Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


It's not a line, but when they're in the house and Rumsfeld starts peeling the wall paper off the wall and it tears off and he tries to put it back. There's a lot of sight gags in this movie like that.


What about when they are looking in the garbage truck, Art says something like, "Theres nothing here, not a finger, not a nose, nothing!"


The god damn power company!!



"The same thing happened to me last week when I went over there. Except it wasn't bees, though. It was a foaming squirrel."

Even after years of watching this, that line kills me.

Last movie I watched:The 'burbs
"I don't question your existence."~God


Ray -What's next tap into their phone line... Rumsfeld - well that can be arranged... Ray - then i guess all we need to do is burn a cross on the front lawn....


I love the Skip story. don't know exactly how it goes anymore..something like this:

people were ignoring the smell at first; i mean what are you gonna do? walk up to your neighbour and say: hey your house stinks?


"you know what it was what they were smelling?"

"Skips family's bodies, decomposing in the summer heat..
yeh skip made one too many lemon juices and ....EL SNAPPO!!!"(snaps fingers)


and then later on in the movie Ray in having a nightmare you can see Art dressed up as Skip behind a giant barbeqeue LOL

man they must have had a blast making this movie.




Why you're going to pick up this mess because you are a garbageman.



I pick up garbage from cans not in the street!!


Oh-ho. Got somebody tied up in the ol' cellar, have yah, Rube?


Safety is my middle name :)


The scene at the end has been mentioned several times when Ray throws himself on the gurney after screaming "Take me to the hospital, I'm sick!" and when no one does anything, he grabs it and throws it in the ambulance and and flings himself on it face down. That alone has me cracking up already, but then Carol tells him she'll follow the ambulance when she finds out what hospital they're taking him to.

Carol says "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Carol." Hanks answers so calmly like he's just taking a nap. Genius! LOL

"We're gonna need a bigger boat"


My favorite was "Does a home furnace usually go up to 5,000 degrees."

Just hilarious.....


OMG I'm laughing so hard I'm crying reading all of these posts.

Ray Peterson: I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I-I've never seen that.


Ricky: Yo Rumsfield! (followed by Rumsfield tumbling down the roof and off the house)

These 2 are my favorite as well. Thanks for whoever posted them in the same post.

I also love the look on Rumsfields face when Ray takes Walters toupee out of his shorts and Rumsfield says to him "you had that in your trousers all day?" Just the look on his face when he says that made me rewind that part over and over again.

Not a part or line in the movie, but for I remember always laughing when I saw the name Brother Theodore in the credits. I used to think what kind of name is THAT?

I'll Shout It Everywhere I go, I Love You Barry Manilow!

RIP The King Of Pop


I cant beleive we didnt mention this one:

Rumsfield: The Klopeks! With COPPERS!!

I also love it this part:

Art: I dont know what to say what do you want me to move? I love it how Ray just stands there for a second and then runs after Art LOL.

I'll Shout It Everywhere I go, I Love You Barry Manilow!

RIP The King Of Pop


I can't believe in 19 pages no one mentioned this but when ray goes to Art's house and Art silently says "He comes over here to smoke, his wife won't let him, he doesn't know I know that Hey Ray how ya doin bud?"



Ricky! Get this lame-o outta your yard.

Green room or die, homie.


I just watched it again and I never noticed that Carrie Fisher says:

"Now before somebody falls off a roof or sets themselves on fire, I think we should go over, knock on their door, and invite ourselves in for a nice neighborly chat."

Then later in the movie Bruce Dern falls off his house and Tom Hanks sets himself on fire (gets blown up).

Also, the part right after the brownies, Wendy Schaal says, "We brought desser..." and then, upon seeing Hans, freezes in shock until Carrie Fisher nudges her and then she goes on and says, "Uhh, is your mother home?" Pretty silly thing to ask a grown man. Wendy Schaal was really ditsy in this movie, but she was really cute and was a real sweetheart. :)



So many hysterical lines in this movie! Most have already been said, but a few haven't.

Art: Look at the size of this thing; you think it came off a chicken or something?

Rumsfield: Who's gonna clean this up? Well, you're gonna clean this up, because YOU are a garbage man.

Carol: So let me get this straight... the Klopeks are offering up Walter as some sort of sacrifice to Beelzebub; is that it?

Ray: That's one of the theories, yeah...

Walter: Queeeeeeeeeenieeeeeeeeeeee

Rumsfield: Why don't you just take your balls out of your wife's purse; take a stand for once in your life?

Art: I knew it, they're ghouls!
