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Otter's Replies

Someone tell me this is a parody thread... I hear there's a trend among older kids, they cover their noses with their hands whenever someone tries to take a picture of them for social media... without their consent. Some kids have realized that they ought to have a say Antarctica can make people a little crazy, both the idea of it and the experience of being there. Well, more than a little crazy, obviously. I've been there as a tourist, and felt the same thing that a lot of people do, feeling the there's ... someone there, in a lifeless landscape. To me it felt live the moving ice was alive, but to others is feels like a conscious presence, as if a person or spiritual entity was there. And that was just along the coast, I can't imagine what that feeling does to people in the vast and lifeless interior. Mine is still open. Which proves that I am a law-abiding and forbearing citizen, because I haven't burned it down. I'm sure such conversations were had in the world of 1950s fashion, which was very much ruled by gay men and women at that time. Yes, I read a book about the history of the modelling industry once, and the author contended that when straight men started getting involved in fashion and modelling in the 1960s, things became rather worse for the models. The older I get, the smaller I want the town I live in to be! I think that's normal, as you start to get older, you want a smaller world to have to deal with. What can I say, I absolutely loved "Pacific Rim", which had an even sillier concept - Transformers vs. Kaiju! I'm not actually sure why one movie totally worked and the other didn't, but it wasn't entirely the goofy worldbuilding. If I'm engaged with the characters, I don't spend much time picking the concept apart. I was half-joking up there, but this question is totally serious: Why the hell would you be pressing someone to get married, when they don't want to get married??? If people don't want to get married to someone, they usually have excellent reasons. If they feel that way, they're usually aware of some reason that the marriage will not work, either due to something about their partner, something about themselves, or something about their circumstances. I saw it, it's okay, a sort of generic Fantasy genre plot in a really weird setting. You know, the giant cities on wheels, that have crushed the Earth beneath their tread? Of course I have the kind of brain that can't just sit back and enjoy a silly Fantasy movie, it had to start bitching about how a wall could keep out machines that have crushed mountain ranges... "I suggested that niece just go ahead and marry the guy, get a prenup so their incomes and debts are segregated" Why the heck did you suggest that your niece marry a guy who already broke up with her??? I haven't gambled in years. It doesn't interest me for some reason, and I'm very grateful for that. I've had enough issues with addiction, it's nice that my brain doesn't seem to be interested in a gambling problem. I'd never live in a big city. I mean I visit them, there's always something interesting to do in a big city, but damn. The crowding and traffic and too much concrete make me feel stressed after a little while, and I have to get away. As with all penguin colonies, they just go where they stand. I've visited a few wild penguin colonies, and FYI anyone who does is going to be doing a bit of wading in penguin poo! In fact, penguin colonies can be seen from a great distance, because while most of Antarctica is white, penguin colonies are brown... Here's a colony of male emperor penguins huddling together for warmth in a horrific Antarctic winter storm, BTW, with nothing to eat for weeks and barely able to move because each one has a precious single egg on his feet. Don't be a deadbeat dad, or this is what you'll be reincarnated as...,_Antarctica,_May.jpg Deadbeat dads are reincarnated as male Emperor Penguins, and are doomed to spend every Antarctic winter perching their precious single on their feet, because the egg will freeze solid if it touches the Antarctic ground. But as long as it's balanced on the feet the dads can keep it warm with their tummy feathers, even through Antarctic storms with 200MPH winds. The males spend months inland during the Antarctic winters, huddling together for warmth during storms and living off their body fat because they can't eat anything while holding the eggs on their feet. This is all for real, BTW. Sounds like I'm home free then! About twenty years of alcohol abuse, followed by nearly twenty years of abstinence,,, I average out as a moderate drinker! He'll never suffer for it, except that Charles and William won't let him represent the monarchy again. They won't let him be prosecuted. Hey, people identify as rich! Or richer. They see themselves in people who are living the lifestyle they'd like to be living. Plus giving characters money is convenient to most plots, it gives them the time and money to go out and do stuff, where most of us don't do much except work and mind the kids. Hell yeah, Doris Day should have played the role! And they'd planned to cast her, but apparently the producers asked her to sing some of the songs at a party and she refused because she wasn't warmed up or prepared, and the producers settled for the bland Mitzy Gaynor instead. Doris would have been damn perfect, because she was not only the cheerfully attractive all-American blonde singing girl... but she had a down-to-earth tough streak that Gaynor totally lacked. You can imagine Doris Day packing a wound or emptying a urinal, but not Gaynor. He won the role of a lifetime, and the resulting work totally failed to impress either audiences or the industry power structure. Whatever else was going on in his life didn't really matter, if he'd devoted his post-OHMSS life to doing nothing but impressing the Hollywood suits... he still wouldn't have been in demand. Or perhaps in this case, people fight for the just causes nobody else is fighting for, just because nobody else is fighting! Or at least, the sort of people that lawmakers take seriously weren't fighting for.