MovieChat Forums > Total Recall (1990) Discussion > Who would ever want a memory implant?

Who would ever want a memory implant?

I find it a stupid idea.
You have never actually done "it", but they can fool your brain into remembering you did it.
I do not do anything just for the memory of it, unlike those asshats on socials that do everything just for a great selfie to post. Well, this is like photoshopping you somewhere and then being proud of such an imaginary trip.

Am I missing something?
Would you want an implant of an adventure too risky or a trip too expensive? Or even worse, a hookup too dreamy?
Or what other implant would you get?

I like my reality straight and gritty, I don't need to tint it with some rosey fake memories.


Exactly what someone that works for Cohagen would say to keep me from remembering who I am.


Damn, I got made yet again!


Progressives, leftists... all those people that hate thinking for themselves and have no issues with a third party taking over their lives.


great way to wedge some political divide into the conversation. well done you. have a cookie.


It's not my fault when someone asks a question that bears a political answer...


That question didn't bear more a political answer than "would you like some coffee".




People who blurt out politics at the drop of a hat are mentally ill.


If anyone is living in fantasy world it's conspiracy theory obsessed Trump voters.


A very sad and boring fantasy.
At least this fantasy involved a trip to Mars and a three titted babe.


Yes, because leftists who believe the pay gap exists because men hate women and who screech nothing but "the patriarchy!" or who believe in systemic racism aren't conspiracy nuts at all...


hmmmm.... I wonder if your mentions of asshats on socials spells out that people WOULD choose to get selective memories?

people boosting fake lives to themselves and others, could also lie about what they really did to themselves and others.

if I'd wanted to be a hit radio star and got a memory that I had made 30 super hit songs, and was adored and worshipped by millions of fans, if it wasn't real, but I thought it was, does it make any difference? I get to think I was "all that" for a few years in my past, no one is harmed, no one cares.
(personally, I enjoy EARNING my way - but, clearly, the instagram crowd doesn't)

pseudo-related: I recall reading when some company offered underskin chips many employees wanted to do it.
additionally, when GATACCA movie came out, they advertised genetic child creation on some webpage and got thousands of interested people thinking it was real.


That approach is one step away from schizophrenia.
I think it is very undesirable to believe in events that only you think are real.

Underskin chips could be ok, but there needs to be a law regulating them first. But what are you going for with your last paragraph ?


Acceptance of whacky technology


Well, the tech in Gattaca would be awesome if not abused.


They already to that on social media anyway without the fake memory implants.


You've pretty much answered your own question. What I'm not getting is how you're not seeing it. It's not about a "selfie." It's about experiencing something that you have no worldly way of experiencing by any other means.

So you have no desire to do absolutely anything that you don't personally have the ability to do on your own? I would think that's kind of odd. Especially for someone who's fairly active on a movie site... most of the contemporary movie experience seems to be about experiencing something the viewer can't do.


You are correct with the movie parallel. It would be like those schizo tv or film buffs that think that the fake reality on the screen is their real life.
Like Jim Carrey in the Cable Guy or Nurse Betty etc.

Movies and art in general are NOT about experiencing anything directly, other than the viewing experience itself.
Do you think you are Messi when you go to he stadium?

This memory implants or fake life is a different matter because you would lose any perspective on reality.


Only if you think that's part of your real identity. If you take it as a vicarious way to have a very immersive experience I don't think that's going to be a problem. Like any other break from reality, it only becomes a problem when the "imagineer" allows it to become one.


I am quite sure the movie implies that, after they implant these memories, you will think they are real. Something you actually did.


I didn't get that feeling from it at all. Sorry. For me to have an experience like that and think that it was really [part of my actual life I would have to experience it without filling out a questionnaire about what I was going to experience beforehand. I always took it as being able to live a very lucid dream from a fee.

If you have something that it implies more than that I'm all ears.


The sale pitch:
How real does it feel?
As real as any other memory.


Yeah, like a lucid dream. It doesn't say that they're going to remove your memory of having gone to Recall to have the experience. I'm not sure why this is such a hard concept.


What kind of memory as real as any other memory would it be if you know it is fake?
Of course the trip to Recall would be removed.

What dream, ANY dream, do you remember as vividly as ANY memory you own?

Tell me what you remember about 9/11, and compare that to any dream. You brain automatically discards crap it knows is not real.


You're putting a lot of conjecture out there. Thanks for your input. My thoughts on this remain unchanged.


Sure, but my conjectures are all correct in their conclusions.


No, they're constructs of your opinion. Hopefully someday you'll realize this. Thanks again.


Hopefully someday you'll realize that you need to back your argument with something better than "that is just your opinion".


