MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > Will bomb due to the death of cinemagoin...

Will bomb due to the death of cinemagoing.

We've become the generation that witnessed the end of the era of going to the movies. Unless drive-in makes a comeback. But it won't for you can't have decent sex in a modern car.


What a rip-off.




"But it won't for you can't have decent sex in a modern car. "

That's certainly one advantage of streaming! Your bed's right there!

But yeah, theatergoing is never going to be what it was, and the era of superhero movies that cost hundreds of millions of dollars is over.


You may be right. I sorta felt that Super Hero movies had already entered a moribund state but this might be the ultimate cold water on that cultural inertia.
Personally, I plan on going to the theater the day they reopen. Ready to smuggle in some burgers and have the magically superior popcorn. We don't even care what is showing. It was a crappy year of movies so far. I wonder if they will reopen with the same line-up as when they closed or if there will be a slate of all new. If it is the older slate then maybe rewatch 1917 as it was the only movie we liked this year.
It would be cool if they opened back up with some best-of selections. Jaws, Star Wars, Forrest Gump, etc. I'd love to return to a showing of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I'm going to be extremely careful about going back to theaters, or anything involving crowds. And anything involving crowds will be the last thing allowed to re-open, which absolutely sucks for me as I'm a huge fan of the opera and ballet in the nearest city. This is going to hit the performing arts even harder than the movie theaters.

But there are special circumstances in my case, I'm going to review the evidence before I enter a crowd.


I recognize that not everyone can employ the same level of devil-may-care abandon. I have sympathy for those of you whom have a risk factor that begs caution. May the herd create the barriers to contagion necessary for a comfortable return of theaters live and 2D. Also may your former joys be renewed and worry free.

I have a gaming friend who went into complete lockdown in order to minimize the risk to his elderly mother with whom he had constant contact. He was a bit of a survivalist so he was amply supplied for the scenario. We did not see hide nor hair of him for the entirety of this ordeal (I continued my life as normal, hosting game gatherings). He just came out of hiding. Joined us for our last game (which was Illuminati, FYI) albeit masked and gloved. So let that be a positive sign for you.


Good luck. Theaters are open in our part of the EU and are showing modern and older classics.(inception, interstellar, jaws etc) and more or less arthouse movies. But there is hardly anyone going.


I'm on my way. brt




Don't be too sure. Things change, you know?


The death of the economy if we don't get over our fear of "the plague". The MSM generates paranoia, just like the climate apocalypse.

We don't we hear that the death rate for under 40s is under 0.1%? That's the same as many pandemics older people survived as children.

Theaters can easily afford to throw in a free mask with every ticket.


Enjoy your Cinema experience. I'm not much of a risk taker myself.


It takes one spectacularly stupid individual to think that the only factor that matters is the death rate under 40.


This film will certainly be a casualty of current times. An easy pass to a billion plus will probably struggle to make profits at all.

However, I got a feeling the Fast movie is gonna be huge cause Fast fans give no Fs.


Well, they do live their lives a quarter mile at a time.


Take my like and get outta here, you magnificent bastard! xD


best response of 2021.


Nah the corona-show is over. People are done with this and the world is going back to his usual life-style. It was unvaoidable. Nothing can change human nature,especially a cold.


Inconsiderate assholes are still there, indeed. Thanks for killing someone's gramps!


Gramps just needs to stay home and in lockdown, the rest of the world needs to carry on other wise there wont be any money for gramps social security checks.


I guess everyone else is magically immune? have you made your wish?


You might want to look at the mortality rate by age. For the younger people you are more likely to die from the flu than you are from the covid virus. Now once you go past about 55 it becomes the same mortality rate as the flu... but then when you past about 70 years old its a very high mortality rate... Which is why the most logical response to all this bullshit to begin with was simply to have the old seniors go into lock down. There was never a need for young people and kids to be locked down as long as they stayed away from grandma and grandpa.

And yes some young people died from it but then more babies have died from the flu in every year going back decades than died from covid, yet we don't tell the country to go on lockdown every flu season.


you might want to look at more than mortality rate.

But you are once again making a false comparison. The mortality rate bellow 55 for the flu is practically nonexistant, so this virus is still thousands of times more deadly in that age group too.

