Favorite Quotes

My fave quote from Little Giants is definitely when the kids are at practice and they huddle...Junior says that Becky should run the play and then Tad says he'll do it. They begin to argue and the chinese kid says, "You always run the ball, why can't I run the ball?" And they argue some more. Classic.

What are your favorite quotes?


Ok, most of favs have already been said-but I was surprised that one of em haven't been...

(kid holding athletic cup as hockey mask)
Danny: I'm not sure, but I don't think that goes there-Guys, this equipment has been used before!


Icebox: Let's kick some butt!-u go girl!



Haha, this movie has so many good lines.

Junior: "You can have kids with out kissing..."
Becky: "Yeah, but you can't get a job."
Junior: "Then I'll be a teacher."

Tad: "I can cry if I want to, I can even do this!" *kicks rudy*
Kicker: "Nice kick..."

Danny: "It's a huddle guys, huddle, latin for round."--> Haha, that one always cracks me up.

And of course the "run the ball" scene.

Kicker: Why can't I run the ball?
Hanen: "Because. You're slow, and no one likes you."
Hanen: "SO WHAT?!"

When Danny and Timmy "I Want to Score More" are at the phone calling the state police...
Danny: "State Police? Oh thank God. This is Thelma May Rogers, I'm 86 years-old, I live in Urbania. There are two men in the bushes down by the Shell station spying on some kids. *Wahhhh from Timmy* Oh we're all so upset. I just don't think it's right for men their age to be parading around in their underwear. *Please hurry!* Ohhh"

When Johnny gets nailed in the crotch, and the announcer says:
"Somebody's holding about a pound of Aunt Betty's nut butter."

Of course, when Danny is making up insults for the ref in the mirror.
And Becky walks in with her cheerleading crap in the box, and he asks if it's a cake, because half the team's allergic to chocolate... *palm to forehead*

Zolteck's "I'm having a little trouble remembering what I had for lunch" thing, and then farting on those kids... I'm immature, and I know it, farting deeply amuses me.

Yeah, this was always one of my favorite movies... I honestly have no idea how people can find it lame, I think it's hilarious.


Shawn: Get ready Dog Breath! Because when I get finished with you, your gonna be farting out of your mouth and talking out of your butt!
Zoltac: Is that Physicially possible?

A few minutes later

Tad: Are you alright?
Zoltac: I think so (talking out of his butt)
Tad: HA! I guess it is possible.

I love that part!!!!!


Nut shots are always funny, because every.... guy has a different way of reacting to having a trauma down there. But yeah, when Kevin falls out of the window and lands jewels-first in the tree branch, and he goes "ohhh... Doctor!" I still crack up for some reason.

Among those otehr faves are:

Shawn: "Hey Hot Hands... do you catvch anything, EVER?"
Hot Hands "I caught a cold yesterday Murhph; here' have some!"
<Hot Hands breathes all over Shawn>
Shawn "Ew... get off of me you little dork!"

Zoltac: "Here's a kiss for Murphy... and one for Patterson and Briggs too..." <farts>
Tad <laughing>, Hot Hands "woooo...woooooo!" <waving his hand in front of his face>

Murphy, Patterson, and Briggs run in "Ugh" Shawn "ohhh.. Damn Zolfart, what kind of road kill did your mom feed you last night?!"
Zoltac "free-range skunk."

Joe Montana talking to the kids ".... Bottom line, I took a team to the Super Bowl and we won. We even had guys on that team that nobody wanted. But we were a team. And that's what you guys are. You're a football team. It's kinda like a family, except you get to hit each other..."


That wasn't Joe Montana, that was John Madden.


My favorite quotes are "Pitch to Johnny..but I'm Johnny" and "When you mess with Spike, you mess with death."


[receiving their new uniforms]
Tad: “Death shrouds…”
[Danny flips Tad’s around]
Danny O'Shea: “They've got your names on the back.”
Jake Berman: “So the guys at the morgue can identify the bodies.”

Spike: “Spike’s in Hell. Spike’s in Pee-Wee Hell”.

Spike: "And you, fat lineman..."
[Zoltek limps to his side]
Zoltek: "You rang?"
Spike: "Next time get your jellyrolls out of Spike's way unless you want cleat marks up your fat back."

Random Boy: “She’s hot to trot, but she still gotta squat!”

Little Giants is one of the better "Straight-To-Video" movies. In fact, it's only second to A Goofy Movie.


"Giants! Giants! HELP US GOD!"


"There was an old man who had a great smile, who lived in a shoe, for a while..."


Hey Ice box, you look like a boy, and you play like a boy. But do you pee standing up? Nah, when she's hot to trott she's still gotta squat!....

I am such a loser I quote that a few times a week!!



