MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > why do liberals love abortions so much?

why do liberals love abortions so much?

most liberals are overwhelmingly heathen. they believe that humans have no soul or spirit and therefore have no compassion when an innocent being is terminated.


Yup they are so sad and miserable themselves they don't see the value or beauty of life


yeah, it seems that way. being a liberal must be terrible...


Think about the situation involved.

You've got a stupid woman who didn't use protection, she had sex with a man she thought would want her after that night, or she just wanted a quick fling, she was too dumb to have either of them use protection, or the protection didn't work, and now she has to pay a price for her stupidity. She doesn't want to admit she was behaving like a slut, and she doesn't want to take responsibility for the baby at all. Either that, or she was very young and stupid, and believed "Oh, it'll never happen to me," not realizing a woman's most fertile years are the first 10 years after she gets her first period. The worst ones are married women who didn't think how the other man's baby would affect her husband.

The trouble is, there are people out there who do not see those babies as human beings with a soul. They see them as "a clump of cells," or a "problem" to be gotten rid of. They don't think about starting a family or show any consideration towards the child at all. Even worse, there are organizations like Planned Parenthood who profit off of aborted babies, particularly chopping up their bodies and selling them on the black market in China, so they encourage girls and women to be as slutty as possible and not use protection.

And contrary to what some vicious beasts on this website say, we do actually care about babies after they are born.

A lot of issues with unplanned babies and abortion would actually be solved if everyone was fitted with a birth control implant at puberty. Then, if someone wanted to have a child, they could go and take a test to see if they qualified as a parent first before the implant was turned off.

But you know nobody in charge would do that. All the black welfare queens would scream about racism and losing their free meal tickets. Planned Parenthood's funding would go into the toilet. And the number of Democrat voters would drop like a stone.


Why do you think pre-teen girls should be forced to give birth? You really think they are a "stupid woman who didn't use protection"? What about the rape victims? Are they also a "stupid woman who didn't use protection"?

The trouble is that monsters like you see females as "vessels", not as "human beings with a soul". They are just breeders to you, victims that are standing by so that a rapist can choose the mother of their children.

If this country cared about babies after they were born, the infant mortality rate would not be so high.

Why were you not implanted with birth control at puberty? That kind of control is only for other people? not you?


You guys always use worst case scenario, when in fact those cases are rare. The vast majority of abortion cases are women using it as birth control. I think they can figure it out, they just know they don't have to if they can always get an abortion. Not so oddly enough, in states where they cracked down on abortion, women are using the many different kinds of birth control, up to and including sterilization. If you really don't want to have kids, won't take the steps necessary to make sure a man doesn't ejaculate inside you, then sterilization seems the best option.

Of course, if men know they'll refuse to take care of any children they father, then they should get snipped. But it's a lot easier to be ever so "liberal," cheer on the women from the sidelines, and claim you're empowering their "choices." Men have choices, too. For some reason there never seems to be any pressure on them. Talk about the patriarchy....


So the children are not to be protected because they are raped and impregnated less often? Your attitude towards the people who most need our protection is vile. You are a monster.


Why thank you.

I don't know if you're an American or not, but we have a problem with child trafficking. The availability of abortions for the young girls makes them more attractive to the traffickers, so they can just put them through an abortion and have them available soon to be pimped out again endlessly to those who like little girls.

But fear not, those of you who want to enable child trafficking! The state of Oregon will take anyone who is pregnant, at any stage of pregnancy -- no questions asked -- and fly them to Oregon, for free, and give them a free abortion, then hand them right back to their"guardians" of charge. Nothing's free of course. It's all done at the expense of the Oregon taxpayer.

Instead of enabling child trafficking, we need to start enforcing laws in this country to take the pervs off the streets. Once we stop the reason for the child pregnancies, states can write laws allowing young girls to have abortions. But first, arrest the pimps, the rapists, and the friendly uncles or neighbors and anyone whatsoever that is a party to endangering a child's welfare, sexually or otherwise. That needs to be a priority. This sick country seems bent on sexualizing and grooming children from a very young age. Once we stop all that sick activity, then the states write the laws regarding abortions, since it's a state issue.


