MovieChat Forums > Jerry Seinfeld Discussion > "I miss dominant masculinity..." Seinfel...

"I miss dominant masculinity..." Seinfeld Continues To Alienate Fan Base

Following on from his zionist / supremacist stance on Palestine, he's gone and shot himself in the foot again here:-

Questionable dating practices, questionable ethics re slaughter of innocence and now missing the Sean Connery woman slapping Bond era as well... This guy is really blowing his legacy!


"When I was in that era, again, it was JFK, Muhammad Ali, Sean Connery, Howard Cosell, that’s a real man."

I find some of his choices odd. Perhaps he was making a joke?


I've never heard of that Howard Cosell before. Just looked him up - He looked a bit like Walter Matthau!


Extremely famous Monday Night Football host. I tuned in just to watch him. He had a distinctive voice and delivery.


In reverse, I suspect Americans would have no idea who David Coleman was either. Funny though, you think of US celebs being as well known in the UK but I guess famous TV news / sports presenters could walk the streets here pretty anonymously.


I wasn't sure if you were just too young to know him or not American.

I wouldn't expect any non-American to follow football let alone know a football announcer. Cosell was the best. R.I.P.

British soccer announcers appear on U.S. TV because our announcers are horrible and know nothing about the sport. But, I'll only watch soccer on U.S. Spanish language TV, although I'm not fluent. They're knowledgeable, energetic, fun and their "Goal!!!" yells are classic.


He did football, but his heart was always in boxing.


There was any other?


Not sure what your research revealed about Howard Cosell, but he was the most famous/well-liked/well-known Sports Announcer before John Madden came on scene.

He was chummy with Mohammad Ali and called a lot of his fights, but was best known for Olympic Coverage on ABC, and Monday Night Football.

He was fired from MNF when he said that black people were "bred" to be stronger, more fit, etc, thus their dominance in Sports. They were bred to be strong cotton-pickers, and "bought" with those characteristics, and so later generations benefitted from that. Interesting commentary with some validity, but for that he was fired.


I'm thinking Cosell was a joke. The others are pretty traditionally masculine men.


Kennedy is iffy since too pretty although masculine kudos for military service, wealth, ladies man, football playing and leadership.

Traditional masculinity = Joe Namath, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Hugh Hefner, Marlboro man


I don't think so. Cosell was very much about all things masculine. He was loud, he was opinionated, he was a respected authority. He was a hard-drinking guy. He was synonymous with boxing and football, the manliest of sports, in an era when they were still brutal and, in boxing's case, hugely popular.


Good points.


I have a dim recollection of him being so drunk while hosting Monday Night Football one evening that he threw up and sat out the last part of the game.


He wasn't your stereotypical man's man, but he certainly did not lack for confidence and had those masculine interests.


Might have been the peak of masculinity for the Jews though - Cosell=Jew - Seinfeld=Jew


James Caan.


I take his point about scripts being passed through various committees to vet them for anything that might cause offence, and Rob McElhenney's argument is moot, as IASIP started in 2005 and isn't the popular show it once was.

It's natural to mourn the passing of bygone days, attitudes and role models. It's also worth remembering that the brain shrinks 5% per decade starting from age 40, and the shrinking accelerates from about age 60. The ability to learn and adapt to new experiences or situations decreases.

I'm not excusing his dogmatic support for Israel though. Many of these Jewish-American celebrities would be firmly on the authoritarian right if they were actually Israeli, though they usually claim to be on the liberal left.


... and Rob McElhenney's argument is moot, as IASIP started in 2005 and isn't the popular show it once was.

Fair point. You only have to look at how they backtracked horribly on the gay Mac thing to see there's no way they'd do Cricket now...

Has the show's popularity really declined a lot now? I haven't paid much attention really of late - kind of half stopped watching through the go to Ireland series, which was getting very lame.


The last episode in that season felt way off.


The Ireland season? If so, I didn't get that far. It was just getting so bad.

But I did watch a few episodes of the last season that came out and whilst not a "return to form", as such, they weren't too bad.


"blah, blah, blah the ability to learn and adapt to new experiences or situations decreases."

The ability to learn and adapt remains. The desire decreases, because so much of what's new is asinine, or just isn't worth the trouble. There's simply no interest in it. If you happen to look back on what you've written here many years from now, after you've grown up, you'll laugh.


