Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.



Hey, Ricky, get this lame-o out of your yard.

What have you got in the cellar, HERR Klopek?!






Rumsfield: "Look, why don't we just cut all this polite crap, alright? *walks over to Dr Klopek* "What's the weird goddamned noise you got comin' outta here all the time?"

Carol interrupts and get up while looking at her watch: "Uh, i think that we should go--"

Rumsfield, shouting in Dr Klopek's face: "WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN THE CELLAR, HERR KLOPEK?"

And later, when they're all at the Petersons' house, discussing what happened and Ray pretends to side with the women...

Art: "You know, that's great, Ray. Just pull open the door, pull the rip cord and bail out on us. Oh, that's rich, considering you're the one who started this whole thing.

Carol, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who started it, tuna neck?

Art: "Tuna neck?!"

Also the end of that scene when Ray takes them to another room and Art and Rumsfield slouch in there all depressed, thinking they've lost Ray as their buddy and ally.

And finally...
Rumsfield: "Gentlemen, we are on alert."


When Rumsfield sees that Walter isn't dead he calls Ray on the walkie-talkie:

Rumsfield: "Ray...Raymond. Listen up real carefully mister. We got a real problem!"


Ray: Nobody knocks off an old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it.

Ray's eyes are so intense in that scene



Rumsfield: That really burns my ass....You know why he's got the nicest lawn in the neighborhood? Because he's trained his dog to crap on my lawn.

Bruce Dern totally steals this movie. I cannot think of any other actor who could play the role the way he did. I live Michael Gross in Tremors, but even he wouldn't quite have nailed it as good as Bruce did.

I love to love my Lisa.


Haha, yeah, i have to think of Burt every time i see The Burbs. Would have been nice if Rumsfield had a cannon on his lawn and he shot it every morning after raising the flag.


That would have been funny wouldn't it?


I wanna kill EVERYONE. Satan is GOOD. Satan is our PAL!


Ray sitting on his porch. Art and Rumsfeld run up to him:
Art: Hey Ray, we got a plan! Come on , we got a plan. Come on, we got...

The repetitiveness just cracks me up.

Her chin blocked the first day of May.


When Ray finds Walter's house upturned and takes the dog to take care of it, leaving a note for Walter saying "I have your dog" and then at the end of the movie the cop tells Ray: "I've got a note here saying you kidnapped his dog".


It's not a one liner, but it like the story Art tells about Skip.


The sight gags. First, having the Universal logo that opens the movie change to a perspective of Earth as it pans down to the Mayfield neighborhood; which btw is part of the old Leave It To Beaver neighborhood on the back lot of Universal.

Ray goes to step of the Klopek's lawn and the wind kicks up. That gag was used in The Munsters a lot. Of course, Little Queenie being trained to do her business on Rumsfield's lawn.

The movie opens like Serling's The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street. Rummy's flagpole is motorized.

After Rummy threatens to staple Queenie's butt she taunts him by barking at him from the safety of her window.

Ray's kid is eating Gremlins cereal.

Art with .22 shooting a crows in the suburbs. Art eating everything in sight; including Vince's dog food. Along with the ribs Art pulls out a whole pineapple and sets it on the table.

"Ricky Butler says they're nocturnal feeders."

The little axe in Queenie's head during the dream sequence.

Ray is munching on Freakies cereal while watching Jeopardy.

Ricky preferring to watch his neighborhood rather than taking the cute chick out somewhere.

Patton music playing while the guys are looking at the Klopek's with the night vision scope. Then probably the funniest scene in the film with lightening and power surges:

Rumsfield: Smell's like their cookin' a God damn cat over there.

Art: I can see the news report now... "They were a quiet family. Kept pretty much to themselves. No one would have ever suspected them of foul play."

Ray's going to charge over and the boys yank him down: I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage to the street and then bang the hell out of it with a stick. I've never seen that.

The "garbage" makes squishy squidgy noises as Hans beats the hell out of it.

Kudos should go to Courtney Gains for his wonderful portrayal of Hans Klopek.

Aside from Queenie's axe in the head all of this happens within the first few minutes of the film.

This is one of my all time favorite films.

Don't forget, I guess there's on online party on July 12th to celebrate this film.




