MrFilmJunkie's Replies

yes, macbeth is played by denzel washington. apart from that absurd casting choice, the film seems to stick closely to the source material, not even updating the language... yeah, i hope hbo announces a tom & greg spin-off show some day! incel stands for "involuntary celibate". his celibate isn't involuntary, e.g. he dates tabitha in season 1. she wants to have sex with him, but he pushes her away. it's suggested throughout the show that he has some sort of granny fetish, but theoretically he could get laid if he wanted to. both actors, the swede and the swiss character, are from germany. german audiences are able to tell that the swiss guy speaks with a normal german accent rather than a swiss accent, but i doubt that korean audiences can tell german and swiss accents apart. most people complaining in this thread simply haven't paid attention that these characters were not supposed to be native english speakers. gross! can't he date a twenty-something like any normal male celebrity his age? i found it distracting, they should have at least addressed it right away. i kept wondering is this supposed to be a boy or a girl, until i looked it up halfway in the movie. "love exposure" has the title card shown at minute 58. then again, it's a 4-hours-movie and it's not a credits sequence, so it probably doesn't count. she didn't travel with light speed, she travelled through a wormhole. so it's correct. think of time travel movies where people return to the same point in time where they started travelling, even though they spend hours, days etc. in a different time period. imdb says "Expected December 20, 2023", but shooting hasn't even begun. it wasn't much better than other 3d movies i've seen. the fast action scenes seemed slightly less flickering. i've enjoyed the 3d more in movies like "gravity", "life of pi" and and even the post-converted 3d version of "terminator 2". "a good person"?! her offer would put the model back on top and the cleaning lady from her now master role back into a servant role. and even if the model sincerely meant to do something good for once - in a naive-not-realizing-the-cynical-smack-of-her-offer-kind-of-way - she still had been a manipulative unlikeable person throughout the rest of the movie, so either-way your theory is false. also, in the end, the female model wasn't generous at all. by offering the cleaning lady an assistant job she just tried to save her own ass. from the moment she realized that the cleaning lady has no advantage in going back to civilization, she knew the cleaning lady won't just let her walk into that elevator, so she came up with a seemingly sympathatic offer. she's just following her pattern of manipulating people for her own good, something that was established early on in the film. thanks, i still agree to disagree though. <blockquote>Evil: ...uses his power over others, plots against other's wellbeing...</blockquote> i've already mentioned the example of the male model causing one of the workers to get fired. he's good-looking and his status allows him to use power over somebody else. <blockquote>Ugly: all the evil people in this movie. The uglier, the eviler.</blockquote> as mentioned as well, there are no objectively ugly people in this movie. most of the rich people are old (because obviously the older people get, the more time they have to accumulate power and wealth), but that doesn't mean they're ugly. some of them might have been even handsome when they were young. <blockquote>Look, the hot couple at the end is not only good but is also generous and is taken advantage of /killed by the evilest character in the movie.</blockquote> as suggested several times now, they weren't portrayed as good throughout the movie. they were selfish and took advantage of others as well. even amongst each other: the whole first part of the movie was to show how the girl took advantage of her "female model privilege" over her "inferior" male model boyfriend. how do you define "evil"? and again, looks are subjective. i have given you various examples how your theory is wrong, while you haven't given even one (!) proper example to back up your own theory. we can play this game all day long... the cleaning lady was a poor, oppressed woman on the boat, but powerful on the island. according to your theory, she must have turned ugly, once they stranded on the island, thus becoming evil. but no, her looks didn't change. it's the situation that changed and how she's now able to use her individual skills to gain power and become the leader of the group. same goes for the male model. he had been inferior to his girlfriend because in the model industry there's a higher demand for female models. but on the island that didn't count anymore: in this new matriarchic system, he could now sleep his way up, so he's become more powerful than his model girlfriend. yeah, it reminded me of "the lonliest planet", too. i must say i was disappointed by "turist", it's basically a less subtle rip-off with an avalanche instead of an armed foreigner, and snow/hotel rooms instead of the beautiful georgian landscapes. well, now 20 years later the rating has improved to 5.0 that doesn't make any sense, as there's nothing in the movie that suggests "the uglier, the more evil". apart from the model couple who would generally be considered good looking (and they are portrayed as exploitative, too), none of the people are objectively ugly, they are just average looking people. if there's a connection in the movie between looks and how "evil" people are, it would rather be the other way around: the evil of the so called "pretty privilege" - good looking people abusing the power that comes with their attractivness, as shown in the scene were the model guy causes one of the workers to get fired. this movie isn't just about looks, it's about capitalists exploiting poor people. different traits can become one's capital depending on the situation, like good looks (the model characters), entrepreneur skills (the russian oligarch), or the practical/survival skills that come in handy for the cleaning lady in the final act. yeah, i thought this was going to be how the movie ends, she kills herself without a witness, thus breaking the curse.