I am an American.

Surely you're not stupid enough to think that preventing an abortion makes young girls less likely to be trafficked.

The TX governor claimed he would stop rape, so that no rape victim would ever need an abortion. Did rape stop happening in TX? Of course not. Rapists are still allowed to choose the mother of their child in TX and most other states.

What is your plan for stopping rape? You have no rational plan to do so. You just want to punish the rape victims. Sure you can say, arrest them. But that only happens after the rape. Then perhaps the rapist is arrested, but you're will make damn sure that the little girl has to endure a pregnancy that could threaten her life.

I think you have a fetish on punishing little girls. What other reason would you have for grooming little girls to convince them they have to bear the children of their rapists.

If you want to leave the choice up to the state, then this makes you pro-choice. Instead of leaving it up to the politicians, why not leave it up to the rape victim or other pregnant women/girls?


No. I want to stop the revolving door on crime. I want to stop the idiot idea that, "Boo-hoo! More Americans are incarcerated than any other country!" If we have swift an inexorable justice, if we put the welfare of children first, if we give mandatory harsh sentences for everyone involved in child trafficking, then possibly it will stop. Even if we have to build more prisons, which I don't think is such a bad thing. Law enforcement can track people and find them if the case is in the headlines. I want all child abuse cases, including child trafficking, to have that priority.

Oregon will take in anyone who wants an abortion at any point in their pregnancy, giving them transportation to and from Oregon and give them that abortion up to the point of birth to anyone, no questions asked, at taxpayer expense. No one in America need have an unwanted pregnancy as long as Oregon exists. And I think that's true of the entire West Coast because the states have individual choice. States having individual choice does NOT mean pro-choice. You're rather badly informed.

RDS has the right idea. Anyone who rapes an underage child should get the death penalty.


Forcing a child to give birth is not putting the child first.

You're lying when you claim that abortion is unrestricted in Oregon.


They seem to like when children get smoked too.


The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world. The rate increased for the first time in twenty years following the supreme court judgement to remove protection of abortion rights.

So how many more premature infant deaths would conservatives like to see? The number of unwanted pregnancies has not been reduced but has gone up as everyone knew it would. So clearly reduced pregnancy rates was never the aim of conservatives. We can only conclude that their support for this is inspired by the desire for premature infant death figures to go up and up and up.

If the increase in infant deaths wasn't what you were aiming for, maybe this will cheer you up, the mothers are dying too. And the ones that aren't are condemned to poverty. So you conservatives don't need to worry about going home empty handed. Somebody somewhere that you think is not as good as you is being kept down. And that's all that matters isn't it.


You misunderstood.

I'm talking about the children being found in mass graves.

But stay angry, the world needs more rage.


The idea that a conservative or a Republican president would be saving the people of Gaza right now is fucking ludicrous.


I seem to remember what's happening now, not happening under your orange skinned boogieman.


So you think Oct 7th happened because of Biden?


Oh my, you're one of those.

When you got a moment, please tell us how one of the best armies and the most protected countries fell victim to bunch of yahoos in trucks and hang gliders.


Because of Joe Biden obviously. He fell asleep at his post and they tied his shoelaces together. That's if he didn't plan and participate in the attack itself.

I just need to see the response to school shootings by conservatives to see that cunts pretending to be sad for Gazan children to score party political points are full of fucking shit.


Get back to us when you got a real answer.


Us? How many are helping you operate the keyboard?


You support mass graves, especially those filled with children - we get it.

And by we, I mean everyone who doesn't.


You wouldn't "get" the steam that rises off my piss on a cold winter's morning from me.


They hate children as they think they are causing the climate change hoax.


