MovieChat Forums > Quentin Tarantino Discussion > Kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein

Kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein

I am very disappointed In you, Quentin. I expected better of you.


He's was too busy fantasising about womens feets to notice anthing




He knew but he wanted to get his scripts funded so he didn't say anything. Hollywood's a sh!thole.


<< He knew but he wanted to get his scripts funded so he didn't say anything. >>

Weinstein basically handed Mr. Tarantino his career and millions.

Even now he's not exactly addressing the issue(s) with guns blazing.

Pathetic. QT's always seemed pretty @sshole-y, tho. That scrunched up face says it all.


"He knew but he wanted to get his scripts funded so he didn't say anything. Hollywood's a sh!thole"

Yup, totally. But of course an industry which makes so much money will never be a place where everything is clean. Of course a lot of people take good use of this opportunity, but a lot of people will do stupid things for money, like for instance, closing their eyes on obviously inappropriate behaviours.




He worked with Rose McGowan on 2007's "Grindhouse".

He'd better hope she remembers him fondly, because she's not keeping quiet there days.


Oh, definitely not fondly, she isn't remember him!


I suspect most people in the business knew but pretend to be outraged and shocked now that it's been brought to light. Quentin is at least honest about it.


I agree. To an extent he's taken some responsibility but I think there are a lot of people who are lying about having no idea about Harvey being the sick predator he is. But self preservation is a virtue and quite obviously everyone is gonna cover their own ass before anyone else's.


What did you guys expect him, or anyone else in his position, to do, assuming he knew about the alleged abuse?

Weinstein doesn't work for Tarantino, so he has no authority over Harvey.

I don't understand what people expect a third party to do. Was Tarantino supposed to go to the police or start a law suit on behalf of the women? Or do people expect him to use his fame to start a public shaming campaign on his own and act as judge, jury and executionor in he court of public opinion?


How about break off contact with him?

"It wasn't just rumors or gossip. It wasn't second hand. I knew he'd done a couple of those things". Yet there's photos of them together smiling and laughing together over the years, even until recently? The fact that he remained friends with him when he knew tells you everything about him.


I don't know. What if you learnt that your close business associate, the person who finances your projects, had done bad things. For example, that he hit his wife.

Would you cut off all ties?

What if in addition to being your business associate he was your decades long friend?

What if instead of your business associate/friend he was your boss, would you quit your job?

I don't think there is a clear answer as to what a person is such a situation is obligated to do, even if we could probably agree on what would be ideal.


Uh, sorry pal but if I had a friend who had been sexually harassing, assaulting, and abusing women for decades, I'm not sticking by or defended that pos. And this wasn't just accusations either. Terantino said himself he knew about this firsthand.


So Renovatio would definitely protect a rapist. What a gutless little piece of shit.


You're mistaken. I'm not Weinstein's lawyer, nor am I Tarantino's for that matter.

What did YOU expect Tarantino to do?

Should he have gone to the police? Should he have filed a law suit against Weinstein?

By what right should he do any of this? He wasn't a party to these actions, nor does he have authority over Weinstein. Is it his obligation to report such a matter or is it the victim's?

Or are you just upset that bad people can maintain friendships and working relationships? How is that "protecting a rapist"? It's not like Tarantino lied to the police on Weinstein's behalf...

Please, help me understand.


You need someone to help you understand it's wrong to protect a rapist? You need someone to help you understand that when you KNOW a predator is repeatedly raping people you tell the cops? You need someone to help you understand the welfare of countless people is more important than making some more money?

You are not just a gutless piece of shit, you're truly loathsome. You probably wonder why everyone hates you and YES everyone you know does hate you.


No. Don't try to twist my words. That doesn't work as everyone can read what I actually wrote and can see clearly how disingenuous you are being.

I am not Tarantino. I am not Weinstein, stop trying to frame things that way and with the ad hominems towards me just because you can't make sense. Now, back to the topic...

What did you expect Tarantino to do?


Stop protecting a guy he KNEW raped women.

Use his considerable fame, MUCH GREATER FAME THAN HARVEY HAD, to shine a light on the guy and stop him from raping women.

Actually help women by stopping a predator instead of claiming to like women while not only doing FUCK ALL but actively making sure a predator kept raping women.

Confront Harvey and demand he come forward and get help or QT would out him.

Are you seriously as gutless and stupid as you seem? QT put Harvey on the map not the other way around. He had the power and did NOTHING. He's a pathetic little bitch.


I could see how he should have confronted Harvey... That would have been the "right" thing to do.

But I don't buy the claim that he was obligated to use his fame to publically lead a crusade against Weinstein. Just a quick google of Weinstein's name and I see much bigger and more famous actresses who have only just come out with harrassment allegations. Gwenyth Paltrow & Angelina Jolie are each far more famous than Tarantino and kept quiet for years and they were allegedly harrassed by Weinstein. So how should we expect a Tarantino, i.e. a third party, to take the lead in such matters?

It's one thing to say he should come forward to the authorities with any evidence he may have as to an investigation of an actual case, but it's quite another to disparage him for not leading the charge in the media when more famous and powerful women who are only now coming out with allegations have kept quiet for decades... They were party to these incidents and kept quiet, yet you expect someone who wasn't a party to lead the charge?

Also, I don't see how Tarantino was "actively making sure a predator kept raping women." as you put it (emphasis added). Could you clarify please? I don't follow celebrity gossip so might be missing some crucial details about Tarantino's role given how passionate your responses are... How did he "actively" cover up for Weinstein?

P.S. I ask you again to refrain from personal attacks against me and calling me names. If you're not interested in having a civilised discussion about this topic, then just say so. We can both save a lot of time.


Great, another retarded troll.

First, he never protected Tarantino, he just said that he did what everyone around did: Kept his mouth shut.

Second, at least he comes up with argument, something you fail to do.

Third, answer the fucking question instead of twisting words and calling him a "loathsome" person.


Expecting anything but self-centeredness and greed from Tarantino is contra-indicated


Yeah, I'm also disappointed. He seemed more honorable than that.


Really? When did Tarrantino ever seem honorable, moral, helpful, or interested in doing the right thing? Quite frankly he always struck me as sleazy, and rumor has it that he's not exactly above reproach when it comes to the treatment of women who work with him.


"rumor has it that he's not exactly above reproach when it comes to the treatment of women who work with him."


I could agree that he doesn't look like a really honorable person, but his talent is undeniable. He clearly has a twisted mind and his movies prove it, but the fact that he work for Weinstein Company made the movies the way they are possible.

Of course it is kinda wrong, but who talked? Quentin wasn't thevonly person aware, and as you seem to say, he doesn't strike me as the first person who would stand up to do things right.
