pazuzu9's Replies

I've never seen Ordinary People. I'll have to give it a try. When asked about realism, Kubrick would say something along the lines, 'realism is good but interesting is better'. [Making movies] you're not trying to capture reality, you're trying to capture a photograph of reality - Stanley Kubrick "Everything is so dull, boring, uninteresting and it's not even realistic at all because it doesn't look at all as Vietnam! And yet some call this realistic?" You must not know Kubrick movies very well. None of his movies are realistic. When asked about realism, Kubrick said something along the lines, Realism is good but Interesting is better. It would be fun to go back to the original planet. I agree. Very spooky. That is a cool scene. I've never seen it before. Thanks for posting. "and Ridley needs to give up on the fucking android obsession. They aren't as interesting as he thinks and the ideas he explores with them are done to death. " It's ironic as the android idea in the original Alien movie was the studios idea. It didn't have a puffy lipped young girl as a protagonist. I've heard Gibson took a lot from [b]The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ[/b] as a source and inspiration. Is this true? Well, the whole Erich von Däniken Chariots of the gods thing has been around a long time. I find it silly. It was even kinda used in 2001 ASO (one of my favorite movies). That and the whole religious aspect of the movie just seemed cliche to me. The movie looks really good though and I do still watch it when I go back to the franchise (I watch them all). I'm not one of these viewers that thinks it ruined anything. I watch each movie as a standalone so I always enjoy them to varying degrees. I agree. The story is unimaginative and the characters are ridiculous. "It is heavily implied they set out on foot as soon as he could walk." No, they started on the road after the mother took her own life. The kid is about 10 IIRC. The kid had never dealt with any of the stuff they experienced on the road. It was new to him. That's why he's so clueless. This is not Mad Max. Any how, I'd like to ask you what you think this movie is about? What do you think the point of it is? You have to see him sheltered in a scene? That's silly. You're supposed to deduce from his behavior. The movie is very true to the book. It's the same story. Can you prove he wasn't sheltered?....silly question, right? Fair enough. "Though, I watched the deleted scenes on youtube and with them, this movie would make some more sense." I agree, the movie could have had more to it. The book has much more impact. There was no happy ending. The world was dying. At best, the kid hooking up with the family would allow him to live some kind if life for a while but things are never going to get better, just worse. Anyways, the central point of the story is about the love between the father and son. Why did you not like it? Well, even if it was an option, it's not the point of the story. Do you understand what the story is about? Is there anything in the movie that suggests they could travel to the coast by raft? Or that they even have access to a raft? I mean, where do you get this idea? Building a raft? Sounds like you really didn't pay attention. This movie deserves more than one watch.