MovieChat Forums > Amy Schumer Discussion > What happened to her? Overnight it seems...

What happened to her? Overnight it seems like she lost all her fame.

She was plastered all over everything for a long time, now you dont even hear about her. Was it inserting herself into politics?


she wasn't actually funny to being with just a joke thief that had some rich jewish connections to force herself onto the big screen. u can artificially prop someone up for only so long before people get too sick of em and it become too financially draining


Antisemitism isn't funny either joker.
True though, I'm already sick of you.


white privilege is okay to point out these days but not jewish privilege?


Her family has serious wealth and political power in USA. And they belong to the most over represented group in the American power structure... I am sick of you name calling people for stating obvious facts of life.


Brux is clueless and a troll ! or worse.


just another fat uggo like rosie o donell or danny devito




I suspect she is one of those performers who had a brief time in the sun.


The joke scandal started the demise and South Park Season 20 finished it off.


She had that one good funny movie with Trainwreck and milked that thing as hard as she could. But you have to keep releasing relevant movies or tv shows to stay relevant. Or you will quickly disappear.


Her career stated with a bang in 2003 and ran strong until 2018. She still works regularly.

I am sure she made a lot of money and still makes good money.

According ti the internet her net worth is $45,000,000.

Hardly a flash in the pan.


All I know is she laughing all the way to the bank and will live the good life till her death ...sounds like success to me...
