MovieChat Forums > Otter > Replies

Otter's Replies

I disagree, in a truly great love story you don't think "Well, it never would have worked put anyway" at the end. Because it wouldn't have. Rose wouldn't have been happy as the wife of a poor and irresponsible man, and Jack wouldn't have been happy with a wife and kiddies to cramp his style. Rose was literally better off without him, in the long run. You can't POSSIBLY think they were the only fornicating couple on board! On a ship with that many people on board, no relatives or neighbors to spy on anyone, nothing else to do but eat and play shuffleboard... I hope she found a rich husband for herself... And he treated her the way Cal treated her daughter. I'd give it a B+! Not the best, but a damn good film and a solid effort. You say that like it's a bad thing. If Rey has a hand cut off by a light saber, I'm throwing something at the screen! No point in leaving the theater once you've paid for a ticket. Yeah, all we can do is see how it goes, we can't even make an educated guess about what we'll see next at this point. Still, R1 was good enough to make me quite hopeful, and to make me want to see more new Disney Star Wars! But if you can't stand Rey, I think you're SOL. She's front and center, dude. Disney has done a WAY better job with Star Wars than Warner's has done with DC!! DC fans should only hope that someone takes the property away from those hacks, and gives it to someone capable of making decent films. You guys could do a lot worse that Disney, and already have. The perfect character for that is actually ... [drum roll] ... Arya! Seriously. She started out as a nice kid and is still being played by a super-likeable actress, but she's become a remorseless killer. She fed a man his own son in a pie, and is presumably just beginning a campaign of mass slaughter. All in the name of revenge and family honor, of course, but IMHO it's going to become clear that she's now a psychopathic monster. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe if she's reunited with Jon she'll get some of her better self back, but I suspect she's beyond redemption. The "tentpole" summer blockbuster as we know it today might not exist! But then again it might. Spielberg had some massive hits around the same period. I strongly suspect a lot of Leto's Joker ended up on the cutting room floor, after all the pre-release publicity he got. Of course he was terrible in the role, so maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe the editors were just on strong hallucinogens and just did whatever the three-eyed rainbow coyotes told them to do! Which would certainly explain a lot about the finished film... Now that I think about it, he looked like... a college kid in a Joker Halloween costume. One put together in an afternoon, out of stuff found at the Goodwill and the drug store. Ironic that Leto looked like a kid playing dress-up and Heath Ledger looked genuinely repulsive when he played the same role, even though Ledger was so much younger. I disagree. I thought the basic idea for the story was iffy, but the execution was so good I forgave the redundancies of the story. She has nobody else to talk to! Imagine, having only one person to talk to, and not even using their name. If R1 is any indication, they're going to Ikea on the Easter eggs and fan service. Which is fine with me, bring it on! And i also hope that R1 is also an indication that they now have the nerve to use original stories. I'm afraid the mentor character always goes the way of Ibi-Wan, and Yoda and Qui-Gon. It's an official part of the Hero's Journey. All I can really hope for is that Luke makes into film 9. If Ben-Ren comes back to the light, he'd be well advised to die a heroic death as soon as he can. Some things can never be forgiven, and a mass murderer can't just say he's sorry and be accepted back into society. So betcha ten bucks he either dies or goes into another dimension. And who knows how much the advertising departments overseas were told. No, when the prequels came out the mainstream was unkind, and the fandom went batshit and heaped personal abuse on Lucas. I can't hate him for selling the franchise to Disney, after some of the comments I read. And of course, now that the fandom lunatic fringe has a new target, they kind of like the prequels.