Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


"The, uh, thermostat on a residential furnace .. that normally go up to 3000 degrees there Ray?"

"This is no ordinary furnace"


Mine is

Art: Ahhh c'mon dont be a weenie


well there go the goddamn brownies


Ha ha. I don't know why this part cracks me up, and it's not really a one-liner. But its when everyone goes to see if Walter was at his house. And Ray knocks but no one answers, and he turns around and says,

Ray, "I think we should call the police."

Art: "Oh, oh good plan Ray."

The way that Art says that line, it just cracks me up. Like it would be a lame thing to do or just cracks me up. This is one movie I can seriously and honestly watch like EVERY DAY. This and CLUE.


A soldier's way, saves the day!


This has been said, but the funniest line EVER in a movie IMO:

"There go the goddamn brownies!"

and then:

"Here ya go, sonny, something for your sweet tooth."

LMAO my brother and I say the brownie line all the time. I love this movie! It is so underrated.


After digging in the backyard, Art proposes they look in the house. As they go in he mutters, "I say we start in the kitchen, they probably got some beer in there.. some knockwurst.. I'm starving." I just love how in Art's world, every man's fridge is his own.


Ray - “You want to take that out your pocket? You want to not steal that from Walter’s house?” Art – “You mean a dead guy’s house?”

Ray - “Nobody knocks off an old man in my neighbourhood and gets away with it”

Art - “Now they know that we know that they know that we know”

I also love at the end of the film when Ray freaks out and has a go at Art, and he just replies, “I don't know what to say... What, do you want me to move?”

Ricky, to the police – “There are these people in my parents house, and they’re eating all their food”!

Let Them Eat Cake!


A couple that haven't been mentioned:

Art: I'm telling you these people are Satanists. As I sit here, they are satanists.

And my favorite--

Carol: (Paraphrased) So let me see if I have this right--Walter was killed as part of some sort of human sacrifice to Beelezbub?

Ray: That's one of the theories, yeah.


It's been a long time since I've seen it, but my favorite part in this movie (which is one of the best dark comedies ever made, I might add) is when Tom Hanks lays on the gurney in the end and yells "Take me away, I'm sick" (or something along those lines). Then, when no one helps him, he grabs the gurney, throws it in the ambulance and then dives on it.

One of the most classic scenes EVER in a movie.

Oh yeah, and "Aww, it was a *beep* store anyway!" (after Hanks' credit card breaks in the lock).


"Hey Pinnochio, where are YOU goin?"

What an awesome movie!!!!!!



I think one of my favorite lines is when they are in Walter's house and Tom Hanks says:

"Maybe we should call the police?"

and Art responds sarcastically

"Oh yeah Ray, good plan"


Get outta the truck man!


Here you go sonny, a little something for the ole sweet tooth

Tommy what does GTD stand for?


After finding the bone ithe back yard:

Art: Ray...this is WALTER...!




When the neighbor thows the note over the fence:

Art: "The guy is a litter bug, that's all. It could be candy wrapper, you know those things float around all the time...No it's my note"


Mr. Rumsfield: One thing about these old guys - they never leave the house without their hair.

So what, I like Suburbia?


"It's been real". Taking into account the situation which had just occurred its pretty alarmingly funny.
