MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > Truly most overated film of all time.

Truly most overated film of all time.

I have seen it three times trying desperately to figure out what makes this film so special but i just reached the conclusion that Fight Club is the most overhyped and overated film of all times since for some reason it is included in the top ten films in imdb.

I understand that everything is a matter of taste but i believe that if it wasnt for Brad Pitt and Edward Norton on the cover (although their acting in the film is both average to say the least) then this movie wouldnt be rated more than 7.5 at best.

Its one of David Fincher's weakest works and i cant believe its rated higher than Seven, The Social Network, Gone Girl and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

I even found Panic Room and The Game more interesting than Fight Club even they are both preety average films.

I personally gave it a 6/10 and got rid of my original dvd copy.


I can't stand it when someone uses the word "overrated." No film is "overrated", they're all just "rated." The word overrated comes from when you (personally) disagree with the vast majority of critics and/or audience, suddenly that film becomes overrated. If you dislike a film everybody else loves, it's overrated. If you love a film everybody else hates, it's underrated. The whole idea is so self-righteous, egotistical, and pompous that your view on a film dictates what the rating SHOULD be and if it deviates from that it's overrated or underrated.

Just accept the fact that your opinion doesn't coincide with the opinions of the vast majority. You apparently don't see something in the film that everybody else sees. You don't "get it." And that's fine, EVERYBODY has a film or films that is that way to them, and no amount of arguing or debate will change your or anybody else's opinions, so it's pointless. For me, personally, it's Juno. I can't stand that movie, yet it's rated 94% on RottenTomatoes. Go figure.

I'm just curious what brought up this urge after 16 years to 1) come onto an imdb page of a film you find to be mediocre to good at best to see the rating in the first place, 2) watch the movie 3 times to see if you can understand why it's rated the way it is, and when after the 3rd viewing you don't agree, 3) come back to that movies imdb message board and post about how you think the movie is overrated. Why not just watch it 3 times, still not understand the rating, accept it, and move on with your life? Why dwell on it?


Agreed, people definitely overhype it.


You want overrated?

Ever see Boondock Saints?

Only people with money say that money doesn't matter.


This isn't "The Dark Knight" m8


"I have seen it three times trying desperately to figure out what makes this film so special"

That's your problem right there


People have a way of taking average to mediocre movies and rating them very high because of some crazy, unexpected twist ending without taking into account the rest of the movie. Many, many examples, this being one of them.


And then there's other people who go to films because they heard there was a twist and are so distracted looking/waiting for it, that they don't understand all the subtexts present in the films...

Must be a Devil between us Or whores in my head Whores at the door Whore in my bed



You are absolutely right.

Saw it for the first time in 16 years twice last night on VH1, and while I did raise the score slightly to a 6.5/10, it is just not that good, and not even close to top 5 all time or 8.9.

My theory is that it's a bandwagon thing fueled by a testosterone party: just the thought and sound of something called "Fight Club" with Brad Pitt wandering around in his ripped abs in an underground club is every rebellious teenager's fantasy. The older people who vote it high were teenagers or early 20s when it came out and they don't want to let go of that fantasy experience. Females who liked it just like seeing Brad Pitt's abs. Ultimately, it is the "cool thing" to like and "talk about fight club" as if it's the best movie EVER! But it's not even close.

It does have some very well directed scenes, which actually reveal that it had plenty of potential if it had kept things in tact, but it really wanders off at times into absolute boredom. It is an overall very boring movie because it contains long stretches of scenes of boring dialogue and activity throughout. The fight scenes are very entertaining though. Also, I agree with you- neither Brad Pitt or Norton were anything above average in their acting in this. They weren't bad, but they weren't good compared with the best actors of the time and this time. Norton is a great actor and has some great roles, but this is just average for him.

My Cable provider rates it a 2 out of 4 star movie and film, which I think is fair and where it belongs. It's okay and entertaining, maybe a little bit better than most movies that come out due to Fincher's directing and some at times interesting concepts, but it's definitely not a classic.

The Game IS better than this. The Game is a good movie. I never understood why many Fincher fans on here rate it among his least best. It's better than Fight Club. I's give the Game about a 7-7.5, maybe an 8, but I could never give Fight Club more than a 7, and a 6 is really where it belongs due to the boredom, long boring scenes in the middle, and unrealistic ending, which while entertaining is just too hard to believe and accept with all the buildings exploding.

In conclusion, I just really believe you have a bunch of "bandwagon hoppers" with this one just due to the Title, and like you said having Pitt and Norton on the cover, while they know it's the cool thing to like it, worship Pitt's abs (think this is the big one), and live out their testosterone fantasies of fighting in an underground club while rebelling against the system.

The whole film relies on a gimmick.
