Mulletor's Replies

I'm not sure this comment has aged well. I guess I should have worded that differently. It's obvious that Kevin was their least favorite far. Buzz was their favorite child...nothing would have happened to him. Instead they probably would have locked Kevin in the basement for good measure to teach him a lesson. "Oh Alice." *disapproving headshake* Well, seeing that the episode was called "The Body".... Also that Stranger Things show sounds interesting. Hopefully they pick it up for a second season. Faridah parties like Bill Cosby! It would still work if it were a period piece set until about the mid 90s. As stated elsewhere here, before the internet and cell phones became mainstream. Would it be directed or acted correctly? That's something I wouldn't bet on. They were about to start Jr. High after that weekend. I hung out with a kid for a year and a half before jr. high all the time. Then when we started Jr High we never talked to each other because of different social cliques and it was instant. To this day I went golfing with him once, by chance because we have a bunch of other friends in common. We have both moved away from our home city and by coincidence still live in the same city. I go in to the store that he manages and we see each other and never acknowledge one another. The movie nails the concept of friends drifting apart. Easter movie! "Said the woman performing at a rib fest" This burn is still stinging 13 years later. A better analogy would be that he was doing his best Matt Frewer impression. Because Jim Carrey totally stole his schtick. You're (OP) a tool. KISS (or Knights In Satan's Service as the old people called them back in the day) are two separate bands to me. The 70s makeup stuff, and then the 2 or 3 albums they did in the 80s without the make up that doesnt get as much radio air time. "War Machine" is my favorite "Make up era" song....even if it was written by Bryan Adams. Paul Stanley's voice hit peak in the 80s. But has since fizzled out. I don't think Teddy continues to have a turbulent life given his background and demeanor. "He does odd jobs now" in his home town with a population of 1,200 or whatever it was doesn't sound that bad. He didn't do anything negative, he just didn't do much with his life. As an adult looking back you either knew a kid or were that kid or were a mix of all 4. This movie still would have worked if it were based up to about 1999. I enjoy both movies. FTARH is the more realistic one. Here else are the lot lizards going to get cleaned up? Maybe he was a one inch wonder. I mean, he did drive a Porsche golf cart.....probably over-compensating for something. It was frustrating to watch. The characters doing the opposite of logically what they should have been doing the whole movie.