Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.



"You call going up to the lake "resting" is 4 hours of sitting on the tollway in holiday traffic to sit in some dank, wet cabin and, and, and wait for that neighbor with the enormous head to get drunk and fall down the stairs."


Amen to that NobodysDeadman. That line is my favorite. Also love "How's the uh, drainage?"

"I sell shower curtain rings. Best in the world." - Del Griffith


Ray - "Walter's dog just took a dump on Rumsfield's lawn again"
Carol - "Good honey"

"Ahh, it's great to be young and insane" - Michael Keaton
The Dream Team


In Southeast Asia, we'd call this type of thing... bad Karma.

"The key is, you've got to be crazy to maintain your sanity"


Dr. Klopek- "I thought the candles would be romantic for the ladies."

Bonnie- "All that moving must be very hard on you Hans." Then Rumsfield's wife touches Hans's shoulder and he jumps out of his chair like he's never been touched by a woman.

Art- "You know the kind of heat where your underwear sweats and rides up your... anyway it was hot okay?"

Art- "We gotta go down to the religious supply store to get some Holy water, and get ourselves some fresh lamb's blood. My brother's a priest! He can get us a deal!"

Ray- "So why didn't you go with your wife to her sister's?"
Art- "Ray I'm eating here. Can you imagine me going with my wife to her sister's house for a week? I'd rather chew broken glass."

Art (after daring Ray to meet the Klopeks)- "Well there, now you've blown it haven't you... You know you look like a chicken in front of your son and everybody... your son Ray."

Art to Ray (after seeing Hans trying to get back inside his house)- "There, he's going... you better go now, see, you're gonna lose him... there he goes."

Art- "You see stuff like this happens all the time, black masses, mutilations, MUTILATIONS! The incubus, the succubus."

Art as Skip- "Hey hey hey. Who the heck ordered a blood shake?"

Dead Walter- "Ray Peterson, dont let them do to you what they did to me."
Garbage man- "I'll bet that hurts huh?"

Rumsfield- "Peterson came out in his robe last night when the foreigners were making all that racket, he didn't do one thing."

Rube- "Okay hip-cats, get off the car."
Ricky- "Dude you need to be cool, chill out with us, WE GOT THE PIZZA DUDE COMING!"

Ricky to his girlfriend- "Go to a movie? That's not real, it's just like television, this is real. This is my neighborhood."

Ricky- "Looks like you guys knocked out the power in the neighborhood, probably the whole south end of town."
Rumsfield- "Ricky, shut up!"

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


Rumsfield - Peterson, came out in his robe last night when the foreigners were making all that racket, he didn't do one thing.

I've always found that line hilarious because he wouldn't have done anything either.

"Ahh, it's great to be young and insane" - Michael Keaton
The Dream Team


Rumsfield - "Don't you make a move sonny, I was eighteen months in the bush and I could snap your neck in a heart beat"

This proves how much of a total bad-ass Rumsfield is.

"Ahh, it's great to be young and insane" - Michael Keaton
The Dream Team


Dead Walter- "Ray Peterson, dont let them do to you what they did to me."
Garbage man- "I'll bet that hurts huh?"

OMG! I love that scene with the itty bitty ax stuck in Queenie's head exactly like Dead Walter!!!

The whole nightmare sequence is hilarious.

Some of the other things that haven't been mentioned are much more subtle but there's so much going on. Like every single time Hans is on screen there is the faint buzzing of flies around him.

The sound effects like the squishy noises as Ray is trying to get the sardine out of the can. Carol passing up on the sardines but urging Ray to go ahead crinkling her nose up like she's saying "It's only polite!"

Ray asks Rummy why he won't go up and cut off the power and Rummy says it's too high. Ray's double take looking at Rummy in his protective commando gear incredulous.

Rummy falling off the roof and then shooting out the car window from between his legs as he lands.

Rummy limping across the lawn after stepping in the dog poo.

The box of Gremlins cereal on the counter.

The great bits of music from other films spliced in with the action.

Already mentioned but when Rummy picks at a tiny tear and then tears off a huge piece of wallpaper in the Klopek's house.

OH! and I don't think anyone's mentioned the Klopek's house number changes from 669 to 666 when they use the heavy doorknocker and right before the bee attack.


"That's a *beep* store anyway."
and "there go the god damned brownies."


I'm going away for a while ricky, i want you to keep an eye on the neighbourhood for me.


Oh, there are so many lines in this movie that I love. Such as

"Dude you need to be cool, chill out with us, WE GOT THE PIZZA DUDE COMING!"

And when Ricky says some thing the effect that "Hey Mr Officer, WAIT! Theres these people who broke into my parents house, and they're eating all the food!!!"

I really need a signature. I'm going to find a Burbs one.


Rumsfield - "Hey, one of the Huns came out of the cave!"


When they're going over the fence into the klopec's yard, and rumsfeld is watching them and says, "red rover, red rover let ray go on over"... and ray goes over and rumsfeld kinda smiles and says "good" while he watches with his binocs, and then says, "red rover, red rover let art go on over!"... this part makes me laugh so hard every time.



I think just about every line in this movie was pretty much mentioned in this topic. I mean in 20-some-odd pages, I swear there's pretty much every line from the movie is here.

Just goes to show just how funny this movie is. every scene, and every line. I gotta go watch it again...

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism - Steven Wright



"Herr Klopek!"

"It came with zee frame"
"Oh it came with zee frame?"

"I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal"

"Hey Mrs Rumsfield nice tan lines"

"I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal."


finally someone mentioned the line "hey hey hey, who the heck ordered the blood shake?"- i was waiting for that one.

for some reason, i always love the part when ray, art, and carol are having breakfast in the beginning and ray walks out of the room and says "i'm going to change into my vacation togs!"

"art's got a gun"

"i'm going to do something productive. i'm going to watch television."

"you know, dr klopek, when i get out of prison, i'm going to help you rebuild your house. i'll even do some of the work myself. i have the tools... carol's father just gave me a brand new set of tools."

i utterly love the way rance howard (detective #2) says the line "the old man has a ransom note that says you kidnapped his DOG."

"hey honey i think we should move. there's an arms dealer across the street and a crazy person down it, and all they ever do is fight."

ricky has just scared ray when they are standing out front with art, and ricky says "i'm sorry mr peterson, it was a mistake" and art says "don't apologize!"

such a subtle moment, when ray and carol are watching jeopardy and the answer is "remain calm, float with arms stretched out at right angles" and carol says "that's what you used to say to me in college right before we...."

when they are spying with the infrared scope at night and they start to hear something from the klopeks' house and rumsfield says "shhh! hear that?" and art answers "no that was just me."

"one thing about these old guys, they never leave the house without their hair. no sir."

art is climbing over the fence while everyone else is at the klopeks and falls off the ladder, and ricky says "did you make it?"

and then when art is going back over the fence after being chased by the great dane, he says "go on, you mangy mutt!"



"Satan is good, Satan is your pal"
