samoanjoes's Replies

Me too and they still show up. Me too. Sometimes I come multiple times a day and sometimes once a week. It really depends on how busy I am. I never like to start arguments here and I've never been in one here. I don't have Twitter but sometimes I check out comments. This site is way better than Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and comments on articles. There's just overall less stupidity here. I'm proud to say that I've done none of those. I haven't even called someone a troll once. Disagree. He had one line and still delivered it badly. Two. English and French. Spielberg. He's done too many films of my youth and it will feel weird when he's no longer around. Not once did I say no one wants this. I said they were a mediocre band that didn't deserve their own movie. I'm not the biggest fan of The Doors but I'll take them over Mötley Crüe and KISS any day. You must be one of those people that think that because there are 15 Fast and the Furious movies, that means they're good movies because people keep going to see it. Keep in mind, Netflix gave Adam Sandler a five film deal. Also I'm a rocker. I hate rap. Just because there is crap music nowadays, that doesn't mean mediocre bands from the past get a pass. And I never said I had such a great taste in music. I only said Mötley Crüe was awful. I don't think she knew that she was in Crew. I think her name was just listed under that scholarship as a front for the money they received. It could work in a Spinal Tap kind of way. Although Spinal Tap was more talented. I agree they are better. But really it's just the lesser of two evils, or in this case, 4 evils. I don't see what they've done that any other band hasn't done. This guys are all assholes too. I'd rather a see a more respected band get the opportunity for a biopic. From what I heard, some professors were helping out the students on the SAT's. Can you confirm that she knew she got in from the scholarship? From what I've heard, she just knew she got accepted and had no idea about the scholarship. It seemed more like a front from the college so no one would question how she got in. I disagree. I can see her not understanding how she was accepted to the college on, in your words, her own merits. Yes, she could have felt like an idiot who wasn't worthy of getting in. But perhaps her mother kept it from her knowing for that very reason. She wanted her daughter to attend college and she knew she was too stupid to get in so she paid the school off. Her daughter easily could have been shocked that she was accepted. I don't consider myself a scholar of any kind, but even I'm surprised I was accepted into two colleges. Hopefully all those movies flop. I hate Disney and how they buy everything. I also hate how they put the Disney classics "in the vault". Oh. That's unfortunate. How do you know? Is there, like, some sort of active user list you're looking at? I've been out of school for so long that I forgot how to do long division.