MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > My hero DJ Trump was convicted?? wtf??

My hero DJ Trump was convicted?? wtf??

Well, looking on the bright side, at least it wasn't anything real serious.

What was it, fraud or whatever?? pffftt... members of our own government get away with that everyday.

Ahhh... who cares? But if he gets in trouble one more time then I will never vote for him again. Although, that "one more time" will need to be something a lot more serious than just forgetting to dot an "i" and cross a "t".


its not that big of deal, unlike Joe bypassing the supreme court. but no one cares about that....


Good point. Trying to buy votes among young voters, and he's losing in the polls with that demographic anyway. So he just pissed away millions in taxpayer money.


Biden signs 10-year pact to aid Ukraine military

also no one cares...


You'll never see anything like this with senile, stammering, stumbling and bumbling Biden.

"...I guess the youth likes Trump..."


He’s now a convicted felon- that would be a big deal for anyone


It's not a good thing to have in your history but if all they could find on him was not crossing a "t" in his business records, I feel pretty good about that.

You know damn well they've tried to dig up as much dirt as they can on this guy and the best they can do is he "failed to call it a payment". wow... major news...


He didn't forget to do anything. He intentionally committed fraud to cover up other crimes. It was laid out and a jury agreed, pretty quickly, too.


Remember when Bill Clinton committed perjury and abuse of power and it was "just sex"?

How times have changed.

And by "times" I mean, now it is a REPUBLICAN, that has a sex scandal so, everything is completetly different now.


Clinton was disbarred for committing perjury and impeached. He was never charged or impeached for abuse of power.


He also was not charged or impeached because of sexual harassment. But we both know that he did it.

But he got a pass, becasue DEMOCRAT. That's the point.

When someone useful to the lefty agenda does "just sex" or committs crimes, the lefties rally around them and protect them, shitcanning anything they pretended to beleive about, (i'm talking to you NOW, national oraginazation of whores),

and when someone who is a PROBLEM to the lefty agenda does "just sex" or commits ANY INFRACTION NO MATTER HOW MINOR, the lefties spend any and all resources at their disposal and break any rules or civil rights that get in their way.

THis is called TRYANNY and OPPRESSION.

You support it, I am for freedom and human rights.


The why didn't Trump hold him accountable for his crime? He said he could do so. Oh yeah, Trump doesn't care either. Not even about Hillary Clinton who he promised to put in prison.


I made a point. YOu did not address that point.


Was the point that Biden is alleged to have committed a crime and no one, including Trump, is willing to hold him accountable.


No. Not even close.


If you don't know what the point was, then why comment?


YOU are getting yourself confused with me. Very bad sign. Seek immediate help.


Nope. I asked, and you said you didn't know what the point was.


Forgive corbell he is an idiot. Go easier on him.


I did not say that. You are confused. Or lying.


[–] Corbell (9572) 8 hours ago
I made a point. YOu did not address that point.

It seems that you have ignored your point, whatever that was.


Here it is again for you, if you care.

He also was not charged or impeached because of sexual harassment. But we both know that he did it.

But he got a pass, becasue DEMOCRAT. That's the point.

When someone useful to the lefty agenda does "just sex" or committs crimes, the lefties rally around them and protect them, shitcanning anything they pretended to beleive about, (i'm talking to you NOW, national oraginazation of whores),

and when someone who is a PROBLEM to the lefty agenda does "just sex" or commits ANY INFRACTION NO MATTER HOW MINOR, the lefties spend any and all resources at their disposal and break any rules or civil rights that get in their way.

THis is called TRYANNY and OPPRESSION.

You support it, I am for freedom and human rights.


So Trump gave him a pass because Clinton was a Democrat? What good is it for Trump to claim that he can do anything as president, promise to put people in prison for their crimes, then do nothing?

What did anyone do, to stop Trump from keeping his promise?


No. The left gave him a pass becasue he was a dem.


