MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > These political debates will be insane

These political debates will be insane

Joe Biden: Ughrhghughhguhghgughhh
Trump: No...wrong...wrong....nope...
Biden: Auhhhghh uhuuhghhuhuuuh
Trump: No...wrong again. Nope...nuh uh...wrongo.


RFK Jr: your both wrong


Sadly, said from a nearby Denny's.


2 more days! its going to be so epic!


Battery sharks and toilet water


Joe: Listen, man, we did that thing, you know, with the stuff, and, er, it made people, you know, it better'd things with syrup and mustard...
Trump: Aw, gee, I don't know folks, am I debating a vegetable over here? What is this?
Joe: Shut up, Jack. My grandfather invented vegetables while he was on vacation with a woolly mammoth, I've seen Purple Rain twelve times, Jack, I won't stand for your bigamy!
Trump: Joe, who you kidding? You won't stand for anything for more than a minute before you fall over...
Joe: Fall, that's right. When all those votes will show up at 3 in the morning. Just you folks be patient, like me, when they take me to Walter Reed to drain my bladder with a syringe...

Eh, you get the picture.


They should let Dave Chapelle and Theo Von be the opening acts to what could potentially be the greatest standup comedy show of all time.


The CNN "moderators" are well-documented in print and on video as devout Trump-haters. They will have a mute button to silence him whenever he says something they don't like. They will do everything they possibly can to assist Biden. Trump will end up having to debate them as well as his opponent. The entire thing is stacked against him. He knows this, and the fact that he's agreed to it anyway is evidence of his strong character.


They will mute Trump when he goes off topic, starts insulting Biden or begins lying uncontrollably


As far as I'm concerned, Biden's all but won this debate, minus having a stroke or a wandering moment because like you said, CNN & The Moderators will be fawning all over this man while doing everything possible to silence Trump, turn off his Mic in mid sentence and the only way Trump can get around this is if he has a backup Mic in his pocket to pull out for when they do attempt to cut him off which would be Epic if he did this, but he most likely won't


@ BKB.....There are rules to follow during the debate. Trump does not follow rules.....any rules at all. That is why Trump will be muted. Trump will stand on his bully pulpit and and spout off what ever he wants, when he wants for as long as he wants. He will be muted, HOPEFULLY, when he goes off the rails.

As an aside......Biden is not my cup of tea either. Neither of these abysmal candidates should be in the running for POTUS and leader of the free world. I shudder to think if either of these two will have that power for another four years.


Biden failed his own 2020 debate standard to remain president:

BIDEN: 220,000 Americans dead. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. Anyone who’s responsible for not taking control — in fact, not saying, I take no responsibility, initially — anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.


It will be another rigged debate.


Even if the CNN Moderators attempt to cut Trump's Mic off, they can still hear him so what difference does it make at that point?? Just give the man his 2 minutes to respond and or rebuttal and move on


@BKB........with a muted mic, I don't think the TV viewing audience will be able to hear the person who is talking into a "dead" mic.



This debate will be like the special olympics; no matter who wins and who loses, they're both retarded.
