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sslssg's Replies

If we are being serious, as I was joking, I think might be referring to the Eastern Canadian accent. Probably mostly Ontario area, or a bit of the Acadian accent. Canada has a lot more than one accent. We certainly do not say aboot, but if you want to start a kefuffle ya hoser, I'll send my beaver after you. That is the black and white thinking I'm talking about. I know that there is nothing that I can say that will make one iota of difference to you so I'm not going to try. I've been thinking about this, and perhaps it wouldn't have been such a big deal had she left out Muslim Brotherhood and perhaps posted a picture showing how much they look alike. Without context the tweet does come across really badly. A joke kinda falls flat if it needs to be defended or explained. When it comes across as really racist, it becomes a big deal. Just ask Justine Sacco. I don't watch the View because it's not really my thing, but saw that people were complaining about what Joy said about Pence and Jesus. I watched the clip ( I should state that I'm not Christian, so perhaps I wasn't as offended by the comment) but what made that different was that, although it's mostly a Liberal panel, they do debate opposing views and there were others that disagreed with Joy on that comment so it didn't really look like the network was supporting someone with that viewpoint. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying that I can see why Roseanne would get cancelled but not The View. As for Jane Fonda, it's been almost 50 years. I think there are more pressing issues and the more I read about it (from both sides) it's not so black and white. Not defending her, but I think that black and white thinking is why we're in the mess that we are in right now. Perhaps the world is a little more cinnamon than chocolate or vanilla today?? I understood your point. I just don't see it as fascism. Nor do I see it as a left or right issue. It might seem more liberal at the moment, and this might shock you, I do see the bias, but I see the same sort of outcry from both liberals and conservatives. Free speech only protects one from government, it doesn't protect one from private companies. So if a company has certain political leanings or a brand they are trying to protect, they are well within their rights to terminate employment. You may not agree with it, but it doesn't make the fascist or hypocritical. I am curious as to what you find offensive on Colbert? He makes jokes, but I haven't heard him say anything slanderous or racist. I agree with much of what you said, but I do not agree that victims have the only voice. Perhaps in the court of public opinion, which does destroy careers. If victims had the only voice in the court system I wouldn't know the names of Brock Turner or Robin Camp. I do agree that the public does not give due process and that careers are being destroyed for what appears to be minor things. People's lives have also been destroyed over tweets. I struggle with what is or isn't harassment. When this started I looked at the legal definition and it's pretty broad. I am pretty sure I am guilty of some sort of harassment in my life. I know that a woman made a youtube video awhile ago about all the harassment she received in a day walking in NY? and I didn't think that everything was that bad, but that's me. The key to the legality of it is that it's unwelcome. So what is good fun for one person is harassment for someone else. This is the culture shift that I am referring to. That we need to be aware of what is and isn't welcome. As the person who is receiving the unwanted attention we need to speak up in the moment. As the person who is making the comments we need to stop when someone says no thanks. These situations where someone like Weinstein has been accused of rape that's different to me than over zealous flirting. At this point I don't know what has been said to Freeman about not continuing with lecherous behaviour. If nothing, then he deserves a pass. If he has ignored complaints, then yeah, maybe a bit of a slap on the wrist. Same with Louis CK. He didn't force anyone to do anything from what I know. I only mentioned rape culture because of [quote]The biggest proof would be women complaining about something ficticious like rape culture. The rape culture is in the male prisons where it is a societal source of amusement and humor.[/quote] I'm wary. If someone is homeless and needs food that's one thing. We had a group of aggressive panhandlers about 10 years ago that were making about $400 a day each so that kinda turned me off giving any sort of money. I volunteer with a group that makes food to feed homeless and I'm much more comfortable with that. I know that Daphne du Maurier isn't known as a horror writer per se, but I would put her up there. I much preferred her short of The Birds, to Hitchcock's adaptation. I think I would have to go with Barker as well. I got that, but it made me think why ( and I'm sure I could look it up but too lazy) Americans call it Canadian bacon? We don't. And if you order bacon here you don't get back bacon. So I'm not trying to hijack your joke....I'm just pondering. Back bacon isn't ham. Back bacon is loin I think, and ham is leg or rump. I can also say that we have some great sausage here as well, but most of it is considered Ukrainian sausage. So confusing. I just did a little more research and I think it's just a prop brand. I guess it's popped up in a bunch of shows. I don't really know if Smeat is an actual brand, I've just seen pictures, but that just sounds so disgusting. Separate Ways - Journey The Scarecrow in Dark Night of the Scarecrow really freaked me out when I was really young. Had no idea what the movie was about but the babysitter was watching it. How do you establish a new religion and convert followers if you ignore what they already believe? Hence such similarities or continuations in the monotheistic religions. I really can't tell if this topic is serious or not, but even if you google Flava, it comes out Flavor Flav. Not to mention the show Flavor of Love, not Flava of Love.