samoanjoes's Replies

Are we counting short films? If so, The Red Balloon. I'm from Toronto but don't live in Canada anymore but I miss that kind of weather. Hookers and blow. Just kidding. I'd invest it and if I had a decent return, I'd send some money back your way as a thanks. All Tomorrow's Parties - Velvet Underground. [url][/url] That one is hard to find. I trashed it because it wasn't a good movie. I'm not a Marvel vs. DC guy either, I like them both. But the movie had terrible special effects, a story with a terrible message, forgettable action scenes, average acting (although the lead was very solid), and overall didn't seem like it was put together well enough to be considered one of the 8 nominees. Here are the movies I thought deserved it. Some were nominated, some weren't. Hereditary Eighth Grade The Favourite Green Book Cold War Sorry to Bother You Leave No Trace First Reformed The English Patient over Fargo is inexcusable. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! It's amazing that there are people out there who says this and don't realize how it doesn't make sense. I also hate when people say "should of" instead of "should have". Goin' Down the Road [url]https://[/url] He was breathtaking in "Home Alone 2" spellbinding in "The Little Rascals" and he gave a groundbreaking performance in "Ghosts Can't Do It". Why can't I talk about this wonderful thespian on a movie message board? Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. The Godfather Pulp Fiction Fight Club Fargo City of God Les diaboliques Wild Strawberries The Shawshank Redemption Magnolia Goodfellas Gone Girl A Clockwork Orange M Seppuku Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (my screen name is a reference) American Beauty Die Hard Psycho 21 Grams Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Too bad there's not "like" button on here. Me too. They're distracting. I'm not talking about message boards, but rather when having discussions with people. Here's why I don't agree with the decades old argument. There are many young people who are now getting to a point where their movie palette is beginning to grow and now they'll start watching more. The Sixth Sense came out 20 years ago, is it really a 14-year-old's fault they haven't seen it, whereas someone who is in their thirties has had 20 years to do so? A fair warning must always be there. Who decides how long a movie/TV show can be spoiled after its release? Some may feel one week. Others may feel one year. [quote]White racial consciousness will grow as the country declines.[/quote] Sure, but it's like that everywhere where there is a majority race. There are over 180 million people in Nigeria, the small amount of white people there wouldn't be treated as well as the black people there just because whites would be the minority. Minorities, whether it's race, religion, sexuality, will always be treated as minorities. I don't even think it's her fault. Everyone has this bias. It's why white people will mostly hang out with white people. Black people will mostly hang out with black people. Asians will mostly hang out with Asians. People want to be surrounded by what is familiar to them. You assumed that the poster was white. That shows your bias right there. And what did white people bring on themselves? Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the public relations executive of the Academy Awards, is black. She said she wanted more diversity in the acting nominations after Oscars so white happened. The very next year a record number of black people were nominated. The problem? There wasn't a single Asian, Hispanic, Native or other race that was nominated. Also, no one with disabilities or from the gay community. A black, straight able-bodied executive wanted more diversity, and she was too blind to see other races, so spare me the "you white folks brought this shit on yourselves". Do you think a bunch of white people are winning Japanese movie awards? Mexico just released their first film with a black lead in 25 years, but somehow it's "you white folks." Notice how everyone is silent on the lack of black nominees at the Razzie awards? They're far less diverse than the Oscars but no one brings it up because it's a negative award to win.