Well, it is just an opinion. I don't really think you have a firm grasp on the logic here. There's no point in arguing opinion. Enjoy yourself.


"What kind of memory as real as any other memory would it be if you know it is fake?"

Do you remember any of your dreams? Have you ever had a lucid dream?

That should answer your question.


No I do not.
Any real memory is way more vivid and detailed than any dream I can recall, which is faded and sketchy.
I remember the dreams right after I wake up. Then my brains put them in the recycle folder of unimportant things, and they lose any recallable detail. My real memories are kept on a whole other level. And so are everybody else's.

Where were you on your first kiss, wearing what, what season etc? Gimme some detail instead of a dream from 2 months ago.


You're making the fundamental mistake of assuming everyone is like you. And/or the related mistake that your preferences/outlook are somehow more valid/logical/reasonable than the next person's.

Memory is tricky. Some false memories seem more real than actual events in one's life. There have been countless court cases where people were convicted on the strength of eyewitness testimony that people Really Believed Happened.

Scents, colors, textures, feelings, visuals. . .these are all COMMONLY "misremembered," for lack of a better word. Your assertion that your "real memory" is some etched in stone asset that can be banked, and taken out and re-experienced, is flatly Wrong.


I said nothing about memories being bankable.
I am just showing the UNIVERSALLY TRUE FACT that our impression of a memory (the way or brain stores and recalls them) is far from our impression of a dream.
We know the difference and the importance at any time. If we could calculate the different amount of memory used, which shows how differently our brain stores dream vs real, it would be like a few low res kb images vs a hi def movie in gb.


Just about everything you said is false. "Universally true fact?" You simply don't know what you're talking about.

"I said nothing about memories being bankable."

Uh huh:

". . .my brains put them in the recycle folder of unimportant things, and they lose any recallable detail. My real memories are kept on a whole other level. And so are everybody else's."

Again: You have no idea what you're talking about. The way our brain stores/recalls memories/experiential data is, in fact, VERY MUCH related to our dreams, what triggers them, what influences them, how our brains process and retain them, and much much more.

FWIW: Your randomness about storage requirements of dreams vs. memories is similarly absurd. There are any number of books you could read if you really wanted to learn about some of this, as opposed to spouting nonsense you've made up online.

That is all.


I am talking about facts.
Ask 1 million sane people about 9/11 or any other common significant experience, for instance, and see the amount of memories they recall (real or brain fabricated does not matter: for them it is ALL real).
Then ask them about ANY dream from one month ago.

Then see if you wanna keep arguing about dreams being comparable to memories.



You are NOT talking about facts. You're spewing (uninformed) opinions. It's clear from this thread you don't know the difference.

Hilarious how you're unable to process basic logic. In your mind, "brain fabricated" is somehow different from dreams. Where do you think dreams are "fabricated?" In your kidneys?

AND you've just asserted the very thing you've been trying to argue against: "real or fabricated; it doesn't matter." Really? Then why have you been babbling about how implanting memories is a silly, unworkable idea?

Just quit it. You're clueless and you don't think clearly. You're embarrassing yourself.


Look, idiot.
I am just trying to explain you that, externally fabricated memories that are interpreted by our brain as real, are NOT the same as a dream, which we can just take as a "fun experience of no real consequences".
Same as a real memory is not the same as a dream. Because of the way OUR BRAIN sees it and remembers it and the importance it gives it, opposed to the unimportance it gives dreams.

But I realize that, discussing about brain with somebody with so little, is fucking difficult.


You can't "explain" anything. You're simply wrong. What's hilarious is that you've decided you're right, and your opinions have the weight of facts, and that anything you think matters.

Newsflash: nah. Not in the slightest. To repeat: your inane views on how the human brain works are. . .wait for it. . .WRONG.

As you're not bright enough to understand any of that, you'll continue to babble nonsense. Feel free to continue; rather than shooting any more of your blather down I'll simply refer you to previous posts, which will suffice for any thinking persons.


Other than repeating ad nauseam that I am "wrong", with no facts whatsoever to support your position other than your poorly formed OPINION, you never answer to my points.

Let me repeat this fact: ask anybody sane about 9/11 or any other common significant experience, for instance, and see the amount of memories they recall (real or brain fabricated does not matter: for them it is ALL real).
Then ask them about ANY dream from one month ago.
Compare the details.
Draw your conclusions.


It really is fascinating to watch you babble the same nonsense, which you've made up from whole cloth, and insist you're right. And that they're "facts." As though you've taken some inclusive conclusive poll, and have actual data to back up your blather.
You don't.
And that's the second time you admitted "for them it is ALL real," remaining blissfully ignorant of the fact that that statement explodes your original ridiculous claim. Wow.

