MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

I recently lent it to a coworker who had never seen it and they couldn't get into it. I have to agree with you on short attention spans. I think one of the biggest hyped movie for me was Independence Day. I was working at a movie theatre when it came out and we had it on 4 of our 6 screens. I think every showing of it was sold out that day too. Didn't it come out in 86? That would be 7 years. But you are correct, it was awesome. I love it too. One of my all time favourites. I thought Defenders was kinda boring. I was hoping for something better, especially with the cast. I know that a lot of people found this boring, but for me the difference was this had character development, where Defenders just had a bunch of characters. Love your list. I would add The Wicker Man (1973) Burnt Offerings (1976) And a guilty pleasure Trilogy of Terror (1975) I really like Saucony. Crocodile. Didn't care for it much. Zebra. It was ok. Kudo. Really liked it. Much better than deer or moose. Used to get bison a lot during the mad cow scare as it was cheaper. Like the steaks but not a fan of ground bison. I do think that yak is one of my favourite steaks. Running shoes. Going a little more abstract I think that one could get creative with "While the Earth Sleeps" by Peter Gabriel and Deep Forest, or even "Silent Lucidity" by Queensrÿche. You do realize that if it's a teenager, it is not pedophilia right? Sharks have been known to interbreed. Hybrid perhaps? Agree with Alexander. Ah, I thought you meant in the But yes, this is the one. The post wasn't about it being a bad performance. At least I didn't think so. Just actors not suited for the role. So yeah, the accent wasn't really suited. I didn't think he was bad. I'm not saying that he was bad, the question was roles not suited to them. I just didn't think that he was best suited for this role. I also think that about The Aviator. Not the one I'm thinking about. Been a long time, but secret island with a map and pot farmers I will add Leo Dicapro in The Beach The allegations were about conditions on the farm where they were housed I think.