Episode 3 raider scene

I found it so funny that the writers made the raiders so stupid that they all basically just committed suicide by continuously triggering the traps. In reality, after the first few had triggered traps, the rest would have fallen back to re-assess. Not here though, so ridiculous that they just continually trigger traps and kill themselves.


I kind of wondered whey the Raiders were morons too. Like why didn't they just ram a car into his fence and take down it and his traps.

If this was a video game, Bill was playing on easy!


Not to mention the expert suvivalist and gun enthusiast who just stands still in the middle of his yard, wearing a white shirt, while under fire.


I screamed. Dude even didnt have bulletproof west on him. Thats the first thing you wear when go into gun fight in the apocalypse. He should have had those vest at close distance to wear in need.


Also, one attack in 20 years is just unbelievable


Yeah I thought of that too. But I don’t think that was the only time they got raided (not that I have proof either way). I think they just showed us that specific encounter because it was probably a particularly dangerous one, and also because Bill came close to death as a result of it.



The writers just wanted t push their "gay": agenda. Expecting any common sense from them is a joke.


What's their gay agenda do you think? I mean what do you think is their end game?


No idea, been asking that for a while now. Especially with all the Disney crap, they aren't making any money from it, and pandering to a small group of freaks isn't helping, my only conclusion is money laundering.


If you don't know what their "gay agenda" is, it's probably because there isn't one. Just because there are stories told that you don't care for, doesn't mean they are a part of some grand agenda.

I'm pretty sure companies are, in fact, making money from these projects. If they were losing money, they'd find other projects.


"No idea, been asking that for a while now."

Lol. You don't even realize how silly you sound, do you?


Whay "gay agenda", exactly? Is any show where gay people exist in it a "gay agenda"?


There is no "gay agenda." It's just something some people say because they feel threatened by anyone who is different form them.
