Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


Art: Listen to your wife? Who listens to their wife?! Listen, you gotta listen to me.

Art: I can see the news report now - they were a quiet family, kept pretty much to themselves. No one ever would have suspected them of foul play. [the way Art says it... looool]

Art: Garbies!!! Hold on a minute!! Wait a sec. WAIT. Hold it! What are you doing?
Vic, Garbageman: Emptying garbage.
Art: Into the garbage truck? Are you out of your mind?!! Give me that.

Ray: Art's got a gun.

Art: If I had been on that plane it WOULD have crashed.

Art Wiengartner: Ray, there's nothing in here- we practically checked this whole truck. They-they must have switched on us during the night.
Joe, Garbageman: The FBI?

Art: I'm tellin' ya, officer, there's a body buried in that house.
Detective: The old guy, Mr. Seznick right?
Art: Yeah the old guy who's sitting here is buried in that house.
Detective: Watch it.

Art: Rumsfield and I, we flushed them out. We wrote a note, we slipped it under the door, we rang the bell and then we ran.

Vic, Garbageman: What the hell is wrong w/ these people?
Garbageman: They have the right to know, Vic.
Vic, Garbageman: Don't start up with me.

Joker: [to Batman] We really should stop fighting, we'll miss the fireworks!



There go the GOD DAMN brownies!

"I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell."


wrote this already I think -- but the best is when they go visit the Kopecks and brother Theodore is referring to his brother the doctor -- and Wendy Schall says something like "it's so nice to have a doctor in the neighborhood" and in the background you hear the clock go "cookoo...cookoo". LOL every time.


when the great dane comes out of the basement and dern says "you keep a horse down there?"

also when dern asks the origin of their name and asks "is that slavic?"


Rumsfeld: Klopek? Is that Slavic?

Ruben: NO!

Rumsfeld: 'Bout a nine on the tension scale there eh Rube.


^^That brownies line SLAYS me too^^
My other favorite:

Ricky (plunging the paint brush into the can repeatedly): No tan lines this morning Mrs. Rumsfeld. Looks Nice.

Rumsfeld: That kid next door's a meatball


FINALLY! I read through the first six pages of comments waiting for somebody to mention "That kid next door's a meatball." That was always my favorite line when I was a kid.

Also (although I know people have already mentioned these):
Rumsfield: "You keep a horse in your basement?"
Rumsfield: "Klopek--what is that, Slavik?" Reuben: "NO."
Ricky: "You can't leave yet! It's the best part--I CALLED THE PIZZA DUDE!"
Ricky: "Officer! There're these people in my parents' house, and--and they're eating all their food!"
Rumsfield: "You've had that in your trousers all day?"
And tons of others.

I also love the shot of Rumsfield sitting on his roof with his binoculars, in his camouflage and sunglasses, spying on the neighbors all sneaky and hardcore-like... but he's munching on animal crackers. LOL!

Ah, I love whoever started this post. I've been cracking up reading people's responses.


I wanna kill . . . everyone . . . satan is good . . satan is our pal


I dont know if it's been said before but i thought this line was hilarious

"i should have gone to the lake.... i should have listened to my wife."

"who listens to their wife!?"


Whoa I think we could write the whole script with this post. Yeah so somebody said the "Beat the hell out of it with a stick" line I think thats my fav. lol

I gotta watch this movie again.


I'm sure these were already mentioned, but..

When Art falls through the porch floor:

"I'm not gonna pay for that."
"WE should sue THEM."

Or when Rumsfield is playing coy with the Klopeks:

"Actually, we're not all here. Walter, the old guy next door. We don't know where the hell he is."

The delivery is flawless.


"There go the god damn brownies!"

"It came vith ze frame?!"


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"outta my yard, lame-O"


He's a meatball

"I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell."


most have been said, but ive always loved

"ive been blown up...take me to the hospital!"

"you look like a chicken in front of your son........your son."

"about a 9 on the tension scale there rueb"

"except for the old man walter...we dont know where the hell he is"

"pizza dude!"

and when he says hes gonna "staple his ass shut" when talking about the dog.

pretty much anything rumsfeld and art say.


"I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell."


This is completely random, but i LOVE the way Rumsfield says "god DAMN IT! " at the beginning when he steps on dog sh*t in his yard. It just cracks me up for some weird reason.