He's simply not wrong though and our society and today's generation in general are soft as fuck


yeah.... sadly, people aren't going to recognize or face this for another decade.

Guys will become afraid of sex, and stop going after women, and the women will have to act and dress like hoes to compete with each other, inflate their asses and lips, and post sex-styled tiktoks to try to attrack the weak guys again, so they can have a kid.


Reminder that this guy who decries modern people being 'soft' genuinely worries about satanism


Legend. I never watched Seinfeld and didn’t think much of the guy, but speaking the truth like he has in today’s insane climate takes sack, I now have massive respect for him.

The only people he’s β€˜alienating’ are Leftoid shitheads - no decent person would want anything to do with those creatures.


Legend. I never watched Seinfeld and didn’t think much of the guy, but speaking the truth like he has in today’s insane climate...I now have massive respect for him.


OK. Why did you quote me, changing some text to bold and removing some words?


Just to highlight how funny that particular comment was!


What was funny about it?


A 38-year-old Seinfeld alienated a lot of folks when he had an underage girlfriend.


Lame smear attempt


Still a huge controversy and made Seinfeld a creepy old pervert.

Seinfeld also broke-up the marriage of his present wife who dumped her newlywed hubby to run off with him.

Unlike you, I'm a Seinfeld series fan which I watched from episode one when they struggled with ratings. It's among the best written series.

The masculine comment sounds like Jerry Seinfeld humor. I believe he said it to get buzz for his new movie. Be controversial, but not too controversial.


Yeah, I bet you didn’t give a shit about any of this until he started calling out woke BS.


I'm a huge Don Rickles, Joan Rivers, Mr. Blackwell, Howard Stern fan. Since early childhood, I always enjoyed raw insult humor.

Your username is ugly and geeky. I bet you are too! And you're a snowflake.


Yep, thought so.

Now that you’ve been found out, throw a juvenile tantrum. Go…


Are you crying because your feelings were hurt?


Now you agree with "lefties" who complain about meanie humor like Seinfeld's.


Real men don't date schoolchildren.


You keep that mantra πŸ‘


You mean female students. Oh yes they do. You were never 17 or 18. Actually she was 18.


In his defense, she had an astonishing rack.


Seinfeld chasing her 17-year old astonishing rack is what made him a creepy old man.

At least wait until she was of legal age and out of high school.


What if she were 21?? Still creepy just based on his age?? πŸ€”




Also weird was that creepy Seinfeld line, which was in an episode aired after this whole affair, when his dirty talk was to ask his woman of the week to wear her panties like her mom had laid out for her (or suchlike)...

Now Seinfeld was of a different time, with a lot of stuff which wouldn't fly in today's puritan era (probably why he's so keen to see dominant men back) but even for then, and especially after dating that (literal) girl, that was verging on paedo-ish...


I didn't remember the panties remark so I Googled:

Funny.... and creepy! πŸ˜†

I used to be offended that a bunch of ugly, quirky, poor guys were routinely getting attractive women especially George.


17 is legal in NY and many other places.


Only for sex.

A 38-year-old hanging out at a high school to pick up girls is creepy.


Meh. He was a new celebrity and was getting attention from a hot young girl for the first time in his life. He went Hollywood for a minute. He grew up.


No, he didn't. He stole another guy's new wife.


So, a couple of weeks or months later, after she turned eighteen, she's magically different and it's just fine? Eighteen is nothing but an arbitrary number picked out of nowhere for legal purposes. It has no moral or biological significance. Maturity depends on the individual.




It was a matter of days.

She’s 49 now btw. A matter of days. She was 48 less than a week ago and now she’s 49.


So, a couple of weeks or months later, after she turned eighteen, she's magically different and it's just fine?

Exactly. Well said...

It makes absolutely no difference whether she was seventeen or eighteen. In either case she would still be a very emotionally immature young girl that a reasonable man of nearly forty would not be seeking to take advantage of.

It's not fine regardless of whether she was seventeen or just turned eighteen.


It's quite possible Jerry would not have been interested unless she was still at high school and underage.

What you think she would have been, magically or otherwise, after her 18th birthday and school ended is irrelevant. Jerry at 39 yo though it was cool for him to date a high school kid.


Yeah! Thank GOD he designed women to be completely incapable of becoming pregnant until thier 18th birthday, or have any sexual feelings until then. Can you image a world where that wasn't the case? That would be CrAzY!!!


