pazuzu9's Replies

This has always been my favorite of the trilogy. I like the whole Rear Window style of it. It's a shame that Leon Vitali isn't around to oversee that sort of thing any more. Yeah, I've never been a fan of Cruise, but I thought he did well in this. I thought his character was convincing especially in a dream story. There's something about it that I liked. Wasn't it his personal possessions? I think it was to spur sympathy (By the viewer) for Alex, who didn't deserve sympathy. Kubrick likes to examine these things. Kinda similar to Lolita. Have you seen the Batgirl pilot? That's kind of the whole point of the movie isn't it? The generals want to sacrifice some men to take an insignificant hill to further their careers. Can't just let the soldiers do what they want. Have to keep discipline. I've never read it. A good read? How does it compare to the movie? I love Kubrick's choice on how to end the movie. You're nuttier than a cheese log :) Nope, it doesn't take much to take in the story, but I would hope it would interest viewers enough to look things up. I didn't know a thing about ancient Rome but this show inspired me to get a hold of a Teaching company lectures and also to read Colleen Mccoullough Masters of Rome novels. Really interesting stuff. Yeah, I like it too. Not a great movie but still fun. I think this movie is a lot of fun. Got to love Dennis Hopper. He cracks me up. I have more fun watching this one than the original. "Also, I think the demon wanted to get close to Father Karris." It was Father Merrin the demon wanted. Merrin had battled the demon once before in Africa so the demon wanted revenge. 1. basically a random choice but one factor would be she could be used to lure Father Merrin as the demon wanted revenge after being defeated in their previous encounter (In Africa). 2. Regan is speaking to the astronaut that Father Dyer was talking to earlier in that party scene. BTW, The astronaut is at the center of the story in The Ninth Configuration. Blatty wrote and directed that movie. It's a very good movie but not really a horror film. Blatty also wrote and directed Exorcist 3. Another very good movie and quite scary IMO. Does Bill Cosby like this movie? I've read FRWL but thanks for the other suggestions. Thanks. I'm gonna look for those.