You can continue to embarrass yourself, or you can go sit down somewhere. I suggest the latter. . .this "thinking" thing ain't for you.


At this point, you are just trolling here.


Keep speaking into that mirror. There may be hope for you yet.


Just proved my point...
Any more 2nd grade name calling? What's next? You are rubber, I'm glue?

Go troll somewhere else now.


Protip: You're not fooling anyone. You've been shown to be ignorant, stupid, and bad at thinking. Rather than try to address any specifics, you've bleated about how you're right, period, no need to show how/why. Like I said: go sit down somewhere. You're embarrassing yourself.


Ahahaah, now you are making everybody laugh here.

That's exactly what YOU did here.
You have ZERO to respond to my posts and just keep calling me names and add NOTHING to the conversation.

You are a fucking troll.
Go away.


Nah, I responded. Go back and show my first replies to someone you know who can think. I'm just unwilling to keep repeating myself. Good luck to you.


Fuck off.
I replied to all your posts but you just kept repeating them and insulting me.
That's been your contribution here.


No, really: Good luck. I hope you find the help you need.



Again: I'm being serious. I hope you get help.


Help against trolls. Yes please.


Nah. You need special help. Seek it out.


Oh my god you fucking troll are worse than an implanted nightmare.


But but but I thought you said implanted nightmares were easily/quickly forgotten? LOOOOOOOL

Really: seek help.


That is why you are worse, you dumb shit.


You can't even keep your own stupidity straight. THAT's what's "worse."


Your trolling is becoming stale. Fuck off my thread.


You're confused. YOU are the one trolling. Seek help. . .really.


Troll fuck off.


Seek. Help.


Strawman perspective:

If someone were incapable of going out to experience a situation, it may be an interesting option. Let's say a person with no immune system, muscle dystrophy, and is a quadriplegic.

Than there's thots. Take the only fans players selling a night in Belle Delphine.

People live for fantasy right now on the internet. I could see it working. They're talking about the singularity. Talk about living with experience. Everyone is connected, but not really living. Just existing with all minds at once. That itself is truly horrifying. Imagine knowing every experience your parents had. Yeesh.


Bah, ok maybe for sick people could have some benefit, but i would need a medical approach like hypnosis.
But without boundary it will create more damage than not.


Fully agree.


I don't know about having an implant like Total Recall, but the idea of wire tripping in Strange Days is an interesting one. I don't know if I'd ever do it, but it's still interesting.


Yes, I think the same.
The difference is, in that case you would keep your perspective on reality and remember that the trip was just a memory of somebody else.


Exactly. It's like VR, but your brain is allowing you to feel everything as well as seeing, but you know you aren't actually there. I'm not sure I'd want implanted memories of something.


I might want to remove some intrusive memories, but never add bs that is not mine.
Vr and the technology used in Strange Days are fine because they don't give you false memories.


What would be the difference?


Between what?


A memory is just data in your brain - there would literally be zero difference between a real and implanted memory.

Plus they wipe all memories of recall so you don't even know you had an implant.

Better yet get the whole family done.



I saw the northern lights 2 years ago. It was fantastic.
But in this moment, right here, right now, all I have our photos and my memory. Of course, I actually did it back then. That's why I know I had a fantastic time and it was great.

Now let's say Total Recall exists. And 4 hours ago, I purchased their Northern Lights package that came with photos, and a memory that I went to see the aurora 2 years ago.
In this moment, 4 hours after going into Total Recall, I would be still be making this claim:

I saw the northern lights 2 years ago. It was fantastic.
But in this moment, right here, right now, all I have our photos and my memory. Of course, I actually did it back then. That's why I know I had a fantastic time and it was great.

My experience right now would be no different whether or not 2 years ago I actually went or not. I wouldn't know any better. So even if you scoff at the idea of living a lie like this...the reality is that after Total Recall, you wouldn't be able to judge yourself.


Someone please get me an implant with my hot threesome with Margot Robbie and Ana de Armas and I will die a happy man...


Even if that is utter bs?
And you would be the only one thinking it really happened?
Talk about one happy idiot...


Yeah sure... If the memory is completely real to me... then who gives a fuck:-) But man it is going to be akward when I run into Margot at the next dinner party;-)


Yes that is what I'm expecting too...
You bragging all over "But I did it! Both of 'em at the same time!" and everybody else thinking that you are crazy like a horse.


Haha... yeah that might be how it would play out...


i dont think the point of the 3some memory implant was just to brag about when it didnt happen.
he could do that right now without the implant.


I did not say that that is the point, just a consequence.
