I could swear the one guy was using a Kel-Tec shotgun when he was using a sniper rifle LMAO I think it was the main bad guy who was chasing them yes the movie had potential but just got boring I've never watch The Sopranos I do have HBO GO I may start I heard it's excellent in your opinion is it as good as Breaking Bad would I like it if I love Breaking Bad I know it's totally different but everyone says it's a great series just as good as Breaking Bad LMAO I just came on to say the same thing it sounded like a game show contestant trying to put prices on something in a timely manner Before Time expires the music like that would be playing in the background I've re watched the show like 4 times no lie It was great nice action packed and fast paced Agree sona lathan also would have been better Beyonce was just too getto LMAO I'm from Youngstown and everybody talks about how great this movie is and I'm sorry but it's just dragging really isn't even interesting I can't explain it but it's boring I'm not seeing what everyone else is I guess If you remember the guy said he didn't kill her or rape her but he was there so his DNA wouldn't be there I don't believe he was the killer but I believe he was there that's why they didn't find any DNA LMAO I actually thought it was a great movie Gintu fucha maluka gunga I thought it was good too I left I like the cast and it was just a good goddamn movie I don't know why people complain so much Wow was better but I agree similarities were crazy and Jonah hill seemed to play the same roll in this one but a lot fatter Guka puka nerd LMAO I rented it and I could tell from the get go it was horrible 1st one was good this was bad LMAO couldn't agree more it was one of the worst movies I ever seen.and I liked the original but this one was horrible 1st of all Caddyshack original cast was horrible imagine will ferrel and O'Reilly playing in this won instead of those buffoon's of old