Ray. They were digging
Art. They grave diggers
Ray. Maybe they were looking for night crawlers
Art. Night Crawlers
Ray. Yeah there fishermen
Art. Fishermen


A truly funny movie -- 15 pages of comments on the dialogue -- few movies come near this one -- except my other favorite NL Christmas Vacation.


pretty much the whole movie is a funny line.

Sardine? I'm trying to cut back... LOLOLOL

Hanks "why don't you dig one of your own holes, huh?!
Art " Well, I was just checking this-one... Besides the radio I was monitoring...

Art, "I say we start in the kitchen, they probably got some cold beer in there..."

Not lines but the some of the scenes just kill me.

when the doctor goes to shake Hanks hand, and he 'Gestapo' clicks his heals together. (did anyone else notice that??)
Uncle Rueben just keeps staring at Tom Hanks with that evil, dirty look of his,
the sound effects from Hanks trying to dig out one of the sardines.
The scene where the 'the brother doctor' starts to open the little container, and the girls look scared, and he says "Sugar Substitute?"
then the candles remark, there's practically a bond fire going on the table.
Bruce Dern keeps flips over the painting.
the scene where hanks is looking out his window watching the 'neighbors' dig up the backyard,
My wife loves the scene where Dern and Art want Hanks to come out and Carol won't let him come out, and then Dern and Art just stand there like two little boys, kicking dirt and moping.

Just love when Hanks asks Art for a credit card, and Art opens his wallet, and it looks like it's rotten solid... and he just smiles a embarrassed smile, tries to 'pry one out', and Hanks gets his own card, and breaks in in the door, and Art says, "that's a *beep* store anyways..."

OMG, and when Hanks is waving his finger at Art, and of course he's got that long silver splint on the baby finger, and he's saying, "Remember what you were saying about people in the 'burbs..."

I could keep going on here, damn near every scene in this movie is funny. I've always loved this movie, and Bruce Dern just kills me. Art also. the whole movie is soo funny.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism - Steven Wright


I'm glad you started this line of fun. I was going to bring up some of the funny sight gags, etc.

Someone else mentioned how Rumsfield is perched on the roof in full combat gear nibbling on animal crackers.

When the doctor is heard coming up the stairs from the basement and his shadow gets larger and larger and then he comes around the corner and it's itty bitty Henry Gibson with his wry little smile.

When Ray starts the little sneezes that look like convulsions and everyone is thinking he was poisoned by the sardines.

Every time Hans is on screen you can hear the sound of flies buzzing around him.


"It came with the frame"...Hans Clopex


Rumsfeld: Let's cut the crap, what's the weird god damn noise coming from the basement.

"Could I please speak to Abe Froman?"


Ray: I've blown up, take me to the hospital.... I'm sick

It's said so matter of faclty that i laugh hyserically every time. I love this movie. I miss when Tom Hanks did comedy.


"They had a lawn to mow!"

"The guys a's a candy/bubble gum wrapper, a credit card, it's my note."

"Go for it Mr. Peterson, YES!"

"I've...I've never seen that. I've never seen someone drive their garbage down to the curb and beat the hell out of it with a stick. I've never seen that."

Probably all in here, but I wasn't about to go through the whole thing.

Great Odin's raven! -- Ron Burgundy


"i've been blown up... take me to the hospital!!" *throws gurney in the truck and jumps on it*

i laughed for 5 minutes after that


I can´t believe this one hasn´t been mentioned yet:

When they are in the Klopeks house, Reuben walks up to Tom Hanks character, stare at him and say:

"You are the one who lives next door!"

I can´t understand why the guy who played Reuben didn´t get more work.

"But don´t you forget Captain, for the record; I´m stone cold sober!"


Art: "Ray you're chanting, I want to kill everyone, Satan is good Satan is our pal!" :D




"Radical" (as Ray and Dr. Klopek fight on the hospital bed). Ricky Butler is the Master of Zen!


Ricky Butler is such an underrated character.

I think that Rumsfield's antagonistic repeating of " It kem wit da frem" is hilarious.

I also love " It smells like they're cooking a godd@mn cat over there". I know it's been repeated on here many times but in my family we always say that when something smells really horrible.

Just gotta keep on livin.. L-i-v-i-n


Just watched it again on DVD and I loved that line, too. I also was never able to understand what he said after that until today. He says he is going to "Banff, Canada" When I read that on the subtitles, I laughed out loud. It's so random...

(¸.•´ Think heavenly, act locally...
