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On bail, Rittenhouse drank with white supremacist friends in bar

"Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, flashed white power signs at a bar, prosecutors say.

In his 90-minute visit to the bar, Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, was seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to the motion.

Prosecutors are seeking to modify the bond agreement of Kyle Rittenhouse — the teen charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer — after they said he flashed white power signs and was “loudly serenaded” the Proud Boys’ anthem at a bar.

On Wednesday, the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office filed a motion to restrict Rittenhouse, who turned 18 earlier this month, from possessing or consuming alcohol at a bar or restaurant, displaying white power signs, and fraternizing with known members of white supremacy groups.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was released from Kenosha County Jail on a $2 million bond in November, money mostly raised by conservatives through a legal defense fund.

At Pudgy’s Pub, Rittenhouse was seen wearing a T-shirt with the words, “Free as F***,” while flashing the "OK" sign — a gesture that has been co-opted by known white supremacist groups, the motion said. In his 90-minute visit to the bar, which was captured on security footage, the teen was seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to the motion.

In the state of Illinois, where Rittenhouse lives, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess or consume alcohol in a public place, according to the motion. But in Wisconsin, people under the age of 21 can carry and drink alcohol if they are with a parent."


Kyle Rittenhouse dreamed about shooting people days before Kenosha


The Proud Boys can't be a racist organization, because a couple of them aren't white that PROVES THEY ARE NOT RACSIT OMG Y CANT U SEE THAT


You mean like their LEADER?

Only a liar or a dupe would call them wacist, or worse, w.s.


Dude, I just said they're NOT RACIST (well, actually, I said RACSIT [sic]). Damn, l2r


Such incel logic. “I can say the N word because black people say it too!”


No, it's a valid point. An actual w.s. group would not have significant minority membership and black leadership.

Would you rather talk about their stated beliefs or positions? Their actual actions? I mean, what evidence is there that they ARE a wacist organization, other than a lot of people call them that?


FBI states they have ties to white nationalists. There are plenty of people who hate their own group or are drawn to extremist groups for other reasons. Politics makes strange bedfellows.


LOL the crooked FBI


"OMG Y CANT U SEE THAT" LMAO That's satire right? "because a couple of them aren't white". A couple of the ISIS (or a few more of them) terrorist group weren't muslim either.


"That's satire right?"

Damn, I'll have to get up even earlier if I'm going to get anything past you ;)


Was that senile sounding old judge there also? I suspect that old bastard must be tipping a few before he even shows up in court.


It’s about time whites got a biased Judge in their favor. Every other time the bias goes the other way around...for like the past 50-60 years.


When the defense got senile old Judge Mush-Head, they sure got a good one for their cause.


That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, doesn’t mean you’re right.

Look at how dumb the judge who presided over the OJ trial was. Or the judge who oversaw the Chauvin trial.


I have previously compared senile old Judge Mush-Head with Judge Ito. . . .


"biased Judge in their favor." This is getting onion level. The ENTIRE JUSTICE SYSTEM is biased in favor of whites. I'm white.

Early in my career, as part of a high school requirement I did community service in a court house so I knew more by 17 than you do. The public are welcomed to watch cases in courtrooms. Do it sometime and educate yourself. Judges are generally biased against everyone that shows up in front of them. So if they are biased in favor then that might be a sign something fishy is going on.


You aint kidding. When I had to go to court years ago, the female judge we had was throwing the book at every single person that had to approach. Granted there were several people who deserved harsh action. One guy was committing vehicular felonies across the state line and thought he could move here and get away with it, he was sorely mistaken. Another person was dressed in a suit nicer than mine, but he claimed he had no way to pay his fine. The judge gave him one chance to reconsider, but he claimed he had no way to get the money so she had to the bailiff take the guy into custody for jail time. Those are the two that I remembered the most ahead of me. When she got to me, I had everything in order that she requested of me. After seeing I had everything I needed, she took alittle extra time to see if there was anything in my arrest she could hit me with. But like I wrote, I had everything they said I needed to appease the court. So she reluctantly said "Well alright, youre free to go". Everyone in the court eyed me as I walked out and I swear its like I was the only one in that courtroom that actually had there sh!t together! Its like I was the only one who took it seriously.

