samoanjoes's Replies

I don't think they're looking for a specific movie. It sounds like they need a soundbite from a movie in which it was said. Basketball. Now I just find the sport completely boring. Teams scoring multiple times a minute lessens the value of a point. If you don't get the point this time, you can get another opportunity soon after. Your turn, now it's the other team's turn, then back to your turn. Also everything is a foul. Even the slightest slap on the wrist is a foul. the shot clock also doesn't make sense. If I am holding the ball to myself, come at me. Why should time help you get possession back? Why are you attributing this to Hollywood? 40 people were charged. All it takes is for some rich guy who won the lottery, invested in some stocks or even earned it through a high paying job, to bribe his way into these colleges. Let's just say Will Smith was one of the people being charged, would the white privilege argument still work? This is about wealth and wealth only. Literally this could not have happened without being rich unless they performed some sexual favours, but that's a whole other argument. And like I said, not everyone who was arrested was white. I get that question a lot. No. My name is a reference to Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. Her daughter has a YouTube page and said that she hates school and doesn't really care for it. I think her mother paid for her to get in as a way for her to go because she wouldn't have applied to get in herself. I'm not American. What is the average score? He wanted to be killed. -No CGI -They didn't try so hard to be different -Cinematography seemed more controlled like in film noir movies -Lack of diversity wasn't great but they also didn't try to add diversity for the sake of it. -Rarely did they have political agendas. -The use of dolly/tracking shots -Sequels were rare -Temporary (consisting of songs in an order I currently keep listening to) -Psychedelic Rock -Slow songs -Awesome guitar riffs -Instrumentals -90's Then I have playlists from artists like The Rolling Stones, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rage Against the Machine, Bowie... "Whaaaaat's in the boooox?" - Se7en I'm not American, but I find pretty much 90% of American politicans male and female to be extremely unlikable. I hated Hillary because people said she was progressive, but I remember years ago when she made a racist joke about Indian people and the time she got boo'ed on stage for not supporting same-sex marriage. And I also don't like how she says she's a feminist when she is with a man who has been accused of sexual harassment over 20 times. And what Bill did in the oval office both sucks and blows. I didn't mind Barack but I hated hearing people say they voted for him just for being black like Steve Harvey did. Jill Stein seemed pretty cool, but seeing how she was for the Green Party, she really had no chance of winning. I think the best bet is for America to open up to other parties to give them a chance of winning. The same TV time, the same campaign opportunites. Teaching kids about transgenderism just baffles me. When we were kids we all thought we were going to be a super hero, a princess, a millionaire and so on, because we didn't know any better. I can only imagine being seven years old and the teacher cracks open a "Trans: A Simple Guide to Becoming the Other Sex" book. Chapter four would consist of the surgical procedure to remove man's penis. They should just teach the kids acceptance and that's it. Maybe if they take the same story and the don't call it The Godfather. And instead of Michael Corleone, Miko Korlazaki would have a nice ring to it. Of course no one is in favour of treating people badly, but sadly, people do it. Funny you bring up therapy. Conversion therapy is often considered unacceptable but I don't see how that is any different than someone who is depressed going to a psychiatrist to rid themselves of their depression. I don't care what people do with their lives either as long as they're not hurting anyone also, but we now seem forced to call someone who transitions by their new sex. There are times where I see someone on TV who used to be a man but is now a woman but they still look completely like a man. If all I see is a man, am I really ignorant? I agree with the gender dysphoria part. But the "creation" of a new gender is where I think there is a hypocrisy. I only know him now as Bruce Gender. Exactly. I feel bad for the people who feel that they don't feel like they're the sex they were born with. I wouldn't treat them any different than someone with depression. I don't understand banning transgenders from the military either. Men and women are allowed, why not transgenders seeing how either way they fall into either of those categories.