Painbow's Replies

A curiously infantile reply. Not sure why you're so triggered. Killmonger's entire character is built on his resentments and sense of entitlement (it's kinda the plot of the film). If he has any meaningful claim then it's entirely due to his privilege. Maybe it's been a while since you've watched the film. Yeah, I don't think so. Owned is a word that eight year olds use (or adults with the equivalent intellect). She was glorious in the '90s. Killmonger's claim of Wakandan entitlement (and the basis of his resentments) were built on his Wakandan father and that specific heritage. His heritage was... privilege. Mostly for a Chinese audience. Everyone gets paid and moves on. Marvel have become so good at this stuff that they can essentially make a film that's mostly inconsequential filler and make it fun to watch. Absolutely nothing meaningful happens in this film -- it simply didn't need to exist -- but it was still a good romp with funny moments and scenes. Marvel can now just fart these movies out with ease. 1) Evolving zombies would be retarded (even for the walking dead) 2) The Whisperers are well-known in the comics so it would be pointless to drag it out. Great. It deserves to be wrapped up properly. The show was a little too formulaic and needed more... something. It was a shame they never quite found the right tone. But hey, at least we have videos of Abigail Spencer flicking her own bean to comfort us. Yes. It's where the juiciest face parts are located. So what you're saying is: you think the puerile thought but lack the confidence to express it. Are you absolutely sure you're a man. You sound like a pussy to me. Good point I'd eat shit directly from her arse. It was fucking abysmal. Thank God they brought a genius in to... write the word human. Obviously none of the other five million linguists would have come up with that. Christ, this was the worst piece of navel gazing shit I've ever seen. Just atrocious. More bad writing. 1) Dwight didn't need to get the doc killed for his story to be accepter by Negan 2) Negan is a dumb twat for believing any of it. A Eugene heavy episode. Just what the fans have been crying out for. FFS! Ah the good old days, when people couldn't link properly. <a href="">Link</a> The message of the movie was... blacks, like carnivores must reject their natural instincts in order for society to work. It was one of the most hilariously racists films ever made and yet NO-ONE seems to have noticed this at all. Lol Genius! Ibra wins it for them. Sad. Never remotely cared about them as a couple. But I hated serious Joey. Not funny. His spin-off show failed specifically because Joey was too serious, too sentimental and lacked confidence. That's not what made him likeable. Long deep hugs (this is where the laughing emoji would go if the site had them). And what exactly is she throwing in his face? That he doesn't own her? Next thing you know, they'll be letting women vote.