On Barbie


On the topic of the feminist themes, Rogen said, “But a lot of it is about the patriarchy, and it's a comedy, it's a comedy about dolls. People are upset that it's this progressive metaphor for life that they're pushing progressive politics in this, and I'm like, ‘It's a f**king doll movie!' It's a doll movie. It's a fun movie about dolls who come to life and try to interact with the real world.”

He continued by praising Greta Gerwig's Barbie for its originality: “No one’s ever done a movie like this before. This is not like anything else you could say. It was a bizarre movie, but it was a fun, silly movie, I laughed. But at the end of it I was like, ‘How did people get outraged at that?’ I know some people personally who said it’s anti-men. I’m like, ‘No, it’s making fun of dorks.’”

Interesting to say the least.


Wait, I thought he was a right wing nut.

Sometimes its hard to keep up with who to hate these days.


He's anything but right wing. The left labels anyone that way that doesn't align 100% with whatever the current lefty trend is.


Did you think the Barbie movie had an anti men agenda?


Yes, it was clearly designed for children who like to play with toys and did not factor in the millions of adult men who don't like to play with toy dolls. It was outrageous.


well thats just shocking . i bet there wasnt even any zombies in it.


And Jean-Claude Van Damme barely got any screen time.


It wasn't anti men, but it was highly flawed in it's efforts to portray women as deeply oppressed in todays society. It misrepresented where women actually stand today just to get pats on the back and sympathy points. Even going so far as to villainize the Mattel board as anti-women, when in fact the Mattel board is female majority. So no, the attack wasn't directed at men, but the highly prevelent "poor me, I'm a woman" message doesn't represent the reality of today. This would have been right on the money 60 years ago, and still a little relevant even 40 years ago. However, it's a little counterintuitive to think women are oppressed to the degree
suggested in this film when the biggest movie of the year is a pro feminist film around an iconic female toy, written and directed by a critically acclaimed and award winning female, starring an award winning, highly paid and WIDELY loved female lead. So, I've taken the time to answer your question, so now answer mine....What the fuck does that have to do with the comment I made about Joe not being right wing, because it seems an awful lot like you aren't confident enough to engage in the topic at hand, so you're trying to pick a fight you THINK you can win.


ok , seeing as you typed such a comprehensive reply.

" so now answer mine....What the fuck does that have to do with the comment I made about Joe not being right wing"

Well , I was kinda wondering if all the Barbie hate ,and general "This movie hates men" comments you see on so many pages , were predominantly from "right wing" , hence I asked for your thought's on the movie.

I agree he's not rw , thinking about it , but he does talk a lot of crazy controversial shit , some of which aligns with some of the wackier right wing dogma.

I have nothing agaisnt right wing viewpoint in principle, but it does seem to additionally encapsulate a lot crazy views and ugly ideas from the extremists.


I agree he's not rw , thinking about it , but he does talk a lot of crazy controversial shit , some of which aligns with some of the wackier right wing dogma.

Like what?


Wasnt he big on boycotting covid vax?


no, he was big on not forcing people to do it, and pointed out that most healthy people probably didn't need it. He isn't right or left, but he'll speak honestly about what he believes. Sometimes that aligns more with the left, and sometimes the right, which is a lot like me. But you aren't wrong, he entertains a lot of bizarre discussion, probably because he casts such a wide net. Part of the reason he's one of the most listened to people on the planet, but stuff like bigfoot loses me.


I apologize if I took your intentions the wrong way.


I think what Joe Rogan doesn't appreciate is that a lot of people want to be outraged. That includes being outraged at the things he talks about. So if Rogan is raging about something and he has a big audience congratulating him, he assumes that all that support is proof that he's right about something. Or right to be outraged. Not just him of course.

Instead of being puzzled by the outrage he should be expecting it no matter the actual content of the movie. The quality of the movie is almost irrelevant.

In truth though, I doubt Rogan and his management are unaware that they are tapping into an outrage market.


Who are Rogan’s managers?




I knew it!!!


I am Joe's manager. He traded his soul for "top podcaster forever" status!


You think Rogan doesn't have a management team?


I’m asking who they are.


Jeff Sussman for one. According to Variety and imdb


Thanks. I was interested in looking them up.


Adolf Hitler manages his podcast.
