If any movie ever deserved a boycott, this one does.
Why don't you repaint the Mona Lisa or re-sculpt Michelangelo's David?
Film is art motherfockers. BTILC is one of the most original films ever made.
LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I get the feeling.

But I also thought that a sequel to Jumanji was stupid.

But seriously...Rock is too big to play a guy running scared from 5 foot tall noodle-peddlers.



I hear you, but as long as these remakes make a profit they will continue churning them out.



Absolutely correct! It’s regarded as a cult movie, but it took an expert touch to make so many disparate elements work in fast paced harmony. Humor, action, martial arts, romance, ghosts, monsters, western swagger, Elvis, John Wayne. It’s pointless to try and remake this


I just heard about this and I am with you! This seriously pisses me off! This classic should have been left alone and if anyone was going to re-make it, I can see Chris Pratt being a far far better Jack Burton than the F***ing Rock! This is ridiculous!



In other words, they’re like someone on MC who bumps a 2-year-old topic to the top. I agree, MJF. There were two things about the original that made it truly shine: John Carpenter’s vision, and Kurt Russell’s channeling of Duke Wayne! Anyone wanna see The Rock’s John Wayne impression? Didn’t think so.


I agree this one should be left. I dont normally say that - Ill give a remake a chance , and I cant really recall a time when i screamed "NOOOOOoooooo" like most fans seems to do at every remake.
I might even watch that Ghostbusters one when it comes on the TV...




It wouldn’t work with Dwayne as he has in his contract he can’t get beat up. How would that work in this movie as some of the most memorable parts are Kurt Russell getting beat up


He got beat up a lot inth the fat & furous movie


How does a remake harm the original?


There you go, using logic and common sense again. How dare you! You are summarily dis-invited to the next Neckbeards of Cinema meeting >plonk<