I guess you want all the young people to have permanent disabilities when they eventually survive and dont add to the mortality rate. Why dont you suck a cold one buddy.


You have no clue, the more babies die each year from the flu than have died from covid in the US. And in other countries the number of deaths from the flu is even higher in infants. I guess you want to tell the hundreds of families that had their infants die from the flu that they are nonexistent. Stop listen to CNN and look at actual facts you ignorant twat.


AMC Theatres, the largest chain in the U.S., has set a reopening date. The company has announced that it will open 450 of its more than 600 theaters across the country on July 15. This means they will be open in time to showcase blockbusters such as Mulan and Tenet, which is key for the industry. While the chain is putting additional safety measures in place, it won't be requiring guests to wear face masks.


Isn't it nice that people are allowed to swim in the pool wherein the turd still floats?

Let's wait a bit and have the predictions confirmed, shall we?


How is it now?


AMC's near me have started selling tickets to old movies for 15 cents. But I have no doubt that this is just a test to see if there are enough people dumb enough to go to the theaters. I wouldn't go even if the price was 15 cents for a new movie though, not because I'm afraid of the virus as I already had it and am pretty sure tha tfor a few more months I am probably immune... but the problem is I don't want to have to wear a damned mask while watching a movie. And I fail to see how a theater that makes the bulk of its money off popcorn and soda is going to be able to survive if they are telling people to wear a mask while in the theater. It really is telling the movie goer to skip the popcorn and soda which is where the theaters make their money.



You are one of the Very Few who seems to appreciate the real problem for theaters. They do NOT make their money on ticket sales. Gonna be real interesting to see how it shakes out. . .


Aren't people allowed to take it off while seated? I mean how can someone eat with a mask on or are there no concessions?


I assume people can slip the mask down to take a drink of their soda or whatever.


That is what I have heard just take it off when eating or drinking. The same as doing at resturants.I got my haircut Wednesday and the girl that does it said no mask but she wore one.


I had my hair cut too. I had to wear the mask coming in and leaving but I took the mask off while she cut my hair.


And I guarantee if you are in a theater and someone dares to take their mask down to eat or drink that some other terrified theater patron is going to be screaming bloody murder that the popcorn munching fool is infecting everyone in the theater. At worst it will be a nightmare for the theater staff, and at worse it will result in rights in the theaters when people argue over it. When I go to a movie I want to see the movie in peace and this is not going to allow for that to happen it will be worse than the damned theaters that have waiters continually traipsing in to serve food. Better to watch at home and not deal with the chaos that is sure to fill your local cinema.


Don't go first day. Don;t go peak time, Sit way in front or in the back or on far side seating.


Well when you are trying to minimize the intrusions from waiters in theaters I've found it best to go for the middle, the sides will guarantee people walking front of you.


AMC here is selling now and has New Mutants showing on the 28th.Take off the mask when you get food. Its unlikely anybody will be walking around to say put it on during the movie with the lights off.It not a airplane.


Damn some of you are big wussy babies. N one of you would have survived life a hundred or more years ago if someone plopped you into those time zones.

The chances of getting this virus is as much as any other. Sure the death rate is higher for older people or fatties, but one cannot stop living.

Anyhow the movie going will survive. Modern people like doing lazy shit that gets them fat. They need a night on the town and the theater provides


Apparently you cant read very well. I have no fear of the virus, I simply see no point in paying to watch a movie in a much less than comfortable environment.


I said some of you...


Not true. People flocked to bars, restaurants, and beaches when they opened by the thousands.

Movie theatres will be no exception. However, the box office may be lower due to reduced capacity.


Maybe you're right. We'll see.


Our theaters have now reopened... lower capacity but at an increased price. My daughter and some friends went on a Friday and the 4 of them had the entire theater to themselves. If I had known they were going to charge double the price the charged before the virus shut down I would have told them not to waste their money. It's crazy that the theaters seem to think that if the cut the capacity in half that they can just double the prices and be right back where they were.... Lots of people won't pay double so they are never going to fill up the theaters at a higher price, and even if they could pull in a full theater at double the price and half the capacity the popcorn and soda sales won't double so the theaters will not make nearly as much profit as they used to.
