Lord Rake's Replies

Maybe King did not have a cat before he wrote the novel because every cat I've had brings back dead animals and is very evil to them. That was a really bad trailer. I'm not sure why studios keep thinking the predator franchise is a big money maker. It's a niche of a niche. They should focus on making a good low budget horror film with it and settle for the profit that brings. What I just saw was so generic it could have been anything, the predator seemed out of place. "Did you even watch the movie?? They made it quite clear that the room was not for rent. They simply have to pretend that every rooms are occupied without even reveling about the room." There are millions of Mike type people in the country. If they stripped the room of all essential amenities a person would need while renting, they'd have no obligation to rent the room out at all. Mike couldn't demand to stay overnight in a utility room. By keeping it stocked and serviced they allowed the discrimination loophole to be available. But if someone rents the room then the problem is all over the papers. Pretending there is no problem would be stripping the room and taking out the plumbing/electric/heat and locking the door so they never have to worry about it being rented. "Wait, that doesn’t count... there’s color folks in it! ." Not really. intentional "Will there be scenes of him sabotaging communication between Germany and Britain so that none of the generous peace offerings of Germany could get through?" A peace offering from Hitler? Hmmmmm, for some reason I just don't trust it. I don't understand some of the Spacey stuff, he's a little guy. Why didn't these guys just punch him in the face and then do to him what he wanted to do to them? No Doc was faster, as another poster has explained, all the scenes between the two show that Ringo has doubt that he can beat Doc. The badge was to provoke Ringo into actually dueling. Doc throws the badge at Ringo afterwards because he has no connection to it. The hypocrisy of Doc being in the right to carry out the same natural impulse that Ringo has enrages Ringo who is educated enough to understand the silliness of it all. If Ringo thought he could beat Doc, he would not have given Doc the out to walk away. Too expensive. I like calm places the most. Good point, understood. I don't like superman or cats. They are all the same movie and they are all the same trailer. It's the same movie over and over and over again, the same trailer, the same plots. Nothing different. A big bad guy shows up with a bunch of generic bug like monsters and it's the end of the world. The hero's will fight amongst themselves for a little bit and then fight the bad guy together. This time a few of them get knocked off, that's about it. If a woman is present why is he masturbating? He's like a faux rapist. Why are these women sticking around while he wacks off? Somebody who is wacking off in front of another person is not also blocking the door, those two extremes are separate. He's basically saying have a spine. That's just how the character is in the story. As others have said, they already used that character arc. If they are using Billy as the doppelgänger of Steve, it would be silly to have him follow the exact same path. He will or should go down the self destructive path. Nonsense, he is such a great actor you'd never even know he was there. He might have been playing the character of Max when the kiss happened for all we know. "I wouldn’t be surprised if they delve deeper into Michael’s backstory yet again" They probably will, it is a sequel and that is how they kill time in horror sequels. Loomis told us everything we needed to know about Michael and any new information just humanizes him, which makes him less scary. If I were to write a sequel to the original Halloween I would focus on Laurie and a new group who she sees going towards the same fate as her original group went. I'm more interested in the fate element of Halloween than the object which brings it to Laurie or someone else.