samoanjoes's Replies

I don't recall any drug use. I forgot about the baby on her lap. Every scandal she had seemed to be mental illness related. I don't recall any DUI's, drug use, controversial statements. It seemed fame was getting to her and she just went a little crazy. I think 1999 should be replaced with either The Sixth Sense or The Matrix. Forbes needs their head checked. She looked wrong here. The car was driving slow and it looked like she sped up to try to beat them across the street because she didn't want to wait. That is a separate argument. Not hiring actors because they're not bankable is different than saying you won't hire someone because of race. KISS is the best example of a band that isn't good. Nothing catchy. Not a single member is talented. Lyrically they are average. To be honest, I think if they didn't have the whole gimmick of the way they dressed, they would have been swept under the rug. I've been trying to remember the name of the song and the band after all these years and now I finally got it! I don't like the song at all but it just kept popping in my head and it was bothering me. That's not what I said. I said there are white people with disabilities, there are white people who are gay, white people who are transgender, and by eliminating the option of not having any white people as leads, people like white people with disabilities, won't get that opportunity in a Jordan Peele movie because he's already said he wouldn't cast them for being white. I never said that he had to cast disabled people, I'm saying by purposely not casting whites is collateral damage to other forms of oppression. Oppression isn't only race. Definitely. He even says "I don't hate white dudes", but isn't that the equivalent of "I'm not racist but..." The problem is that he's limiting himself by not casting whites, when they're the majority of the population of the US. And like I said in my original post, white people can be gay, have disabilities and so on but they won't get a role in a Jordan Peele film just for being white. I have nothing against Jordan Peele. I'm actually pulling for him. But people were making this about "white people have so much representation, so why can't he help out minorities?" But it goes further than that. Passing over white people also means he is passing over disabled white people, gay white people, transgender white people, white people growing up poor, white people who grew up abused... Yes but right near the end of the article it says there is no word on what his next movie will be and that he has various stuff lined up. If I was his lawyer I would just say Smollett was attacked by a black Muslim Japanese transgender person with purple hair and missing a few fingers. Let's see the cops narrow that down. Yep. It really is that simple. It seems nowadays if you have five lead men in a movie, people will criticize that there are no women in it. Then if 3 of the 5 are women, people will complain that they're all white. Then if 4 out of 5 are not white, people will complain that they're all straight. People will always find something to complain about. The funny thing is he's mixed and has a white wife and he wants to claim that he feels the same oppression as people who are fully black. Why can't we just accept that we all have privileges one way or another and stop shaming people for theirs? Being black is not the same as being gay but they both face discrimination daily. Does it really matter who gets it worse? Me too. It's's just hypocritical when Jordan Peele does it when he's calling other people out for subconsciously doing it. Exactly. I don't care that Jordan Peele is making movies with black casts the same way I don't care if a white director makes a movie with a white cast. What I care about is if they're actively being discriminatory through their own ignorance like Jordan Peele is doing. The Width of a Circle. 8 minutes or brilliance. I don't care who the leads are in the films I watch, as long as they're good actors. But for me to say that I'm not going to watch a movie because of a specific race, is just ignorant on my part. I'm a white dude and I love Asian cinema, and I could not care less about a lack of diversity in those films. I would, however, if the directors came out and said they purposely were avoiding directing films with a race, that's where I have a problem.