Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


Not a one liner, but the chanting scenes always had me in stitches:

I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal!


"I wanna kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal."

"You wanna take that out of your pocket? You wanna not steal that from Walter's house?"


Rumsfield: Now the Naps... we don't know where the hell they are?
Ray: (starts to shake and spills the coffee all over himself) AH! JESUS CHRIST!! sorry... sorry!

After Art crashing the porch

Ray: I'm not paying for that
Art: We shouldn't pay for that, we should sued them.

Or when Rumsfield crashes through the porch
Rumsfield: Their goes the goddamn brownies!


So many great one liners - I wish this movie was more widely known.

Favourites include:

Rumsfield - "Ricky, get this lamo out of your yard"
Ricky - "Get out of my yard lamo"

"It came with the frame"

"Take me to the hospital, I'm sick... take me to the hospital"

So many more as nearly every line is delivered with hilarious comic tone and timing.


OOh - I forgot my other favourite from the end:

"Art, your house is on fire (keeps walking) and your wife is home"
Art pauses - "My wife is home !!!!!"


lmaoo I want to watch this again, one of my favorite movies ever!

I don't believe anyone has mentioned one of my favorite lines, but I always found it so funny!

Art: Ray, do you want them to take your family, tear their livers out and make some kind of satanic pâté?

Every scene is just fantastic<3


It came with the frame?


LOVE this movie, it's an unheralded classic. My favorite comes at the beginning of the movie:

(paraphrasing)Tom Hanks: I don't want to go the cabin's dark and it's dank and all we do is wait for that neighbor of yours with the enormous head to get drunk and fall down the stairs.

Carrie Fisher: (interrupting) He's a hydrosyphalic and you shouldn't be making fun...

Pure awesome right there:)


How about the ridiculous monotone chant "Satan is our friend, Satan is our pal" (which, if you listen closely, you can hear the cult chanting it later in Ray's dream when he's on the huge BBQ grill)

Or "Hans? Good CHRISTIAN name. Hans CHRISTIAN Anderson."
The look on Hans' face is so funny when he says that!

I know it's not a line but the quick zoom in/zoom out on the femur when they scream is a funny exaggeration!


Everything Rumsfield says LMAO! He is my fave character is this movie!

I like when Ray pulls Walter's toupee out of his shorts and Rumsfield looks at him with this stank expression and says "You had that in your trousers all day?"

