MovieChat Forums > Tetris (2023) Discussion > No one gives a shit

No one gives a shit

The story isn't that interesting


I cannot wait for them to come out with the movie, "The Joy of Watching Paint Dry."


I watched the movie last night and it was a lot of fun.


"Tetris" or "The Joy of Watching Paint Dry"?


The former.


That probably already exists as a conceptual piece in an art gallery somewhere


Andy Warhol made movies of people sleeping.
Those who liked this movie would probably watch those and be amazed.


Haha thanks for the info! Some "artists" just abuse the stupidity of people and that in itself is the art. Pretty sad.


I found Empire fascinating




I haven't seen this film, have you? But you just never know, simple plots like this can end up being really good movies.

That Nick Cage film, Adaptation, is a good example. Very simple plot but great movie. In fact plenty of movies are based on mundane topics but are good movies. This can be a real testament to the director too. I mean if you can take a dull topic and make a good movie out of it, you're doing something special. 127 Hours is another great example of this.

Plus, Tetris was wildly popular game back in the day. So, fans of the game will probably like this.


I love adaptation!


Agree Burk, Adaptation is a very entertaining film. I liked it a lot.

I edited my previous post to include that movie 127 Hours. Another extremely basic plot that turned out to be a very good movie


I've seen the trailer. Having watched a shit ton of movies and their trailers it's pretty easy to tell which movies will be good and which will be bad.


Can't say I agree but if that's the way you roll, go ahead. Personally, I don't think you can judge a film based on the trailer.

But it would interesting to get some other opinions on this. You are perhaps the first person I've met that judges entire movies based solely on the trailer. What are some other movies you decided not to watch because you didn't like the trailer?


My first thought are movies relating to Marvel, but you could argue that it is the name I'm basing it off of and not the trailers. Every time I see one of their trailers I just can't help, but laugh how similar they all are. I haven't heard of the movies being anything different than what is presented in the trailer.

I'm not sure how people on moviechat can sit here and say trailers don't tell you a lot about the movie they're representing. Literally everything in them is done with purpose and revealing.

Knock at the Cabin, Old, The Nun, Glass Onion, The Unforgivable, Free Guy. I just went through a list of recently popular movies to pull from. I'm not sure what kind of examples you're looking for.

Skinamarink was actually one that took me by surprise as the trailer made me expect a good movie and I felt it was horrible. So did everyone else in my theater who either fell asleep or left early calling it "retarded."


Fair enough, I just think it's difficult to judge a movie based on a 1-2 minute trailer.

Do you also judge a book by its cover? Lol

Unfortunately I haven't seen the movies you listed but Free Guy and Glass Onion have good ratings. I was looking for movies I've seen then suggest that you watch them.


IMO the point of the cover or trailer is to sell you on the concept. Usually with a book it is much harder because there are no visuals and the description on the back is stylistically removed from the author's style.

I am surprised people aren't willing to admit that a trailer is very telling about the quality of a movie. That IS it's purpose isn't it? What music do they use, how fast are the edits, what kind of formula does the trailer follow if any, who is starring, who wrote it, the color scheme. All of those things are giveaways as to the quality and effort put behind the movie.


I've never looked at trailers that way. I kinda view them as just simply previews of movies. I don't decide whether or not to watch a movie simply based on the trailer.

I really can't judge a film until I watch it in its entirety.


Your opinion is wrong.
Trailers are there just to make you buy the ticket.
I am also an excellent judge of trailers and posters and you can tell a lot about a movie before actually watching it.

But I also known that there is plenty of great movies with poor trailers and vice versa, exactly because more often than not trailers are NOT there to give you an idea of what the movie is.


Wow so edgy Heisenberg. "Your opinion is wrong." Lol

Then you proceed to make two contradictory statements. Please tell me how you can be an excellent judge of trailers and know a lot about a movie before watching it, while at the same time say it's not possible to know anything because there are good movies with bad trailers and vice versa.

So which is it? You can tell if a movie will be good or bad or it's so unreliable that you can't?