LOL coleglunz... ne wayz my fav would be you want intimidation, ill show u intimidation.. i love his lil moves.
~Sam Emerson: Death by stereo!
Alan Frog: holy *beep* its the attack of eddie munster.!~


All the above quotes are funny, but one of my favourites isn't a funny one. It's were Becky asks her uncle Kevin

"Do you think i'm pretty?"

and he replies

"No, no i don't think you're pretty,"

her face sinks.

"I think you're beautiful."

That always fills me up that scene. Now i need to go do something really manly.


This is the funniest film, my hubby didnt enjoy much, but i'll make him like it coz i love it i grew up watching this film i love it.

My quotes have to be...

Junior: "You can have kids with out kissing..."
Becky: "Yeah, but you can't get a job."
Junior: "Then I'll be a teacher."

Becky : "what a hunk...- Wait a minute i'm the ice box the ice box doesn't like boys.... - Oh except for that one.

"Yeah that's right spike the ice box is gonna defrost you."

Kicker: Why can't I run the ball?

Spikes in hell spikes in PEE-WEE hell.

Danny and Timmy
Danny: "State Police? Oh thank God. This is Thelma May Rogers, I'm 86 years-old, I live in Urbania. There are two men in the bushes down by the Shell station spying on some kids. *Wahhhh from Timmy* Oh we're all so upset. I just don't think it's right for men their age to be parading around in their underwear. *Please hurry!* Ohhh"

"Somebody's holding about a pound of Aunt Betty's nut butter."

"I'll throw your mother out" danny arguing with his self in the mirror with a ref.

Zolteck "i was wondering if you could you help me I'm having a little trouble remembering what I had for lunch"
Kids "How can we do that... Zoltak "By taking a wiff of this." (FAAAARRRT) "EEEWWWW."

"It's got your names on them." danny.
Jake berman "So the guys at the morgue can identify the bodies...

"can't see with this thing on." Jake... My mom says the patches you gave me wearnt enough... comes to practice dressed like a mommy.

I love it when he nails Juniour and gives becky that carny smile... then she gives him a dirty look.

"Are you wearing lipstick..." Danny
Becky "No it's err a Cherry- toosie pop yeah."

Danny "You got a crush on this guy."
Becky "I'm the ice box i don't get crushes."
Becky "Oh my god there he is."
danny "Relax."
Danny. "You didn't tell me his mother was penny floyd."
Becky "One of us has gotta knock on that door."
Becky "Your the coach you do it."
"Your the ice box you do it."
(Becky pressing door bell and runs of."
Danny "Traitor."

"Do you think i'm pretty?" Becky

"No, no i don't think you're pretty," Uncle kevin

her face sinks.

"I think you're beautiful."
She smiles with delight... i think it's beautiful.

"Fat linemat." SPIKE
"Keep your jellyrolls out of spikes way unless you want cleat marks up your fat back." cracks me up but had to remind me of the days of vicious bullies.


"Ohhhh doctor!"

"Death shrouds..."

One that hasn't been mentioned, when Zoltek asks Kevin O'Shea his time after running the cones:

Zoltek (taps coach): "How'd I do coach?"
O'Shea: "I don't know son, I don't have a sun dial!"

Great movie! :)



" I don't know but I've been told-
Butz's butt is green with mold.
You say thank you i say please-
Kevin sits down when he pees!"

this is movie is so filled with farting jokes and one liners-GOTTA LOVE IT!
luv the whole kissing? scene!


Oh yeah the "Ohhhhhhhh doctor." ha ha ha i forgot that one it's soooooo funny ha ha ha.


Dont be talkin about my mama!!


Spike's Dad: Go Baby, Go!!!

and I always get a kick out of how Danny whimpers when he's hanging up with the state police....haha

and we use this one at work as an insider when people bring their lunches...

Crunchy or Puffed?...Wimp


I like when they are calling the police and danny's like next we'll run the supper secret play then he walks of and butts goes look at this kevin they have the gaurds in the backfield and they have the center to the right and the quarterback isnt even there :kevin they're standing around butts and the classic i cant see with this thing on



can anyone find the quote between becky and her uncle which makes her become a cheerleader? i cant seem to find it.


Butts: Hey Coach, they're gonna run the super secret play.....oh wow, the guards are in the backfield, the center is off to the right, and the quarterback isnt Even there!!

Kevin: They're Standing around Butts!

Best One in my Opinion



Johnny: What's that?

Icebox: It's a pitch to Johnny?

Johny: A pitch to Johnny? You can't pitch to Johnny! I'm Johnny!

I think everyone has felt like that at sometime in their lives?!?


I like when the commentator says "WOW, Someone out there is holding about a pound of aunt Betty's nut butter, AND THATS A LIVE BALL" Cracks me up every time.

Only after disaster can we be resurrected


Ice Box: chicken lil flee flicker on two
Johnny: what's that?
Ice Box: it's a pitch to Johnny
Johnny(takes off helmet): pitch to Johnny, you can't pitch to Johnny I'm Johnny

that is just too cute.