You have sex with 9-year-old fertile boys because they have wet dreams. That's CrAzY!!!!


Cool projection bro


You're the one associating underage children and sex. You're pervy.


(sigh) I wish you were bright enough to read my words up there and understand what it really means.
it's so good teen pregnancy is ONLY fiction. never happens. nope. never.


How many high school girls did you impregnate?


You seem incapable of sustaining adult discussion without running opposition people down.
That's a weak offense.



Throughout most human existence, the average life span was 20s or 30s. A 12-year-old was an adult.

Your argument is null and void in the modern era.


Would you be willing to prove me wrong by showing me proof no woman has ever become pregnant BEFORE the age of 18?

If I am wrong, I will concede.


Now that he is a billionaire, he doesn't have to kiss liberal-ass anymore to win acting gigs or comedy shows. He's finally seeing the light. Maybe he's going a bit overboard, but some of it is tongue-in-cheek, a la "Colbert Report" Comedy Central.


History will be very kind to Seinfeld, unlike his spineless peers.


Like perhaps Alec Baldwin and Robert De Niro, just to name two on the list of 100's?


I mean those guys are actors rather than comedians but, essentially, yes.


Unfortunately one comedian who no longer has any credibility is Bill cosby.

He actually had a lot of smart things to say about the Black community, how they need to talk right, abandon ebonics, get a job, stay with the mothers of their kids, pull up their pants, turn down the music, assimilate and stop naming their kids Tamika and Marshawn, etc, among dozen other things that are destroying the black community besides of course crime and gangs. Most of that is due to absent fathers.


Sometimes a woman needs a good slap. What is your problem?


To be fair, woman used to get a lot more hysterical back in the '60s. I believe the medical / psychiatric viewpoint of that day was that a good sharp slap may have some positive effect...


Hey, if she wont make me a sandwich...she's getting a slap.😎 A good slap in the face would solve a lot of this "feminist" bullshit going on in the world today.


Have you looks around and these woke shrews nowadays?


Jerry Seinfeld has what's called "fuck you" money, which means as far as his public statements, he doesn't need to cave to repeating the stupidity that everyone knows is wrong but are afraid to say so for fear of being cancelled.


So true.




or, he's just a cranky out-of-touch old fucker who likes to say 'fuck you'.


He could be, but even us out-of-touch old fuckers know that truths can't be woked away.


Saying you want men in society to get back to showing dominate masculinity is important if America will survive.


Are you saying dominate masculinity is needed to save America?


Yes. If you create a society of weak men it would be easier to destroy America from the inside.


Easier for who? Who's going to destroy America from the inside?


The puppet masters behind the scenes of the Biden Regime.


Well I've seen some videos of Biden which clearly show he's not firing on all cylinders / not the full bhuna, so I can certainly believe there must be puppet masters.

But who exactly do you think they are? And what are their aims?


I've seen some videos of Biden which clearly show he's not firing on all cylinders

You must be watching some Fox News like me. I watch all of the nightly "news" channels, and only Fox News shows Biden as the blundering idiot that he is. All the others kiss his ass and call him a genius.


Interesting to hear that.

I'm not American so only seeing stuff on YouTube but it seems almost impossible that these other network think they could fully mask his dementia. I mean, the guy literally gets stuck in the middle of sentences.

It's like the powerful drugs he must be taking have either worn off or he's getting some huge kick from them! Either way it's odd to watch.


Fox News (Hannity) ran a comparison last night of Biden's SOTU (State of the Union) address vs. recent speeches. He was firing on all cylinders for the SOTU, but stumbling over his words and making no sense in the more recent videos. There was a silent implication that they had him drugged up for the SOTU.


Learn English.


It's okay. I already have πŸ‘πŸ½.


Then learn what the word "dominate" means, and what part of speech it is.


Learn what the OP said. Then learn to read the comment directly before mine, which you apparently seem to have failed to pick up on...

Thanks πŸ‘πŸ½


He's clearly getting hooked on the false sense of relevance he thinks he acquires from saying dumb shit like this and getting a reaction.

Better than the lack of reaction his movie is getting, I suppose.


He only pisses off woke scolds, which is obviously his intent. He's succeeding, and they're giving him exactly the reaction he wants. He doesn't give a rat's ass what they think, and they don't even get it.


Why does he want attention from people who aren't going to pay to see him?
