Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


this post is way old but i have to add (i didn't look at all the pages here..maybe about half and i didn't see it):
Ray - "I'm going over that fence and I'm not coming back until I find a dead body" ...hahah...just the way tom hanks delivers that line gets me!!

and also it's not really a line but the scene where he is coming out of the blown up house and not only is he smoking but he kind of like slips down the steps standing up?! I seriously cannot handle it - i like double over in laughter. (and how did he do that without hurting himself?!)

"I should have been a pair of ragged claws, Scuttling across the floors of silent seas"


Wow. No mention of Ray lounging in the back yard (this is a lead-up to them finding the femur). He's in a lounge chair, and art comes up to bug him and Ray says:

I'm only trying to take a nap...I'm just trying to sit here, with my eyes closed, trying to get some goddamn sleep!

Hanks owns in this, his delivery is so exhausted and put out. But ultimately, most of the rest of you are right. Bruce Dern steals this movie, especially with "There go the goddamn brownies!"

There ain't no Hebrew God, Ozzy's God!


I also think it's really funny when Carol hits Ray with the door and he smashes some beer cans and throws them on the ground.

She says, "Oh, cruch a couple of beer cans then. You feel better?"

And Ray waves his hand, like saying, "Yeah, a little better, actually." It's subtle but kills me every time.

"Let's go get sushi, and not pay."


Yeah, that's in the same scene, and it's equally funny. It is subtle, something you get with two good actors like Hanks and Fischer, I didn't include it cuz it wasn't really a line, but stage business. Good call, though.

There ain't no Hebrew God, Ozzy's God!


Another classic Hanks/Fischer dialogue

Carol, "Get a tan then."
Ray "What, am I supposed to get a tan in my pajamas?"
(They overlap)
C: "I don't know, I guess...
R: "I don't know, what?"

real slice of life, comedy of manners type stuff.

There ain't no Hebrew God, Ozzy's God!


So many mention that Rumsfield is their favorite character. Having lived in Chicago, my favorite was Art.

When they are in Ray's basement and he is trying to convince Ray they need to take action against the Klopek's:
Art: "You know what the deal is? We gotta go down to the religious supply store. We gotta get a couple of gallons of holy water. My cousin Gary is a priest. He can get us a deal!"

And then later when Ray reacts angrily to Art telling him that he and Rumsfield had put a note on the Klopek's porch saying "I know what you've done." he says, "You gotta goose these people every once in a while. You gotta give them a little shot, give them a little whack, let them know that you're there."

Especially that last line. SOOOO Chicago! Hysterical...

(¸.•´ Think heavenly, act locally...


Satan is good, Satan is our pal!


"Don't look down on yourself, just because other people do."


I'm sure it's been said before, but the best line in the movie is when Bruce Dern falls on the porch, looks up at his wife, and says, "there go the goddamn brownies!", you can tell by that scene that he didn't even want to bring them, then he gets pissed at his wife because he dropped them. Bruce Dern is a legend. And when Hanks throws the coffee at the paperboy.....seriously, does it get any better than that?

"Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend." -Ian Malcolm




I also just watched this movie for the first time in at least a decade and I forgot how great it is. Somebody already mentioned this one but one of my favorite lines is when Art sets off the security alarm and they all go outside and the doctor says, "Another neighbor?" and Reuben says, "A fat one."

Also, this isn't a line, but it always cracks me up when Ray and Art are walking up to the Klopecks' house for the first time to say hi, and all of the neighbors are watching them, and they do these cheesy dramatic close-ups of everyone's eyes, and the last one they show is the dog's.



17 pages and no one has said:

"That's a beautiful place to keep a toupe, the stove."

Oh my God! I thought I was going to die! I've only seen this movie a few times, but I had never heard that line before. Such a throw-away and so well delivered, "Pizza Dude!" has been overtaken as my favorite line.


It's probably already been mentioned but it's just so random when the creepy neighbor beats up the garbage can and tom hanks goes:

"I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick."


Rumsfield: "That kid next door's a meatball."


My favourite line is in the garbage seen where art comes hurdling over the fences:

Art - "wait hold it, what are you doing?!"
Garby - "dumping garbage"
Art "dumping garbage.. are you out of your mind? gimme that"


not a line in the movie, but i love it when art comes over in the morning and he is eating everything insight for breakfast, and goes to the refridgerator and comes out with a big slab of ribs, and when Carol walks by with the dog's food dish he grabs a handful without looking and eats it, and for a sec a look of disgust comes over his face, but he shakes it off with out missing a beat. so many great characters in this one!!


"Hey, garbies! Garbage men!"

My husband and I have memorised the entire movie and can always fit a quote from it into just about any situation. *LOL!*

"Stoke me a clipper. I'll be home for Christmas."
