What's your Golden Age?

I thought this movie made some very interesting points about nostalgia, and how every era had an earlier era they considered the "golden age".

When I was a teenager I was fascinated by the middle ages, and played out elaborate scenarios in my head about how I would get by if I was suddenly transported back in time to Europe in the 11th century or so. I love the old dresses, the castles, and the stories. I really felt like the present was boring and I had been born in the wrong time. I'm sure some of it was just feeling like I didn't fit in, like any teenager, and thinking I'd rather do needlework and pottery (some of my hobbies) than go to school and feel like an outsider.

I am still very interested in this period and like to imagine living in it, but I think part of growing up has been realizing and appreciating how good the present really is. Like Gil pointed out, we have antibiotics now! I can vote, have a good job, car, and apartment, and do so much that I wouldn't have been able to do even 100 years ago, let alone 1000! I've also met someone like Inez, a complete realist who can't comprehend that need to escape from the present. We didn't get along, but trying to understand her opened my eyes a lot. People had just as many problems then, only theirs came with smallpox, oppression, and ignorance.

Are you a realist or a nostalgiac? What time period/place would you visit if you had the chance?


The 60's or 70's. even though there was a dictatorship here in Brazil in that period. :(



Late 1990's.

Just perfect.


1975 to 1985:
- Analog to digital. Atari, PC, Imsai.
- Vangelis, ABBA, 'disco', Jarré, Ponty, Olivia, Blondie, Cyndi Lauper...
- Anime: Captain Future, Macross, ...
- Star Wars, Blade Runner, Alien, funniest Bond movies, War Games.
- Golden age of ;)


realistically - psotwar era. the "american dream", space program, shience fiction and all that. ofc it had its downsides (racism to mention a huge one) but all eras has their.
Unrealistically - the future. thera when robotis will allow us to remove the need for physical workforce, and we will all be able to be creators and just enjoy life, instead of followign the "work, feed, die" model so many people do nowadays.

Middleages attracted me when i was a kid. but then i learnt more about them.

In the end, i am a realist, i realize that present is better than the past, and future will be even better.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


1950-1970. Classic rock, Marilyn Monroe, and a time filled with people who truly believed that they could make a difference.


Screw golden age, I'd like to go back to 1991 or the early 90's and live it all over again. I miss the 20th century. I really do.


Most recently, my golden age is the Bogey/Bacall days. I'm not sure why I am captivated by it, but I am. That is film though. I can't speak to art and books in that age. I know I want to tear my hair and eyes out when I see blocks of colors auction for $20,000,000 on TV. I very much prefer the Renaissance paintings that looked like photos (which photos make useless, I suppose, giving rise to the colored blocks).

As for music, I stick my neck out for chopping with this: I love the 70's. Early Rush, Pink Floyd, pretty common I guess, but if anyone is making 45 minute continuous concept albums these days, I haven't heard 'em (not to say I would know, I am out of the loop with most current).


I would have to say my home island Gotland during the fifteenth and sixteenth century, before the Swedes occupated the island. Before that, Gotland was independent for a brief period, and on the peak of it's history! With Visby as one of the most important hanseatic cities in Europe, it was rich and even the lower classes was wealthy by today's standards. Gutnis was also the official language.

Dream big. Live the life.


Gotland sounds like a nice place. It must be a drag to be occupated.


It still is a wonderful place to live, and we take good care of our herritage. But we're still occupated. Not only that it's now a part of Sweden, but even worse - every summer we're invaded by those bloody mavs ("mav" is a very foul nickname for people from Stockholm)

Dream big. Live the life.