Conservatives clearly love the increase in infant mortality that everyone knew would be the direct result of restricting or outlawing abortion. First time it has increased in a generation. Worst rate in the developed world.

What is it about infants dying that arouses conservatives so much?


Wait. Are you trying to say that women are killing their infants because they're unwanted? You do know that women can drop the children off at any fire station anonymously. There's no excuse for women killing their children.

Also, there are a lot of women who would love to have children, but can't. Adoption should be promoted as an option. The family at the end of the road from me has five adopted children. They had to go to South Korea to get their kids because of the amount of children who are aborted in this country. And now you're telling me these women would rather kill their children than allow them to be adopted?

If I'm supposed to feel sorry for these murderers, you're making it really hard.


Wait. Are you trying to say that women are killing their infants because they're unwanted?

Where the fuck did I say that?

I noticed that you didn't bother to "wait", as you put it. You just vomited up a strawman and danced with it.


Okay. Explain why there would be a higher infant mortality because women aren't allowed abortions. That's your claim, but you don't explain it.


Why do I need to explain why there would be increased infant mortality or what ways children die? Don't you are about all children's lives? Or is it only murdered children you pretend to care about?

Increased infant morality goes with prohibited termination. That's all you should need to know.


More children blown up by IDF in Gaza this year so far than there have been late term abortions in the USA in the past ten years.


Now do the women and children killed by the Palestinians, or the ones still held as hostages that the Palestinians refuse to give up.


OK. Reduce the number it by a multiples of twenty. Satisfied?


Most abortions would grow up to be Republicans, that is why.


It is because most mothers aborting their babies are GOP?


The mothers are alright, but the kids grow up to join GOP.


Why do you believe this?


Because of what happened after Roe v Wade.




If you want, do read Freakonomics, by some freaking author. Take as big a pinch of salt with you if you want.


Unless you wrote that, it tells me nothing of your beliefs.


Please don't tempt me in making a lame Star Wars joke.


Consider yourself tempted. So far this is a very boring thread. :)




They love it because in their minds, it's a convenient form of birth control that doesn't involve having to buy condoms or make an appointment with the Doctor to be responsible and have the Pill prescribed, plus, I feel like if Trump weren't running and there were someone else in his place? You wouldn't hear shit about Abortion


"I feel like if Trump weren't running and there were someone else in his place? You wouldn't hear shit about Abortion"

The reason you are hearing about it is because the political atmosphere the Trump feeds from is people saying dumb shit like this "They love it because in their minds, it's a convenient form of birth control that doesn't involve having to buy condoms or make an appointment with the Doctor". Clearly demonstrating that you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about regarding why abortion rights need to be protected. Getting an abortion requires a visit to a doctor for one thing.


It's true.. Abortion is the only thing the Left has to go on and let's face it: No matter what decision the U.S Supreme Court decided on Abortion, no one would've been happy and no one will ever come together and agree on the subject which is why the left keeps beating this drum


You're not up to date on the latest news if you think "getting an abortion requires a visit to a doctor." That popular abortion drug is going "over the counter", so any careless woman can buy it at the drugstore.


You mean the morning after pill?

If you are mad about women taking a pill after sex to no get pregnant, rather than before, then you need to get a serious grip on yourself. Get real.


I mean the pill which induces an abortion. Now women can have miscarriages in the privacy of their homes and risk bleeding to death and other fun stuff. The medical community just loves to use women as guinea pigs.

Never mind "the morning after", if couples gave serious consideration to "the night before", they wouldn't have to worry so much about pregnancy. I do have a serious grip on myself and killing the unborn is a sad part of some peoples' reality.


I'm very flattered that someone spoofed my original thread. Truly the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you for the ego boost!


u bet, I was curious to see if any TDS people would post here.


Personally I fucking love abortions. Dead fetuses make me happy. I dream about them day and night, at least when I'm not thinking about chopping my weiner off and dying my hair purple.
