What's your Golden Age?

I thought this movie made some very interesting points about nostalgia, and how every era had an earlier era they considered the "golden age".

When I was a teenager I was fascinated by the middle ages, and played out elaborate scenarios in my head about how I would get by if I was suddenly transported back in time to Europe in the 11th century or so. I love the old dresses, the castles, and the stories. I really felt like the present was boring and I had been born in the wrong time. I'm sure some of it was just feeling like I didn't fit in, like any teenager, and thinking I'd rather do needlework and pottery (some of my hobbies) than go to school and feel like an outsider.

I am still very interested in this period and like to imagine living in it, but I think part of growing up has been realizing and appreciating how good the present really is. Like Gil pointed out, we have antibiotics now! I can vote, have a good job, car, and apartment, and do so much that I wouldn't have been able to do even 100 years ago, let alone 1000! I've also met someone like Inez, a complete realist who can't comprehend that need to escape from the present. We didn't get along, but trying to understand her opened my eyes a lot. People had just as many problems then, only theirs came with smallpox, oppression, and ignorance.

Are you a realist or a nostalgiac? What time period/place would you visit if you had the chance?




for pre-millennium angst: the 1990's were superb.

for pure romanticism i would say shogunate Japan.


I'd also say the pre-millennium early to mid 90s, but that's total nostalgia speaking. I think it would have the modern conveniences of today, but it's just old enough to be retro.


late 40s early 50 Los Angelas during the crime noir/Mickey Cohen era!


“How many people long for that "past, simpler, and better world," I wonder, without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them?”
-R.A. Salvatore, Streams of Silver


Mid 1800s in Europe if I could be a wealthy English gentleman who owned estates and didn't have to work for my income...I would go off on my grand tour through France, Italy, and Greece and have a good old time.


If we're talking Golden Ages in the true sense of the philosophy- that is, the clean, romanticized version of the era- it's a toss-up for me between 1920's Paris and Early 1960's anywhere.


My Golden Age...well I'm Black and a female so the past was certainly not a place my grandmothers had a blast in and they had to live through it. So I wouldn't like to be back in those days lol.

If I had to choose it would be for reasons like Fashion, 1940s fashion I love. I'm also fascinated by the 1920s fashion, music, gangster culture but I would go with the 90s. I was a kid in the 90's and I loved the music and everything about it. A time I wish I could go back to all the time, but someone else on here posted a quote about wanting to go back to a time because you yourself were more simpler? something like that, pretty much describes my nostalgia for the 90s.

Lonely Chicago pie


Kids actually went outside in the 90's.


i would love to have experienced life in america in the 60s. the explosion of psychedilc drugs, the concept of free 'love' and all that.

i'd also like to visit ancient egypt. in the present we are just a third world country that doesnt have much to offer the world in terms of culture. i would so love to experience a time when we were one of the greatest civilizations the world had ever seen. oh how far we done fell


"i would so love to experience a time when we(Egyptians) were one of the greatest civilizations the world had ever seen. oh how far we done fell"

"i would love to have experienced life in america in the 60s. the explosion of psychedilc drugs, the concept of free 'love' and all that."

With guys like the poster, kannabis, the renewal of culture is right around the corner in Egypt.


Italian Renaissance.... :-)

"We're gonna need a bigger boat"....
