hellcat1983's Replies

The entire message behind the show is that being thin doesn't make you happy? I think my post was a bit premature, feel like it's gone downhill since the Murder House episode. Last few eps were predictable and boring. Yeah it's called a difference of opinion. I would rate this show 9/10 and I didn't work on it. I loved it and I know plenty of others who feel the same. I think you're not very intelligent and neither are your friends by the sound of it. Mystery solved! You think AHS is masterful in comparison to this? You've just completely discredited your opinion with that statement. AHS had 2 good seasons and that was it. The Walking Dead is painfully boring and uneventful. Looking st your list, it seems that physchological and atmospheric horror isn't your thing, which is why this show isn't for you. Personally, I think it's one of the best shows I've watched in years, it's genuinely creepy and terrifying. For me it was clear that the character has Aspergers, which Sheldon also has. Just the OCD, mannerisms, intellect and lack of social skills are key indicators. I also have a friend with the condition so can identify it easily. Do you also find Miss Piggy attractive? I'm a fairly strong woman, I would have kicked the door through or died trying anyway. As someone who has lost a child myself, the natural thing to do in most cases is to have another child, not as a replacement but for the opportunity to become a parent again, particularly if he/she was your only child. It's the absolutely worst thing for anyone to go through and I know that some mothers cannot conceive again after a loss, which is even more heartbreaking. I'm really not sure about having a robot child, but then again the whole idea was about uploading consciousness to the synth child so that it was like a real child, so I really don't know. I agree, I feel like she didn't try hard enough. I would have broken the place down personally. Coming from the person who doesn't even understand the discussion, I will take that with a pinch of salt ;) Apologies, I just have an intolerance for stupidity. Well then you are a bit slow, the child! Sure! I thought it was a girl too. I hate this gender neutrality BS that they are trying to introduce and have done so in the Nordic countries, it's only going to confuse young kids. I have an IQ of 179, various degrees and I swear like a motherfucker, so there goes your logic! Any way for you to feed your superiority complex though... Are you 12 years old? Chubby girl? Wow! Go back under your bridge troll. Leto's joker was the worst and just an utter embarrassment. If you are actually serious, then I really feel for you. To be fair, Leto went in a terrible direction, Ace Ventura mixed with a cat.