It is: I can judge a movie and figure out what it's gonna be like or not.
Like you THINK you do.
Yet, I also know that often I can be surprised. Not because of my lack of skills, but because the trailer is NOT meant to do what you want to use it for.
The trailer is there to get you to buy the ticket.

Examples: a funny trailer of a funny movie, then you go in expecting 2 hours of that and realize all the funny jokes are in the trailer and the rest is crap.
Anyway, my being an excellent judge beforehand is 90% based on the cast+crew and release window, rather than trailer. But on that regard too, I have been surprised many times.
Last surprise I had is Puss in Boots. I could read the info and watch the trailer, yet the movie is waaay better than what I expected (I am not a fan of Shrek, its characters, Banderas nor Hayek not The Croods. Yet this movie is great).
Why the surprise? Because the trailer has no way nor interest in showing what is great about it. It just wants to sell you a ticket so it shows some action and funny moments and tries to cash in on Shrek etc. In my case, the trailer worked completely against the greatness of this movie.

Anyway, what I am trying to suggest here is: use your system, but know that it is often wrong, because trailers have a different purpose and many times you will be surprised.


No, that's not its purpose. Their only intention is to make you come out, even to the point of misleading you, with its order of cuts, twisting elements, massaging its tone, using music that isn't in the film, to make a weak film look better, or to shoehorn a harder to define film into a more popular genre (as though its hilarious, or action packed, when it isn't), even sometimes using bits that didn't make it into the final cut of the film. And they are not even crafted by the creatives who made the film. As part of the marketing campaign, distributors use companies that only make trailers. Filmmakers often hate that their vision is peddled in a way that drifts from the reality, but it's out of their hands, and into the hands of those whose only expertise is taking their content and manipulating it in such a way that makes it more likely to draw people to the theater.


Sometimes, if I am unsure if I want to see the movie, I check the trailer for the general feel of the movie. They are (usually) designed to appeal to the target audience and tells enough about the movie for me to decide if I want to see it or not.

There will always be exceptions, of course, but I'd say they served their purpose more often than not.


You're a fucking idiot.


eloquent and succinct.


What's idiotic about it? You've just never paid attention to how telling a trailer can be


It's idiotic to judge a movie by its trailer.


So you think that trailers don't tell you anything about the movie?


They are meant to peak people's interest. Whether by images or basic plot summary.
Not every trailer succeeds but that's not a reflection on the movie.


All the trailers you see have to be approved by the people who made the movie. That is a reflection of what they think is good.


Marketing has failed many times regardless of who approved the materials.


A trailer is an advert.
Adverts all say the thing they are advertising is good.

ergo an advert is not the best place to go to learn if a thing is good or not.

have you ever considered reading a review?


They don't all succeed in saying their product is good. An ad for something I don't want isn't going to make me buy it.


its not an unbiased opinion , was my gist


I give a shit, so I guess you're wrong.🤷‍♂️


You could be a nobody


actually you said no one, not nobody. You seem to be struggling to keep track of who gives a shit in your own post.



It just says they are indefinite pronouns. It most certainly doesn't say they are the same words. It seems you're still confused.


I'm definitely confused now.

I guess you've truly managed to stand out. Way to go!


It's actually more interesting than you might think. It's worth watching.


A big friend-of-communists like you still has to beg so they let you suck their slimy ***?
THAT's the story that isn't interesting, so you should go back to begging instead of trying to behave like a human.


Pure junk


I gave it an hour and gave up, just didn't grab or hold my attention. Hollywood just seem to be making biopics about everything these days even if the story just isn't very interesting at all.


Weird. I thought it was easily one of the most interesting and entertaining movies I've seen in recent memory. I feel confident it will be on my Top 10 for the year when all is said and done.


what else is on your list for most interesting and entertaining movies in recent memory?


Ben-Hur was great and truly a classic, The Pale Blue Eye was a pretty good mystery-thriller, Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat was an interesting look at the war genre from a foreign perspective, The Pony Express from 1953 was a fun archetypal western adventure, and Thirteen Lives, Ron Howard's movie about the Thai cave rescue, was excellent.


There's a video on YouTube about the game origins - I thought it was pretty interesting.

That's at lease "one".
