CraigJamesReview's Replies

thanks, it will be up tonight at 7 ET. this is an interesting film experiment from Costner. May not be much at the start but I hope people stay with it as I think he has some grand bit of storytelling up his sleeve in the next couple movies, and that hopefully that will drive more people to this. Its audacious, epic filmmaking we should be encouraging so its sad that its struggling like this If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - felt this was kinda underrated, Lopez is a better dramatic actress than comedic I think it just looks like a jumble of plots right now and it was a hard introductory in trying to keep all of them and the characters straight. That said, there are some fantastic sequences in the film overall and to be honest, I think each one of the (I believe) 4 stories was far from boring (just some more underdeveloped than others) and it will be interesting to see where they go and how they intersect. This was a massive undertaking by Costner and i'm here for the duration to see how it all turns out. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - Hoping this can sprout legs in the weeks to come. It's a monumental effort and while not great yet, its a breathtaking film to see on the big screen and I think the stories are really going to intersect and get more compelling from here. The first movie in a four part thing was always going to require some patience. I just hope enough people give that to Costner cause he deserves it for this If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - Not sure i'd call it great yet but its gearing up to be a very authentic and expansive view of the shaping of the Western frontier, plus its a breathtakingly beautiful movie to look at. That people aren't supporting this vision more is disheartening. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - to be totally honest, I felt like it was hard to even make out what these two were saying some of the time. I don't know if I saw it in a bad theater with terrible sound or what but I felt like this movie required subtitles It's from the guy who made Pig, which is a plus, but the movie itself doesn't try to be much more than your standard alien invasion movie. Some suspenseful sequences, but the rest falls flat. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - I liked 1 better. Thought what it did with the characters was very creative and kinda even made me think. 2 was fine but a bit more of the same I like Rick too, also Ed Oneil. It wasn't screened for critics til last night. I'm surprised its getting the reviews its getting. Thought it was mediocre at best. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - I enjoyed, several really good performances especially. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - I love it too. Very pleasant, funny, and poignant romance and coming of age story. Plus the resort looks incredible. She has a visual eye but her storytelling leaves a lot to be desired. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - Felt the same. The whole thing just seems stale and unfunny now. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - Yeah, this guys copy him alright but I don't think you could really just copy him. He has a penchant for over the top exhibitionism all his own If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - Maybe. To be honest I can't even really remember the last one. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - It feels like a shadow of its former self. Lot of action but not very funny, overlong, and same old plot. Mostly everyone just looks older and more tired If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - The setup for this is quite good but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -