MovieChat Forums > Jaws (1975) Discussion > Best movie of the 70's?

Best movie of the 70's?

This movie has everything, 3 great top billing actors, outstanding dialogue, adventure on the high seas, and frightening scenes that changed people's behavior. Plus, this is the movie that invented the word "Blockbuster", at least as it applies to movies.

I can't think of a more seminal 70's movie, can you?


Alien (1979)


def better.


It is for me. Very enjoyable. Great cinematography, writing, and directing.


Even Quentin Tarantino said that there's no better movie than Jaws.


Dog Day Afternoon!

it was a bit woke though it turned out near the end


Well, it's the only 70s movie in my all time top five, so for me yes.


The 70's really was on fire when it came to horror, whether it was JAWS or The EXORCIST(1973) The TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, STAR WARS etc.. It was a period with Practical FX vs Digital and CGI in 2023..




Chinatown and Godfathers are leagues ahead of Jaws. Dryfuss sucked in this movie and I never liked him much, so I'm biased. At a minimum he was poorly cast IMO. I remember waiting in a long long line to get into Jaws as a kid. I think it was my first PG film even. It was great then, but it has aged poorly. I watched it a few weeks ago for shits and giggles and it hasn't held up. Even Shaw, who I thought was the best part of the movie, came off a bit cheesy in my adult retrospect vision. Him and Dryfuss drinking scene was total cringe.

The Deep which was an offshoot of Jaws, holds up much better and is more re-watchable today, though I would not have thought that 40 years ago. Shaw is also in it.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid is way better. Jaws did kinda make a big splash and had some unique attributes then, but doesn't hold up over least as rewatchable. I'll watch Chinatown all day. Never gets old.

Star wars I saw twice the day it came out, but isn't as great as I remember. Yeah, at the time it was amazing. For kids. I tried watching Return of the Jedi recently and couldn't sit through more than 30 min of it.


The Deep which was an offshoot of Jaws, holds up much better and is more re-watchable today, though I would not have thought that 40 years ago. Shaw is also in it.

Y'know, you're absolutely right! Much as I love Jaws, The Deep definitely holds up better to modern re-watchings...
