What's your Golden Age?

I thought this movie made some very interesting points about nostalgia, and how every era had an earlier era they considered the "golden age".

When I was a teenager I was fascinated by the middle ages, and played out elaborate scenarios in my head about how I would get by if I was suddenly transported back in time to Europe in the 11th century or so. I love the old dresses, the castles, and the stories. I really felt like the present was boring and I had been born in the wrong time. I'm sure some of it was just feeling like I didn't fit in, like any teenager, and thinking I'd rather do needlework and pottery (some of my hobbies) than go to school and feel like an outsider.

I am still very interested in this period and like to imagine living in it, but I think part of growing up has been realizing and appreciating how good the present really is. Like Gil pointed out, we have antibiotics now! I can vote, have a good job, car, and apartment, and do so much that I wouldn't have been able to do even 100 years ago, let alone 1000! I've also met someone like Inez, a complete realist who can't comprehend that need to escape from the present. We didn't get along, but trying to understand her opened my eyes a lot. People had just as many problems then, only theirs came with smallpox, oppression, and ignorance.

Are you a realist or a nostalgiac? What time period/place would you visit if you had the chance?


Well, I've been asked this question quite a lot times and people are always surprised when I say present. I mean, sure, each period has had its greatest times and we admire people and their accomplishments from those times and so do I, but nothing else. I wouldn't like to live back in those times, especially knowing what I'm missing of today's life, I just wouldn't fit into the atmosphere of the world back then.
Although I definitely wouldn't mind experiencing what it was like during each of the most interesting periods throughout the world for a night.

you were made to be ruled. in the end, you will always kneel.


1970s California (preferably early) and the 80s. I was born in the mid 70s, so I did enjoy the 80s. However, I was a child/young teen.

I must warn you. I'm very susceptible to flattery.


I like your quote about flattery but I can do better. Mark Twain said, I can live 6 months on one flattering remark, no matter how insincere. Don't you love genius?


Yes, I have to say that genius is enthralling.

I must warn you. I'm very susceptible to flattery.


For me it's a case of revisiting, not visiting: 1974-76, the best era in music, film and television in my opinion.


There are drawbacks to every Golden Age but there are loads of places that I wish I could visit just to see for myself. Also, of course to live back in most of these periods it would have been way preferable to be a rich aristocrat.

Pre-revolutionary France
Pre-WWI Britain the Edwardian period and just after
New York in the 1920s
Los Angeles/Hollywood in the 1930s
Ancient Rome some time during the Julio-Claudian Dynasty

But again I can't imagine living during any of these times. There are too many things re: technology and medicine that I just wouldn't want to live without. Plus things are about 100 times more sanitary, we have modern plumbing, the quality of food is about 1000 times better, and there's more diversity. I totally love that I can read a range of books, see foreign films, eat anything from Persian food to Malaysian, basically wear any style of clothing I can afford, etc. Then of course there's the fact that women had a lot more restrictions on them in terms of relationships and sex.

I'll always be intrigued by the past and there are loads of things that are cool to me about certain periods but I'm definitely happy to be in the present.



I am divided here.I would go back to the 80's, "Take me home tonight" 80's. I really like that time even tough i don't like to party but the excitement of that time amazes me.
The other side is telling me to go back to the middle 60's and early 70's in England, it would be perfect for my nightly walks.

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.


This was a great movie - for me, mostly because of the famous people, who all happened to be in Paris during the 20's.

"Deadwood" had a lot of Old West famous people in it - Calamity Jane, Wild Bill, Wyatt Earp, George Hearst, Jack Langrishe, etc.

"24 Hour Party People" had a lot of famous Manchester musicians in it - Joy Division, Happy Mondays, etc.

But there's plenty of drama potentials in other historical events:
* Seatte Grunge music era, 1989
* Swinging Sixties era London
* New Hollywood era, early 1970's
* Classic Hollywood era, 1930s
* Beatnik Generation, New York, 1950's
* Pop Art / New York Schoo, New York, 1950's - 1960's
* Italian Renaissance, mid-16th century
* Proto Heavy Metal, 1969, Birmingham


women had some rights but loove the clothes, culture...

I`m a proud tangler!
Thats right I`m a frogger!
I`m an archer


Ditto! was going to same thing. Generally speaking, the US in the '50s would be my golden age (love the clothes, the music, how femininity was still in), but only if I were white. Don't get me wrong, there's everything right and to love about being black but the realities of 1950s America meant that it was a pretty difficult period for black folk and a big mouth like me would probably have done something to get herself thrown in jail or killed (and incarceration is not fun in any era). However, taking into consideration my race/ethnicity (African to be precise) and sex, my golden age would have to be now (I also think that was a point woody allen wanted to make - nostalgia is overrated, there's no time as beautiful as the present).


I love your last line, Nik-Ola. That was very beautiful.
I think my golden era would be the '60s. I just love the music from the later part of the decade. That time spawned the singer-songwriters and pop girl groups. The fashion was still mod, with psychedelic influence, and beach party fun. Things were also beginning to change from the more conservative 50s pop culture to the more wild, free loving 70's. I think that's an exciting time to be in between.


I would have loved to have experienced the mid 70's, during the peak of disco!


I was in NYC in the 70's at the peak of disco. I used to go to Studio 54 every week. But for me, I would love to go back to NYC during the 20's. I've always been enthralled by that era.


The 60's, early 70's. Music, revolution from prior conservatism.

And in London, to have a chance to run into The Beatles.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.
