aavfreak's Posts

No rating on IMDb yet Although it's been 30 years since I've seen this, that song still gets stuck in my head. Enjoyable show. After watching all the way through, I actually liked it. The creamerie? Really? For those ten seconds or less, I'm free. Are there more feet scenes than we've already seen? Luke was such a bumbling idiot. Am I the only one that thought there was no twin sister? Today, we salute you It seems Indy has gone more Skywalker and less Maverick Is the fan service good like Top Gun or bad like The Force Awakens? Huge, gaping disconnect in the blame for the death (spoilers) Rewatchability 8.2 on IMDb and I've never even heard of it Can't wait When making tomato sauce I miss my physical keyboard What's the point of CSI: Vegas? Basically described what would be the COVID pandemic in 2013