MovieChat Forums > Elon Musk Discussion > Joe Rogan: "I see so much racist **** on...

I honestly don't see a lot of 'unsavoury' content, but maybe I don't view those profiles (or maybe I do, but I just filter it out as 'this is sh1t'). I have observed that many news outlet accounts don't seem to look at any replies to their xweets, because most of them now seem to be 'moobs in profile'


"Racist" has been re-defined in recent years to mean anything a woke scold doesn't agree with. It's used so indiscriminately it has become almost meaningless.


Are you saying that Joe Rogan has redefined what "racist" is? IS Joe Rogan woke?

Can you provide an example of something that wasn't racist before but has been reclassified as racist because a woke scold disagreed with it?


Can JR provide examples?


You would need to ask him that wouldn't you?

I'm confident however, that he could provide use with examples of racist speech on twitter. Aren't you? If you gave a total stranger the assignment to find racist speech on twitter, would you bet against them finding some?


I just want examples.


Ask Joe then. What do you want them for?


Are you that stupid? Lefturds call everything "racist" they don't agree with. So give us an example of something that can be identified as racist from both sides.


Joe Rogan says he sees way more racist shit on twitter since Musk took over, and all you can come up with is "woke" and "lefturds"?

Is Joe Rogan a woke lefturd now? Has all the stuff that wasn't racist before somehow turned racist in the last 18 months since Musk bought twitter? How can twitter have become more "woke" since Musk bought it? That makes no sense.

I'm not making any claims about what is more ore less anything here. So I'm not obligated to meet your demands for evidence back up or disprove your claims.

Do you realise how bizarre it sounds is when you invoke the idea that there is racism on "both sides" and that it's a problem while simultaneously protesting that people complain about racism being a problem too much.


I did not say that there is racism on both sides. I wrote about things that are REGARDED as racist from both sides. That's a difference.


I didn't say that you said it. I said that you invoked the idea.

So are you saying there isn't racism on both sides?


Of course there is.


So you were saying there is after all.


There's scads of antisemitism. There could be other stuff, too. I run into the antisemitism the most.

However, if you don't interact with it or mute it or block it when you see it, you soon have your little corner of Twitter curated to be what you want it to be. What goes on beyond your corner is someone else's problem.


antisemitism thanks to Hamas?


Islam is inherently anti Semitic. That's why Arab states have started every war against Israel.

But the left blames "white supremacists" instead!


"woke" has been re-defined in recent years to mean anything a Trumptwat doesn't agree with.

There, I fixed it for ya!


Lefturds are well known for doing things nobody asked for. 🙄


Not saving someone is not always a crime.


Except that there are anti-Trump that are also anti-Woke.


True enough*, and I'm of that mind if you use an older definition(back when we called it p.c.) For example, I believe that trans folks in sports should absolutely NOT be competing unless it's with the sex they were born with...

*hey congrats, you made a true statement for once!


"Racist" = you disagree with me

"Nazi" = you really disagree with me


Yup, their usual deflective labels.


Racist = someone who doesn't like people of color or people or thinks certain races are better or worse than others

Nazi = someone who believes that white alpha males should rule the world


Nazi also is the all too frequently encountered both here and on Twitter antisemite.


What's the point of free speech if you only like what people say?


Liking or not liking what people say has nothing to do with free speech whatsoever.


They are just words and he advocates for a free speech platform.


"Racism", whatever that even means anymore, should be allowed on a free speech platform. Back in the day, YouTube was full of people dropping 'n' and 'f' bombs in the comments. Admins stepped in when a user was actually promoting crime.


Maybe he should stop engaging with racists? The algorithm only shows you what you're inclined to engage with
