family went to see Star Trek: Insurrection. That night, apparently a lot of college-age sci-fi geeks (my family lived in a college town at the time) were in the theater with us. So we're watching the previews, and the official one for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace came on, and the entire auditorium clapped and cheered after it was over, which I thought was cool :D

They did not do the same for the Star Trek movie, but I know everyone enjoyed it. In fact, the audience laughed at the jokes several times during the movie, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood after it was over :)


I like the clapping and cheering during movies. I think it turns it into more of a shared experience. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Aw man, you should have seen what it was like when we watched "The Grinch" in theaters in 2000 :D People were laughing their heads off throughout the movie! xD