To be clear, the judge was a white women, and there was a mixture of races in the courtroom. She treated everyone the same, with a harsh dose of reality and no kids gloves. Imagine Judge Judy but mixed with Gordon Ramsey. She straight up called several people liars when they spoke to her xD


OK boomer. Oops, I'm racist!

You can drink alcohol at 18-19 in the normal world.


In the conservative world, drinking alcohol in the womb is the norm.


It's illegal. Too many drunkards under 21 drank and drove which is the reason they raised the age, snowflake.

You're OK with Rittenhouse hanging out with white supremacists.


At this point if the choice was between you the lying hypocritical race baiter and others I would choose the latter. Why? Because to you anyone who doesn’t have your warped view is a White supremacist! They may not be, but they are to you. If someone wears a MAGA hat s/he is a White supremacist! At least I could turn my back on them. Not so with you! You are mentally ill. You are demented!


You support him because he is white supremacists' poster boy.


You support pedophiles. Is that your thing, also. We on MC are wondering if this is your proclivity. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are the ones talking about pedos nonstop. It seems as if pedophilia may be your proclivity.


The USA still hasn't adjusted to the fact that the vast majority of racists in this country who are open about their racism are now black or purporting to champion black equity (like the execrable Antifa nerds). This dbag clown Keelai is probably a textbook example.


Keelai is one of the worst hypocritical liars to deal with and also a race baiter. Keelai is forever stirring the caldron of racism.


A hypocritical liar? Are you looking in the mirror?


w.s. with a cuban black as their leaders. Libs will say ANYTHING, without shame.


The Fascist judge won't allow this into evidence. Even if convicted the judge will probably give minimal sentence if any. It's interesting that the terrorist crossed state lines to commit his murders, which should be a Federal charge. But point is in Illinois they are stricter about bias in court, and the whole self defense rouse wouldn't stick. Anyway summations are Monday. The prosecutor is doing a great job, even though he's being thwarted by the former guy loving judge.


It happened 4 months after the night, and the trial is only concerned with the night.

Just because you’re a retarded #1 fan of your dead pedo racist Rosenbum, doesn’t mean that the judge should share your racist retardation.


I know why you love Vile Rittenlouse so much; because you dig young boys.


Man To Trust is on MC Forums today because it is Saturday & his usual trolling grounds, the grade school, is not open.


That doesn’t make any sense, Rittenhouse is literally the pedoslayer. Nice projecting there, pedophile.


How did the trolling work out for you today? Any "hot dates"?


How come liberals are suddenly so concerned about any borders? Illegal aliens cross our borders all the time and murder people and liberals do everything they can to ignore it. As long as they vote Democrat.
But I've been to that area. The border is not far away. A lot of us live along state borders. It's not a big crossing them.


Even if that is true ¿can that hurt him in the case? I'm confused is that relevant to the trial?

To be honest looks like the prosecution cant disproved self-defense and are trying to attack his character


You are correct.


He has no character. No remorse. And you see what he associates with. I'm just pointing that out.


Oh, ok I get it is an article, I tough was something the prosecution bring during the trial, that is why I didn't understand.


There's no "white power sign". It was a 4chan joke because the ok/zero hand gesture is extremely common.

I can't believe the medias bought it.


Holly shit, Obama is a white supremacist also. He was hiding it so well


Why is flashing the OK sign a white supremacist thing but when a famous person or a DEM does it, then, suddenly its not a sign of white supremacy?


Because you people are fucking morons. That's why.


cry harder snowflake


Us calling you people out on your obvious bullshit, is not us being snowflakes.


Why is flashing the OK sign a white supremacist thing but when a famous person or a DEM does it, then, suddenly its not a sign of white supremacy?

Well its all about the intent
White supremicists are usually morons, so if they've fallen for some 4chan joke and think that it IS actually their new secret white power si gn , and are flashing it around for that reason - then they are being racist.

If a dem is doing the exact same thing he is probably trying to convey the original meaning of "ok" and therefore not racist.

if Rittenhouse was meaning "ok" with his gesturing then fine . not racist. I really doubt it though .


And that's the problem: that you can brandish ANYONE that makes that sign as a racist, without knowing their intent. It doesn't even matter their intent, y'all will try to smear his character for making this sign years ago while in a scuba class ...
