MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > What would this world be like today if H...

What would this world be like today if Hillary Clinton became president in 2016?

I sometimes wonder about that.


The entire Male population would become second class citizens.


That's already happening.


only white males. If you have darker skin, you can do no wrong.


Moderately better, and probably less divided since although her mere existence provokes the Right, it would have been nothing like Orange Dumbo.

The real question is what would the world be like today if Gore and stood up and taken his righteous win in 2000 to the mat. I can't ever forgive him for that. Literally it would be like living in a difference parallel universe ... a better one.


I would so have loved to see Gore win the 2000 Election, I was furious that Bush Jr. ended up winning, I feel the world would've been so much better off if Gore had won the 2000 Election.


Gore won, he got more votes, actual votes, but if you counted in the suppressed votes he won by a landslide. Kerry won in 2004 because there was massive voter suppression in Ohio where for the first time exit polls did not agree with the outcome of the count. Republicans have been stealing elections for at least 2 decades now. I don't know if we ever had an actual democracy to lose, but at least we have tasted a President who actually had the wellbeing of the people and represented them once ... in FDR, who was re-elected 4 times it was so powerful for Americans.


Interesting version of reality you're living in.


2 decades? brobeans that 20 years! lolz

FDR was only elected twice, the rules were changed so he could stay in office. thats called tyranny. and dementia Joe is trying to do the same thing,


You might want to tell that to Republicans, Wendell Wilkie and Thomas Dewey in 1940 & 1944, along with the authors of 22nd Amendment ratified in 1951. Were they alive now, I’m sure they would find it fascinating that they never existed or lived during WWII.


... I thought there was no such thing as election fraud? 🤣🤣


There is if their side loses.


He lost Tennesee! He didn't even need Florida if he would have won his home state! Jeesuss!


Gore would have destroyed freedom of movement because of the bullshit climate change hoax.


I think you are right. Would've loved to not start a war on terror


I dunno about that. Obama started the divide once 2012 came around. Something happened during his 2nd term that really triggered the right into voting Trump even though the economy was still doing fairly well at that time.


Obama made racism a part of the Democrat platform because of his hatred towards white america.


What happened was Mitch McConnell's lead, plus I and a ton of other Democrats and Lefties were so disappointed in Obama, Clinton and the pathetic Democrats, still begging for our money. I admit I stuck, there is no Republican I could ever vote for, I can barely watch them on TV without gagging, and I am never going to throw my vote away on a 3rd party, so it's Democratic party for me ... but I'd prefer Bernie. I think I'd vote for Bernie if he was 102 and bedridden because there is no one else that speaks for the American people's priorities - whether they recognize it or not.

Of course Obama was not going to be a transformational figure, but he should have at least tried since he had to take so much abuse from the Right. Biden is also a letdown, and his idiocy with Putin is going to get us into a war. I think the Republicans let Obama in to take the heat that should have been their responsibility with respect to the 2008 meltdown.

The Right is playing fancy footwork, probably with CIA and Right-Wing Think Tank tools to try to manipulate public opinion to turn a Left wing revolutionary impulse in the country into a Right-Wing support of fascism impulse ... and it's amazing that that they succeeding, or they are succeeding in manipulating the media such that we think they are succeeding.


So communist Bernie is better for the people whether they know it or not? And you call us the fascists??? Newsflash, conservatives are trying to preserve the Constitution, you idiots are trying to rewrite it. The fascist is in the mirror, go look.


Bernie is a capitalist. 🤷‍♂️


Are you immune to the concept of irony or something?


In response to Rorikon above: Obamacare (Affordable healthcare act) got Tea Partiers panties in a bunch. Thus you had the polarizing Trump movement within the Republican party.


The day Obamacare went into effect, my health insurance premiums doubled, copayment doubled, and deductible quadrupled. Services that had formerly been covered were removed. My doctor stopped taking my insurance. You're God damned right I was triggered.


at least the Orange dumbo has cheap gas and low inflation and low crime.....10$ a gallon is worth it for no more mean tweets.


Well, her Chinese masters would never have had to unleash COVID on the world, for one thing.


Why wouldn't they unleash COVID on the world?


dems needed a chaos to disrupt the election, its not who votes, its who counts the votes that matter.



haha thats good.


Im glad you enjoyed it!

Remix Brothers on youtube has some really good videos on this kind of stuff


The dems are lobbyists for China. Of course China is there to help them steal elections and crash the economy Trump gave us.


We all know Covid was planned to get Trump out of office.


The better question is if the world ends as we know it will it be traced to a gigantic coordinated effort to keep Hillary out of prison? Running interference in terms of getting mumbling Joe elected and all that?


She would go to war with Russia over the bullshit she made up about Trump in the Durham Report.


I'd say if she got in she would have won re-election like many world leaders who did what appeared to be the sensible, science based response.

She'd now be dealing with Russia but probably would push a more hardline approach and bring in more European support of Ukraine.


It would be a nuclear dust bowl.


A whole generation of gullible, media programmed college kids may have actually contributed to society for those 4 years instead of crying and throwing tantrums.


That's a reach. No one in college learns a damn thing useful. It's become corrupted beyond repair, just like this country, and literally by the same people...hint hint...merchant meme