So it wasn't the person who promised to being the democrats to justice who gave them a pass? Are you claiming the GOP is unable to bring anyone to justice, for some reason? Are you claiming that Republicans are helpless?


Your first sentence, I don't understand what you are saying.

The rest of your post is still just ignoring everyting I am actually saying and just trying to change the subjec to something else.

All that stuff you are... pulling out of your ass and asking me to engage with, that is all your stuff. YOu seem to want to make a point, but you want to pretend that I made the point for you.

So... since you clearly are terrified to address my point, let's start a new discussion, completely off the topic.

So, Ranb, you seem to have something YOU want to say, so, what is it?


Trump was the person who promised to put various Democrat criminals in prison; he changed his mind.

My point is that Trump sucks and cannot ever be counted on to tell the truth or keep a promise.


Really? Cause the border was better under him. Trade policy was better under him. Roe v wade was reversed by his court.

That is some serious policy meat.


The Trump administration installed judges who claimed Roe v Wade was settled law. Is lying to the Senate really the good thing you make it out to be?

Reversing Roe v Wade does not stop abortions, it does stop some safe abortions though. It does nothing to improve the lives of babies that are born and the USA still has a very sadly high infant mortality rate due to our lack of concern over the welfare of our fellow citizens.

Border security was not improved by Trump. The border was just as porous while Trump was president as it was in the past and is now.

Exactly which trade policies were better under Trump?


I get that you disagree with Trump on abortion, that's fine.

BUT, he delievered. You said he can't be trusted to do anything.

He did that for his religious supporters.

So, do you have the balls to admit that he did that and thus your previous complaint is false?


It’s astounding how some people like you; conveniently choose to take someone’s words literally, only when it suits your narrative and biasness.


So Trump is always lying when he makes a promise? When did I not take Trump at his word?


A crime? Maybe, probably, hardly... but for sure, without a doubt, there was no victim in this case.


The supposed business fraud was that his reimbursement payments to Cohen were logged as "for services rendered" in accounting records. How is that fraud? Cohen, his attorney at the time, took it upon himself to work that NDA out with his own money and was then reimbursed by Trump through a series of $35,000 payments. So, was that not a service that his lawyer performed on his behalf? It's just so damn petty, cooked up and desperate. Trump was actually stalling with the NDA. It was Cohen that was in panic about it, wanting to push it through just days before the election.


Some expenses are tax deductible. So it can be fraud to record something that way. Did you follow the trial or read anything other than the verdict? It was repeatedly explained.


i have never seen it in print that the issue was that he tax deducted these payments.


Neither have I. The issue is that he claimed the hush money payments as legal expenses. Legal expenses can be claimed as deductions, so it is illegal to claim money spent for other purposes as legal expenses.

How is it that you have gone this long without understanding what Trump was charged with? The indictment has been discussed in detail in other threads on this forum.


well , ive read points 1 to 4 summary on the first two pages , doesent say anything about that,

It appears to be saying that Trump rigged the election by shutting stormy up.
which sounds like a bullshit charge to me.

It also says that this payment was an illegal campaign contribution.

the word deduction does not appear anywhere in the 13 pages


Here is the actual indictment that you have managed to avoid reading for some reason.


You idolize politicians? Is there anything more pathetic than such a thing?


" Is there anything more pathetic than such a thing?"

Posting messages on moviechat is even worse.


How about theft?

The seizing of over at least 300 classified government documents from Trump's Florida residence, as well as the seizing of 48 empty folders labeled "classified"


Eff Joe Biden and eff his braindead supporters!


Classified docs was a lot more interesting. But either way, others have had them in their possession too.


Bullshit, under the PRA, he has the rights to the files that he took home.

NARA coordinated with the Biden admin/DOJ and sent Trump a pallet of unsolicited documents that became illegal during transit.

Oh, and BTW, it is well known that some of those documents were deliberately staged by the feds during the raid.
