MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

How do you establish a new religion and convert followers if you ignore what they already believe? Hence such similarities or continuations in the monotheistic religions. I really can't tell if this topic is serious or not, but even if you google Flava, it comes out Flavor Flav. Not to mention the show Flavor of Love, not Flava of Love. Yes!! Don't find many movies funny, but I did enjoy The Full Monty and What We Do in the Shadows. How can rape culture be fictiicious is one instance but not another? I am also not sure where the courts favour women over men in regards to harassment, assault, and rape. I don't think we see enough cases that make it to court for everyone. The justice system, police included, are usually on the side of the accused, not the victim. That goes for all sexes, but I do agree that this is where support for males is lacking. I don't know what your tastes are, but it's not the worst show out there. I was simply asking because SpiderPig would have their answer if they watched the show. Did you watch the show? A few from LOTR “’I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.’”- Bilbo "What are we holding on to, Sam?" - Frodo "There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for." - Sam "How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold." - Frodo I don't see where I stated that anyone needed to be jailed. The jist of what I was trying to say is that it will take time and practice for society to change. We need to change the behaviour. I think it's totally inappropriate to touch someone you don't know. I think it's inappropriate to comment on someone's pubic hair if you've never said more than hello. Or comment on breasts or a guys penis. Most women I know have felt harassed at least once in their lives. About 50% of men that I've talked to about it have felt the same I am saying that society needs time to shift. If someone is acting inappropriate to you, especially at work, say something in the moment, as long as you are physically safe. If you aren't safe, then go make a complaint to the cops. Don't wait anymore. Say it to the person at that moment. Say it in front of others. I don't think that it is helpful to wait and then go public to destroy someone's career. And I think that as long as there wasn't rape, that harassment training is usually a good first step instead of being fired and blacklisted. So please....I don't know where you got that I was saying to jail someone for their comments. So yes, I do really believe what I've stated above. What is malarkey? Sex with puppets? I think that would really be inter-species malarkey. Has nothing to do with being pansexual. Plus it wasn't a human that had sex with a puppet in the preview, it was two puppets. I think that while society is shifting as to what is acceptable not everyone is catching up fast enough. From what I understand with Morgan Freeman, there is no rape, there shouldn't be anything with DNA. This behaviour or culture of harassment was commonplace. I mean watch any movie before 2000 and even then I'm sure you will still see it. I was recently going through my teenage diaries, and there were so many instances that I wrote about with men following me in a mall commenting on my ass or walking by and grabbing it. I don't really understand why men have thought that it is ok to do some of this things. I was working at a gas station and a regular customer, out of the blue one day, told me that judging by the hair on my arms that I probably had a big blond bush. Who says that??? I don't know one woman that doesn't have a story like this. I think that in cases like this, Mr. Freeman has been able to get away with some inappropriate behaviour because for years and years no one called him on it. So now that there is support behind women, everyone is telling their story. I don't believe that in instances like this the man (or woman's) career should be destroyed, but I do think that they should have to go through a retraining, if you will, first. If it continues, then something more severe. It will take practice. As sad as that sounds, it will take practice to break this cycle, and we all need to be aware and call it out the second it happens. This waiting and then going public...not anymore. “Tell me one last thing, is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?" - Harry "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” - Dumbledore I'd just like to say 3 words. Scary. German. Guy. I think Damnation Alley could be fun with some better effects, but I don't know if I'd want them to go serious with it or kinda b movie it up. Well there are two countries in the NHL. Really, outside of Olympic ceremonies I don't really know why they play the anthems. At non international sports games, why do they play the anthem anyways? Lovely Molly was great Mine too. The first few bars are just grunge heaven for me. I have a love-hate relationship with The Poseidon Adventure. I can't say that it's my favourite movie of that year, but I'm constantly drawn to it in an inexplicable way. Ellen Burstyn - Requiem for a Dream